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For the sake of sanity!


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pls pls plsssss no more threads am gettin tired, sick, frustrated, by "Draft Taylor" "trade Taylor", draft Tommie Harris and package him and Gibbs to .... for .... men! I cant wait for tomorrow.


the threads I especially wish i could delete r "draft this, trade this for dat and draft dat and trade this and half of that for him, and then trade HIM for a glass of koolaid, please!

men how many hours 2 go? :D

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Psssssst. I got a trade I wanna run by you.:laugh:

Seriously man, this is kids stuff compared to what goes on in the war rooms. Don't fall for this nonsense about how conservative things really are in the NFL this time of year and how crazy the boards are by comparison.

Sometimes rumors are just things made up...sometimes there's some substance. It's all a matter of how much. :2cents:

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the funny thing is that i hate all the treads about do this do that in the draft and after i read them i want to stab myself, but then the next thing i do is read the next thread about the same thing. it's just too damn tempting not to

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I agree, in that I can do without all of the wild speculation. There are way too many posts that repeat the same arguments. But everyone has to deal with the pre-draft hype and stress in their own way.

Do what I do, respond to the threads you find interesting and ignore the rest.

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Originally posted by Die Hard

What's truly odd is Joe Gibbs only really has 3 draft picks to play with and 2 of them aren't of much value. All this commotion for a single pick.

Can you imagine when Gibbs has an entire arsenal of draft picks? :)

I shudder to think. At least if we trade down this year and grab some more picks, we won't have chewed them to death beforehand. We can just do that later. :cool:

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