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ESPN proud they revealed Skins plans


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Here's the whole story:


But here's the incriminating evidence:

"But the Redskins' plans were revealed Saturday by ESPN.com. The result: Other teams interested in getting their hands on Brunell, but hoping the Jaguars would release him before he is due a March 1 roster bonus of $2 million, have entered the fray because they now realize the only way to get him is via a trade.

Much to the chagrin of the Redskins, who wanted to consummate a trade before other teams realized what was happening, they're up against many Brunell competitors."

I would call this some "disguised gloating"... :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by AzSkinsFan63

First of all someone explain to me how this wasn't going to be leaked in the next 30 days...:laugh:

No way it would have been leaked without Pastabelly's unbelievably sneaky detective work!! Just as he was able to leak the Gibbs comeback story... oh wait...

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the Redskins evidently have offered a #2 pick, which I think is fair for a 33 year old with a recent history of injury.

If the Dolphins or Chargers want to up the ante and give up a #1 or two #2 picks, let 'em :)

We have a backup plan with Ramsey and they don't :D

Miami has ZERO at quarterback right now after having failed in attempts to fit the bill with Brian Griese, Ray Lucas, Cade McNown, etc....in recent years.

Jay Fiedler? He was Brunell's backup in Jacksonville for a reason :)

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Originally posted by ramseyskins

No way it would have been leaked without Pastabelly's unbelievably sneaky detective work!! Just as he was able to leak the Gibbs comeback story... oh wait...

Your joking right? Jacksonville leaked it to the other teams, they are the ones who will gain here.

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the Redskins evidently have offered a #2 pick, which I think is fair for a 33 year old with a recent history of injury.

It's been reported the Skins offered a mid round draft pick, (though it was speculated that at first it was a #2). The Jags said they have had offers for a 2nd round pick from an "unnamed" **Cough BS Cough** team.

I wouldn't doubt since other teams have heard this, that the ante has raised, but that doesn't mean the Skins will offer more than that mid-rounder. The past two years haven't been fools in the off season.

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Originally posted by jbooma

Your joking right? Jacksonville leaked it to the other teams, they are the ones who will gain here.


Why in the world would I actually say Pastabelly was "unbelievably sneaky"? And he was pathetically behind in the Gibbs comeback.

Stupid pastabelly.....

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Originally posted by ramseyskins


"Those naysayers who suggest the game has passed by Joe Gibbs may have to eat their words."

Look at him trying to distance himself from his own damn article. Either that or he's proud of being a hypocrite. What an ass....

I agree. Unless him and Vinny are buds again ;)

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This is very interesting .. but whoever said that a 2nd round pick is fair for Brunell, I must disagree:

First, Snyder is known for offering very high up front instead of low balling like many teams do, so that the target acquisition doesn't hesitate or delay the process. Look how fast he acquired Gibbs, Coles, and backed Gibbs acquisition of Gregg Williams....

I think that Jacksonville realized that they have nothing to lose by leaking the information and that they could possible reel in more than what some teams were offering for a trade. In most situations where there is a strong prospect of a player being released, teams usually don't offer high or even mid round draft choices if they can just bid for the player's services via free agency. They will have to renegotiate his contract anyhow, so they may as well keep the draft pick.

Second, I agree with what was earlier posted regarding Jacksonville's bs attempts at claiming higher draft picks ... Now they are saying that they fully expect a first round draft pick for Brunell ... this tells me that they are pulling off a huge sales job.

I hope that we don't mortgage our ability to vastly improve our DL due to cap issues.

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It's also interesting that Brunell drove Gibbs to the hospital, which probably gave them even more time to chat in a rather more personal mannner than they wouldn't have over just dinner. I wonder if the thought ever crossed Brunell's mind, "I'm in the same car as Joe Gibbs!" Being at the age to have seen and remember Gibbs' games, I am sure this may be a factor in where Brunell may go. (Well, perhaps this is a naive thought, though...)

I dunno, even if Ramsey DID sit on the bench for a season or two, I don't think he will come out of the experience as a worse quarterback. Though I think Ramsey will compete well if Brunell is brought into the fold, holding the clipboard, while learning from coach Gibbs and Brunell wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing for him. You can look at QB's, like Pennington, and see that he learned from his time on the bench. Also, Brunell has trouble staying healthy, and even if he did start, we know Ramsey will take the field as a starter soon enough. I have that much faith in Ramsey's abilities, as well as the probability of an NFL QB staying healthy for an entire season.

And, no, this does not mean that I think, or want, Ramsey to be the backup quarterback, but I just don't think it would be the end of the world, or his career, for him. And judging from his brother's post, such a situation wouldn't crush Ramsey - he is not a wilting flower, and seems tough mentality. Thus, all in all, I don't think the Brunell situation is the worse, for either the team or Ramsey. Either we get a good backup QB, or Ramsey gets in a situation to learn even further, and, in short time, will probably get to start once again.


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Originally posted by bulldog

the Redskins evidently have offered a #2 pick, which I think is fair for a 33 year old with a recent history of injury.

If the Dolphins or Chargers want to up the ante and give up a #1 or two #2 picks, let 'em :)

We have a backup plan with Ramsey and they don't :D

Miami has ZERO at quarterback right now after having failed in attempts to fit the bill with Brian Griese, Ray Lucas, Cade McNown, etc....in recent years.

Jay Fiedler? He was Brunell's backup in Jacksonville for a reason :)

Well, Miami doesn't have a #2 to give up and I think Brunell is much more enamored with Gibbs than the Chargers. Dallas doesn't look like they want to part with their #2. I think it's going to come down to a choice between San Diego and us. And guess what I see in my crystal ball? :fortune:

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Somewhere, in a back room in an NFL team's office, someone is sitting back today -- feet up on the desk and toking on a big old cigar -- smiling quietly to himself at the notion that ESPN has actually gone public bragging on the notion that IT did the playing.

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Originally posted by Om

Somewhere, in a back room in an NFL team's office, someone is sitting back today -- feet up on the desk and toking on a big old cigar -- smiling quietly to himself at the notion that ESPN has actually gone public bragging on the notion that IT did the playing.

Maybe Vinny is smart afterall :laugh:

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