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Pasquereli's piece of crap story is the last straw!!!


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It looks like Pastabelly's trying to cause some big time problems at Redskins Park!!!


I'm at the point now where I wish there was no news coverage whatsoever of this stuff. Keep me in the dark. Let me remain blissfully ignorant of the things which I can't influence.

I'm going into hibernation for awhile. This is roller coaster ride is getting a little bit out of control.

Wake me up only AFTER the deal either falls through or gets done. Then and only then I'll have a comment to make. Everything in between is just rank speculation and bull poo.

For now I've got more important matters to attend to. After all there are plenty of farm animals and inflatable latex maidens that urgently need my attention.


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BCS I hate to say it but where there is smoke, there normally is fire.

No one knows what is going on. Gibbs could have easily today give Ramsey the support to make other teams have to give up more for him. Who knows?? We won't know for a couple of weeks at least. The one thing I don't like this is being reported from everyone not just ESPN.

I guess like Art says we keep quiet in dealing with players :doh:

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That fat piece of crap is stilled pissed that he didn't break the Gibbs hiring.

These morons throw any story out there and hope that it sticks.

They should be ashamed to be called journalists. Any knucklehead can fabricate a story. It's getting out of hand.

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First off none of us have no clue what is going on. BG could be defending Pat because he is family, blood comes before water. Do you think also an agent would want Pat to say anything anyway even if they were thinking of a trade? Come on now this is a business. We all want Pat to stay but we are all pawns in this and only time will tell what happens.

Agents have been known to force trades before. I am not saying this will happen but we just don't know.

I respect BG from coming on but I also respect him if he doesn't tell us everything because of Pat.

Like I said before let's just see what happens. Hopefully it will work out for everyone.

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After all the hand wringing and gnashing of teeth over the Ramsey and Brunell situation,then the statement of Bayou that basically settled alot of the fearful down,it strikes me as being absolutely hilarious that Lenny P. can write an article spewing basically the same crap and have all the fearful swallow it again hook,line and sinker.

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Originally posted by DieselPwr44

it strikes me as being absolutely hilarious that Lenny P. can write an article spewing basically the same crap and have all the fearful swallow it again hook,line and sinker.

You're not alone on that.

BCS, is there any more room in that hibernation cave of yours?

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Originally posted by BCS: BlindCanSee

Plenty of room in the cave-- just make sure you stay on your side of the bed. I love ya, but I don't love ya. ;)

Good, I'd hate to have you emerge from there calling yourself Big ****y Sucker.:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

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The Post is now confirming at least half of this. They do their own speculation as well in the article.

Fellas, I love you, you're my fellow Redskins fans. And I mean this in the nicest possible way I can say it without mincing words.

Grow a set. I swear to freakin' God. Every time a story comes out that is not perceived as good news, people freak. Someone here is implying they hate him so much they'd attack the guy because of some stuff he wrote. If fans of other message boards read some of this crap, they'd think this was a board of girlie men.

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