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SC: Marino quits 'Fins front office positions


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MIAMI (AP) — Dan Marino resigned as senior vice president of the Miami Dolphins on Tuesday, only three weeks after accepting a job to return to the team he quarterbacked for 17 seasons.

"I have decided that it would not be in the best interests of either my family or the Dolphins to assume the role as the team's senior vice president of football operations," Marino said in a statement released by the team.

Marino played for the Dolphins from 1983-1999 and took them to the 1985 Super Bowl, where they lost to San Francisco. He holds league records with 61,361 yards passing and 420 touchdown passes.

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On the one hand, you have to give Marino credit because he realized that if in his heart he wasn't 100% committed to the task at hand, he would only be of detriment to the team/front office. On the other hand, you have to question why he would even take the job in the first place. Clearly, resigning so quickly meant that he made his initial decision based solely on emotion. The idea of returning to the city where he spent his entire career in a front office position was surely something that was very attractive for Dan, and something which was hard to resist.

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Marino didn't mess up anyone else in Finland :)

Only an owner that doesn't know what he is doing hires a guy with no experience to be a senior executive supposedly in authority regarding personnel decisions.

The Dolphins are at the desperation point after years of being on the edge of the playoffs and contender status.

That much is obvious.

Wannstedt is good enough to make the Dolphins respectable but not good enough to take them to where the Pats are and that is burning everyone in South Florida up :)

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Originally posted by Chrisbob74

Marino is an idiot...all he has done is mess the owner, the coach and the whole franchise around.


Marino did two honorable things for that franchise. First of all, living in the area, dissention amongst the Fins fans was growing. People needed some hope and something to use as a crutch. His appointment gave fans that hope, albeit false hope, considering it was the position of an involved figurehead. When he realized that he simply couldn't put forth his best, most concerted effort, he did the best thing to do, and like Spurrier did, rather than leading them along, he quit before it was too late. Good for him. At least he didn't go in half-assed.

Oh wait...three honorable things. He led them for the football equivalent of a generation, doing his best without a RB and with relatively little talent.

Don't disrespect Marino. He does great things for the community and did great things for his team. He's class through and through. I wish we had a figure like that at QB (Slingin' Sammy is a little too 1935) for our franchise.

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Here's the deal, Marino himself said that the owner asked him to take the position out of nowhere and basically talked him into it.

Marino had reservations about the time involved and the owner said take all the time off you need, we will work around you.

Marino ultimately said he was not at a point in his life to give the kind of time necessary to to the best job possible and rather than half ass it and spend half his time away from the business, he did the honorable thing and told the owner that if he couldn't do it 100 percent, it wasn't right for him to do it at all.

and PS... he never won a superbowl because he never had a running back or a defense.

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