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Anyone have a description of Redskins One?


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A portion of Len Passthejelly's latest whining about how exciting the Redskins' off-seeason is again this year ...


"A supplication here: If you happen to be sitting in the Nashville airport, and Redskins One, the team's private jet rolls up on the tarmac and, say, Jevon Kearse wanders by, give us a call. The last time an anonymous tipster alerted us to the whereabouts of Redskins One, he was sitting at a tiny airstrip in Concord, N.C. on New Year's Eve. Somehow, even armed with that vital information, we couldn't connect the dots between Snyder and Gibbs. We'll do better this time, honest, if you call with a tip-off."

If anyone has information that we could all use to make our "tips" seem legitimate, we could help send Lenny-boy's minions all over the country.

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Originally posted by Zen-like Todd

It doesn't matter. Snyder recently installed Klingon cloaking technology.

That would be ROMULAN cloaking technology

Remember, the Klingons got it from thr Romulans

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