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Today's ESPN Sportscenter NFL Draft Special and who the Redskins should draft.......


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They were talking about the top five teams and who they should draft and thus, began with the Redskins

They asked Mel Kiper Jr. 1st, and then Mark Shlereth(sp) and Sean Salsbury all wieghted and said that between U. of Miami S Sean Taylor and U. of Miami TE Kellen Winslow Jr the Redskins should take...............

Sean Taylor

They all said that the Redskins will need a strong presense in the secondary and that Taylor will be able to handle big TEs like Shockey

Shlereth and Salsbury also said that in a Joe Gibbs offense, that he will use as many as 4 TEs in a season, and none will get the 80+ catches that a TE like Winslow would expect to get, so he would not be a good fit in DC

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Kellen Winslow Sr. did in 1980, 89 & 1981, 88. Gibbs during his time in Washington never had a weapon like KW2, he would modify his O to use him as a threat. I still can't figure out why people don't think Joe Gibbs plays to his players strengths.

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Guys getting paid to do this, say the best pick for us is SEAN TAYLOR.

But for some reason people on this website think that Taylor would be a "wasted pick"

I can only hope we take Sean Taylor, because he is the best defensive player i've ever seen at this stage in his career.

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Originally posted by DUSTINMFOX

wasn't Gibbs a linebacker coach in San Diego?

My Career

One major process God took me through was being able to trust Him with my career. I had wanted to be a head coach for so long. That had been my drive, my goal. Giving that desire over to the Lord didn't come easy. At times I wanted to be a head coach more than I wanted God or even my family. It was during one of those times that God began to change my heart. In 1978, my first year as the offensive coordinator for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, I just knew I was one step away from being a head coach. That was until we finished the season 4 and 12 - the first unsuccessful program I'd ever been a part of. After that season, Don Coryell got the head job with the Chargers, and I prayed, "Lord, don't have him call me unless you want me to go." Don called me the next day and offered me a job. The only problem was that the job was not as the offensive coordinator. I would have to be a backfield coach - go backwards in my career - and work under another assistant coach. My pride got in the way, and it really bothered me. I prayed about it and took the job but had no peace about it. So I decided to go see George back in Arkansas, I got on a plane, but a snowstorm prevented me from making it to Fayetteville. I started asking God Why? Why are you doing this to me? After we got back to the airport in Fort Smith, I noticed a Bible sitting around so I picked it up and turned to the first chapter of James. Out of nowhere, a young guy about my age tapped me on the shoulder and said, "I claimed those verses in that chapter about six months ago." I said, "Really?" And without me saying a word this guy rattled off a story that paralleled mine almost exactly. He had the job that he'd always wanted, lost it and tried everything he could to get it back. Then God, in His timing, gave it back to him. This was no coincidence! God brought this guy into my life to show me what I needed to do. After boarding the plane, I prayed, "God, all my life I've wanted to be a head football coach, but I'm going to leave that up to you this time. From now on, I'm putting my career in your hands." I went to San Diego, and within two weeks the offensive coordinator left, opening the position for me. Two years later I became the head coach of the Washington Redskins.


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Love it...hope they take Sean Taylor and we can all be happy when TO comes over the middle about to make a touchdown grab and gets knocked on his arse so hard that snot bubbles come out. Then Taylor can pull out his black marker and and autograph "psssssssssssssss" on TO's helmet....cuz thats what we'll be doing all year with a big stud, mammoth safety, pissing on everybody.

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Originally posted by Griff

Kellen Winslow Sr. did in 1980, 89 & 1981, 88. Gibbs during his time in Washington never had a weapon like KW2, he would modify his O to use him as a threat. I still can't figure out why people don't think Joe Gibbs plays to his players strengths.

So true, Griff! When Gibbs was first hired he was supposed to give us the "Air Coryell" offense all over again. But Joe evaluated the strengths of the team he inherited and he created "The Riggo Drill". If Winslow is the pick, Joe will make the necessary adjustments to use Winslow to full effect.

It doesn't really matter if you beat the other team 38-35 or 10-6; just win, Baby! Both Winslow and Taylor are great players. I don't see how we can go too far wrong by picking either one of them. Besides, the decision may be made for us by the time we pick.


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Originally posted by Disco Dave

sweetness09 that was the best remark i have seen in a while. that was great.

Yes, that was quite a vision. But I have to tip my hat to T.O. for dancing on the star at midfield in Texas Stadium after scoring a Touchdown against Dallas. That was his best showboat move ever! Why didn't a Redskins player think to do it first? That could have been one of my all-time favorite highlights.


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I like Taylor also. Tommie Harris also looked pretty good when they broke him down on the show. Sounds like he has his ducks in a row. Whatever the pick we should be getting a potential superstar. Just hope that he has a super attitude to go with super ability.

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Griff thanks and bless you!

That story even lets me know something about my career change. Three tries in 3 years, and now I am finally getting somewhere. It's that crossroads where the critical decision is made to continue, accepting the lesser until you climb with faith or saying No, just cause it wasn't all the marbles. What a humbling story by Joe Gibbs!

First time I saw that. Thanks :D

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Originally posted by TC4

Shlereth and Salsbury also said that in a Joe Gibbs offense, that he will use as many as 4 TEs in a season, and none will get the 80+ catches that a TE like Winslow would expect to get, so he would not be a good fit in DC

I'm not advocating drafting Winslow, but I think Schlereth and Salisbury are really short-changing Gibbs' coaching ability with those comments. Technically, there's really no such thing as a "Gibbs offense". Throughout Gibbs' first reign with the Skins, his offenses changed frequently and were always adapted in order to get optimal use out of the talent available.

If Gibbs had a player like Winslow, he would think of at least 1500 ways to use him.

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Originally posted by Skins26

I can only hope we take Sean Taylor, because he is the best defensive player i've ever seen at this stage in his career.

Remember when you were 14 and you said the same thing about Lavar Arrington? Heady days, heady days...

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Originally posted by Skins26

I can only hope we take Sean Taylor, because he is the best defensive player i've ever seen at this stage in his career.

Not me, Champ Bailey and Charles Woodson were better in college as defensive players. Heck, I'd even venture to say LaVar was better.

Taylor's good though. I wouldn't mind having his name called. If we're trying to decide between the two UM players, I'd say that other teams would relish being in that position (IE the Lions, who will only have one to choose from when we're done).

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