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Why not Brad Johnson??


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Originally posted by WM_Marylander

I figure I'd post this idea for kicks... Especially since he's been run out of town.

Though... with Tampa looking to add someone here or there "supposibly"... you never know who's available or not.

tell me your joking?

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What is wrong with Ramsey? As a hated Cowboys fan, I would take him in a heartbeat. Gibbs will protect him and make sure he is upright at the end of the game. I think your Skins need what the Cowboys do, a legit HB. You have WR's, a good QB, spotty O-line and and no threat at RB.

Just so you know, I won't be a smacker, just here for the cartoons from John.

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I could see that happening, and I wouldnt be opposed to bring Brad back. I could break his jersey out again. He would fit in well, team guy, would push Pat, and probably settle in at backup. I think he'd be a great mentor for young Pat and he still has a couple of years left. If put on the field, I believe he'd be a solid starter. Nowhere near the arm strength as Pat, but a quality qb nonetheless.

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Brad Johnson simply does not have the arm needed to run the Gibbs type offense IMO. If Gibbs sticks to the form that has brought him success before there will be a lot of running setting up the deep play action pass. That’s exactly Johnson’s weakness, the deep ball.

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OH Hellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll no. Brad "Opie Taylor-crybaby-spaghetti arm" Johnson wouldn't start for Towson State at this point. No one with a millionth of a brain would want that pathetic oaf to quarterback the Redskins. Let the Cowboys have him.

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That's what I was thinking, JMJ. I thought it was Dan Snyder that pushed for Jeff George and basically ran him out of town. If so, why would he want to come back.

And honestly, I don't really want him back. I'd rather have Jay Fiedler and his patented 4 interception games at this point.

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Rypien never had a strong arm, what is DG-Skinsmann thinking. He said he had touch on the deep ball, that takes arm strength. The only reason Rypien's arm isn't discussed heavily is because Theisman and D. William (Rickey Sanders said he still has scars on his chest from the crosses left by Doug's passes)

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Do you really think BJ has the arm strength of Schreoder (spelling?)? I was watching a 1986 49er vs Skins last night which was a Monday night game and we were 8-2 and the Giants were leading the division at 9-2. Schreoder had a definite cannon. I didn't see alot of games back then because I was an Army Officer serving in Korea but I was definitely impressed with his gun. BJ isn't even close to JS in my opinion. Pull out some old tapes. I actually watched two games last night.

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