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Fox News Outraged: 'Nightline' to Pay Tribute to Fallen Troops on Tonight's Show

The Sir

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On tonight's show they'll be showing the names and pictures of the U.S. troops that have died in Iraq.

Some people are criticizing Ted Koppel and ABC because they are paying tribute to the troops killed in Iraq.

I was watching Fox News today and I found it pretty funny. They were calling Ted Koppel "unpatriotic" because he's honoring the troops that have died in Iraq. They said that he declined an interview but had time to go on the liberal Air America radio station. Which they said clearly showed that he is against the war. So because he only had the time to do an interview with the liberal Air America, but not the conservative Fox News, it means he's anti-war.

edit: The article I posted deals more with the decision of some ABC stations to not air tonight's episode of Nightline. It's a pretty interesting article and definitely worth a read.


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Because he's not honoring troops killed in Afghanistan also(only like a 136 in combat, maybe 2-300 overall) Why?

You figure it out.

MORE importantly, earlier in the day he was at a conference or dinner and was bashing the administration's Iraq policies(maybe the war itself) Hardly a nonpartisan "honoring" of the war dead.

Like Vietnam, the left doesn't really care about the deaths of our soldeirs(maybe the just left of center) but instead uses the deaths to influence the greater mass of centrists, rightists and undecideds.

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No Afganistan names

Already been out and about bashing the war in Iraq and the Adminstration

To my knowledge, has never done a show on what is going good in Iraq.

So tell me again about this "tribute"

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Well, if the confessions from the Jordanian captures are true--Zarqawi(AQ) was in Iraq BEFORE 9/11 training people in chem weapons usage.

There is also a plethora of articles from 99-00-01 that speak of a Bin Laden-Iraq connection. Of course, this will be ignored by the critics rather than reasonably debated.

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I'm a veteran and a skin's fan and I've been over there and I've lost fellow brothers over there. One thing I've come to realize is no matter what the media might think and opinion they may spit forth, I am a soldier and I will serve with the memory of those who have gone before me. I appreciate all the support shown here at the greatest of all fan sights. Thank you, and thank Extreme' for being here also.


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It goes like this:

He bashes bush and the war 3 days earlier

He doesnt show the Afgan heros

And he tweaks the music and makes it somber instead of arm raising salute music.

Thats what you are getting. = Propogarbage

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I think that this is a great thing to do to honor the troops. This has nothing to do with basing the war. Ted said he would do every war if he had the time too. I think the stations that backed out are weak.

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Did anyone watch it? I watched a show ladt night which was focusing on American soldiers lost in combat, and it was very tastefully done. I don't know if it's the same show, but from what I caught of it, they interviewed the families and talked about the soldiers lives. It was a very fitting tribute, and very well thought out.

I'm finding it increasingly partisian, espically when other military don't want to see a show celebrating the life and heroism of our fallen soldiers. There is a lot of hipocracy being floated around here with political overtones, but some times I can delineate from the partisain BS and support whats right. This was very tastefully done, very well written and a fitting tribute to uor American soldiers who have made the ultimate sacrifice for my family and friends. Those who think it was a partasain show ment to skew political viewpoints are wrong. It was a tribute to fallen soldiers abd their legacy.

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so the people against how you would you feel if you can hear Ted speak about one of your loved ones, that is what I thought. Forget this Dem and Rep crap, these are american lives we are talking can we put the politics away just to remember who died.

This is what is wrong this country. Your elephant or donkey flag to some are more important then the US flag :doh:

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Originally posted by Johnny 'Luscious' Punani

This show also was purposely sched to be shown on the one yr anniversary of Pres Bush's speech ending military action in Iraq. This is nothing but pure propaganda geared to shift sentiment against the war.

You may be right but how effective do you really think this tribute was? I mean, daily news coverage of new soldiers being killed and injured is much more effective in turning public opinion against the war don't you think?

I caught the tail end of the show. Just names and info and faces being read off.

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Originally posted by jbooma

I think that this is a great thing to do to honor the troops. This has nothing to do with basing the war. Ted said he would do every war if he had the time too. I think the stations that backed out are weak.

Yea right come on Ted you don't have the time to read the names of the fallen in any other place than Iraq? Geez the liberal media elite think that everyone else is just plain ignorant & dumb. What a farce Koppel is. This is as transparent as it comes. Mr. Lefty may not wear his political stripes on his sleeve as some do but believe they are there.

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Originally posted by jbooma

so the people against how you would you feel if you can hear Ted speak about one of your loved ones, that is what I thought. Forget this Dem and Rep crap, these are american lives we are talking can we put the politics away just to remember who died.

This is what is wrong this country. Your elephant or donkey flag to some are more important then the US flag :doh:

JB, ya damn statist--it's fine as long as he covers Afghanistan too. For some of us, Iraq is but one front in the same war(others might not agree, but that's another debate) I mean, Afghanistan's list of combat casualties(or even overall casualties) isn't that big--why not do something for those guys? It's not like no Americans have been killed there since 2002--Pat Tillman, hello?

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Originally posted by Ghost of Joe Bibbs

JB, ya damn statist--it's fine as long as he covers Afghanistan too.

Why don't you come back to this earth and wake up. Afghanistan was not a real war. It was a quick military operation, not a war. Iraq is a war since we brought the big units with us.

I thought he was going to mention Afghanistan anyway. Ted even said if he had time he would do all the wars. So what deep down inside this is something political. I don't the family members are going to think that for one second when he talks about their dead children.

Why don't you just grow up for once. Calling me a statist is like calling Art a liberal. One it isn't true, second you have no clue what my beliefs are. So stop while you are ahead and forget about yourself for once and think what other people might think.

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