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Originally posted by Ghost Who Talks

He is???

Yes, He mentioned Brunell and Gibbs meeting on Monday and they mentioned "What does that mean for Patrick Ramsey"? As implying he could be gone. They then showed a clip of Gibbs talking about Ramsey being excited about getting started and him having to throw cold water on him to calm him down.

HE then said something to the effect of we will keep on top of this situation...

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By "he" he means Levan Reid, the anchor. Not Gregg Williams or Gibbs.

So far, they've talked about the defense, and Matt Bowen. They had Matt on there for a quick minute, but the segment didn't give much insight on anything in particular, just the same ol' "we've got some good players" yadda yadda. I think they just throw Redskins on the screen so people like you and I will tune in and get a quick fix.

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Originally posted by Johnny Punani

Yes, did you hear what he said? He mentioned Brunell and Gibbs meeting on Monday and they mentioned "What does that mean for Patrick Ramsey"? As implying he could be gone.

So how'd he respond to that????

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Originally posted by The Rejuvenated Fitzman

Eh, just a recap of his press conference earlier this week. Levan Reid basically misrepresented the appearance on the news, saying "we'll have Gregg Williams on Sports Plus next".


Just so I'm not reading this worng did you get the feeling that when he was talking about the Brunell trade he implyed that something could happen to Ramsey(ala trade).

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Don't get too worked up about what Levan Reid says regarding any Ramsey trade. He's been in town for a very short time, he isn't hooked into any sources and he really has no clue about what's going on. He's the last person to listen to if you want an informed opinion.

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Originally posted by Johnny Punani


Just so I'm not reading this worng did you get the feeling that when he was talking about the Brunell trade he implyed that something could happen to Ramsey(ala trade).

Nope, Reid just repeated what we've already heard about the the Skins trading the second-rounder for Brunell straight up. Even the Junkies (who are on now) recognize that Gibbs will want to keep both Brunell and Ramsey

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Chris Mortensen mentioned that the Redskins may be in the market to shop Ramsey if the deal for Brunnell goes through during an interview at the Pro Bowl this evening. There are several other threads discussing the horror of this right now.

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I'm starting to wish we had a GM.

We need defense not a 34 yo QB that got kicked to the curb by Jax when they had the sense to go to and groom a great young QB in the making.

Champs not resigned the d line and safety spots are a joke and we are wasting cap room and a valuable 2nd round pick.

I really hope the deal falls thru and miami snags him forcing us to sign for the vet minimum and no picks J Blake to be the backup

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