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What to do with all the receivers?


Gibbs will screw the pooch and, being a draft GENIUS, heres how:  

62 members have voted

  1. 1. Gibbs will screw the pooch and, being a draft GENIUS, heres how:

    • Gibbs will trade all 3 picks for rights to re-sign Kenny Watson.
    • With #5 pick, Gibbs mistakenly picks Japanese Sumo star Konichiwan Udezekabo to anchor his new D Line
    • In hypoglycemic fog, Gibbs proclaims 'give us any sons of bitches you want, I'm a GOD and we WILL WIN!'
    • Gibbs foregoes draft, brings back Riggins, Sonny, and Dexter Manley, who all agree to play for an undisclosed amount of Bud Light
    • In sudden bout of remorse, Coach Gibbs donates all of Washington's picks to the Jets. Snyder proclaims 'They'll be here in a year or two anyway - and at a bargain!'
    • Redskins trade picks for 'future considerations'. To make up for loss of new talent, Lavar Arrington announces he will play guard, tight end, running back, and punt. Arrington proudly displays his new contract (written on a napkin) for a 'gazillion-schmillion dollars'.
    • Redskins select a stud defensive lineman.
    • Redskins don't sign a stud defensive lineman.
    • Snyder announces he'll defer to 'those smug bastards at extremeskins.com' in this years draft. Art selects Kellen Winslow AND Sean Taylor with the #5 pick. No one in the NFL's front office has the balls to argue.
    • I'll get back to you later on this poll Tarhog. However, rest assured, Gibbs blew it big-time, I just haven't figured out quite how yet!

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Coles, Gardner, McCants, Taylor, Thrash, Russell (i havent heard a word out of him this offseason)

Who is going to be traded or cut?

or are we goin to keep all of them?

and who is going to come after coles on the depth chart?

just wanted to see what you all thought:cheers:

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Gardner IMO is a possible trade candidate for a pick as his contract ends in 2005 and it is unlikely that having signed McCants to a three year deal that we are going to extend Rod at a comparable salary to what he could get elsewhere.

What I don't know is how much the staff really likes Taylor Jacobs as a potential starter down the road.

If Gibbs and Co. really are enamored of Jacobs, who many were projecting to be a #1 pick, then it would seem trading Gardner for a pick where we could grab a DL, MLB or S might be the way to go.

Bringing Thrash back to the organization gives the Redskins more flexibility in this regard.

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it seems like Gardner will be here as long as his contract will allow him to, if hes not traded first. Either way, hes not gonna be here in 3 years. I like him a lot, but I guess we may as well trade him while he still has potential. Jacobs will become a star wideout i feel, until then its up to McCants and Thrash to take the 3rd role for now.

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I think Russell is in serious trouble. He should get pushed in camp by Cloman. Another wasted pick. While trading Gardner is an option, I'm not sure I would do it now because it doesn't look like anyone else on the roster is ready to start at #2.

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I would hate to see rod go

he seems like a perfect number two receiver and i do think mccants is overrated...but jacobs may be even more overrated

i know he had alot of hype in the draft but he has yet to realy prove himself

and i cant help but question the thrash aquisition unless we trade Gardner soon

but one thing is for sure... coles will dominate:point2sky :point2sky

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I hope that we don't trade Gardner. Everybody behind him is green as grass, and one of them can probably step up and be #3, but not #2.

Coles, Gardner, and McCants/Jacobs has the makings of an outstanding WR corps. Coles and McCants is questionable.

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