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Tech question: Tivo networked to PC


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To my tech savvy fellow skins fans: Anyone have any experience with networking a Tivo to their PC? i.e., for additional storage, burning DVDs?

I'm definitely getting DirectTV/NFL Sunday Ticket this year to catch all of the Second Era of Gibbs -- trying to decide if it's worth it to get a Tivo/DirectTV combo or not.

If it's doable to network Tivo and burn next season's games to DVD for the sake of posterity, I'll do it. If it's a pain in the heiney, I'll probably skip the Tivo and just get vanilla DirectTV/NFLST.


:dallasuck :eaglesuck :gaintsuck

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The thing that really irks me is that you can record a digital source (DirecTv) using Tivo, which you can play back at your leisure. However the minute you try to transfer that same digital content on to a DVD it's first converted to analog (reduction in quality) before being converted back to digital for storage on the DVD.

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Yeah I think after digging into this issue a bit deeper -- I may try and add a Linux boot partition to my computer and just play around with Linux and MythTV or Freevo. See how that works out. I'll keep y'all posted :)

But anyways -- Kurp do you have your Tivo networked to your computer? Do you burn DVDs on your PC from it?

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I don't have Tivo. By refusing to buy the unit I'm using the only avenue I have as a consumer to protest the constraints placed on copying source material.

The issue is illegal distribution of copyright material in its original digital format. The movie, television, and music industry have handcuffed the consumer from rightfully copying that material for personal use. In other words, all consumers are presumed to want to illegally distribute digital content by the media industry.

Harddrives have a finite capacity. Ergo, if you want to keep a particular program in its digital format for an infinite period you are faced with swapping harddrives or worse, swapping PVR machines just so you don't overright that material you wish to keep.

The current technology sucks. It penalizes the law-abiding consumer. I will not reward the makers of PVR machines for caving into the media industry by purchasing their products.

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jpillian - you should know that the Home Media Option (networking) is not available with DirecTV DVRs right now. It might be by the end of the year, but not right now.

As far as recording to permanent media, yeah, you have to settle for analog right now.

Unless you are willing to resort to hacking. :):evil:

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I have a Tivo with DirecTV. You don't have the option with it to network it to another drive. Which sucks for me. I have about 30 Inuyasha episodes (anime on Cartoon Network at night) on my Tivo now, and I have to spend all that time taping them to cassette in order to keep them around. Sucks, but it's the only way to do it right now.

Other then that...Tivo is the best thing since the television was invented. I get to watch everything I want, even though I work at night, and no commercials....it's great.

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