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oh my god this is tooo funny!!


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This from Trevor Walters:


Stupidest Comment - Steve Mariucci of the Lions, who by all accounts had a great draft and overall off-season, said, and I am paraphrasing, that he feels that the offensive line is much stronger with the additions of Damien Woody (no argument here) and, get this, David Loverne. Yes, David Loverne. For those who have forgotten, through therapy or by simple good fortune, David Loverne used to be a member of the Redskins line. Remember? David Loverne is possibly the worst offensive lineman this author has ever seen in the NFL. He couldn't stop a three-legged kitten were he armed with a fully loaded musket. Honestly, Detroit would be better served by replacing the number on the front of his jersey with the phrase "push to open". Damien Woody will indeed make the Lions line immediately better, but there is more blocking skill in a tube of toothpaste than in David Loverne. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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I recall hearing during the draft that when talking about the lions, they mentioned woody AND loverne multiple times...at first I wasnt sure it was the same loverne but soon realized it was... man they are in for a surprise... just like the rams were LOL

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Big Daddy had Porcher on the same D line. He was fine as a skin. He got most the double teams. Which was his job. He played a lot better when Gardener was next to him.

Considering the Lions best lineman two yrs ago was Brendan Stai (and he then signed with the skins and played.) and they had noone else. Loverne was an upgrade when you consider they played against the weakest front sevens (NFC North) in the league and still could not run the ball last year.

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Originally posted by sammino

I recall hearing during the draft that when talking about the lions, they mentioned woody AND loverne multiple times...at first I wasnt sure it was the same loverne but soon realized it was... man they are in for a surprise... just like the rams were LOL

I heard that to. I said "you gotta be kidding me".

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i'm just glad we get to play them...maybe we'll be able to get some pressure on the qb from out d line...they just get to move by him and pick up a couple of sacks

Man if he's playing that's gonna make the Dl actually look like it has a pass rush....

Gonna have to put an asterisk next to the sack total this year; ("95% of the sacks were earned in one game against the Lions and Loverne.")

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Ahh yes. David Loverne & Shirley.

It's my personal belief that Snyder's decision to come after the Jets roster last season was direct retribution for the Jets duping the Skins into swapping 5th round draft picks with the Jets in exchange for the rights to Loverne.

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Originally posted by Flowtrain

Ahh yes. David Loverne & Shirley.

It's my personal belief that Snyder's decision to come after the Jets roster last season was direct retribution for the Jets duping the Skins into swapping 5th round draft picks with the Jets in exchange for the rights to Loverne.


From what I've read, the Lions are still looking for help at the position. They're not THAT dumb...

right? :rolleyes:

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