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Leave of absense...


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My brain is offically fried. I feel like someone's been beating me with a dummy stick since this stupid sprind vacation started. I'm tired of it. I need a break. This just isn't fun at all anymore. I'm not having fun arguing, I'm not arguing. My intrenal clock needs batteries again cuz of dayligh losin time or whatever people call. I've been waking up at like 5 in the morning, can't stay up past 10:30 without feelin like someone sucked the life of me. Gone. i'm through. I need a break. Leave of absense. Maybe its lack of kol-aid in my system. Or maybe its stress.

I'm tired of Iraq, the upcoming draft, ignorance, boredom, dammit I'm sick of it. Shoot, i used to not curse, but now that my brains about to explode i can't even think straight. I'm walkin dead ya'll. I'm tired of the same old same old. I'm takin a change of scenery.

This will be my last post until after the draft. Hell, I'm not even coming onto this site. Hopefully I can wake up from this horrible nighmare and get back to being me. Right now I feel like gobbel-de-guk. And to help cure the pain, I'm actaully taking a semi-vacation.

First off, I'm spending the night over at my girlfriends house on Friday. If that doesn't help, I don't know what will. :) I plan to be back on Easter, but not to Extremeskins just yet. Maybe after the draft. Maybe after the mini-camps. Maybe after June 1st. No doubt about it I won't be around to see anymore thread about how all of ya'll want to draft or think we should draft. I'm through with that mess. I'm just goin to take this time to try and clear my head. A lots been goin on with me lately that doesn't entirely have to do with this site. I'll be back. You have my word on that. But I need a serious timeout.

Wish me luck. Peace out.

PS: I'm still on for that Winslow bet, so don't take this as me trying to get out of having that sleezy arvatar dress. I'm smarter then that. At least I think I am. :twitch:

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