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Will Art be screwed today once again?


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Can you believe that James Lofton and Howie FRIGGING LONG are in?

If Howie Long is in the Hall, shouldn't Grimm, Jacoby, Clark, Monk, Mann AND Manley be in? I mean, really.

The guy got 84 sacks(don't know what he did in 81, they didn't keep track) but even then...let's say a 100(though we know its not) He was on ONE Super Bowl champion.

Was Long EVER regarded as the or even in the top 5 DEs in the game?!??!


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Just looked up Greg Townsend, Long's teammate for many years.

Townsend had 7 double digit sack years, has more TDs, more INTs(i know, but for a D-lineman vs D-lineman) and had 3 years in addition of 7 sacks or more.

And HOWIE LONG GOT IN?!?!? Who the hell does he have pictures of?

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To be honest...?I'll be SHOCKED if Monk ever get's in now!I personally think monk was a 1st ballot "Hall of Famer"...And to see all this controversy with "no signature catch" thing is just a bunch of crap...

I almost think there's a conspiracy against Snyder himself!

But this year...?We all know Elway and Barry Sanders are locks....Not just for the purpose they had great careers,but they were public Relations wet dreams for ever...And Barry was a highlight reel himself...Even though his team never got to the big game...

Jim Marshall is another good possibilty....He's best known for his "ran the wrong way" after getting spun around,but none the less was a great football player!

Then there's lester Hayes....I don't know his #'s and everything,but he had that trademark for how he lined up against WR's..."the squat and under your pads thing"(kinda like Lamberts wiggle of the feet at LB)

You'd be surprised what will get you inducted anymore?

The thing is...they don't have to take very many.....The max now is 6 and I don't know what the Minimum is?Hell....for all we know it may just be Elway and sanders....

One thing is for sure....Monk is long..........Overdue!!

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They have to select between 3 and 6. They've only chosen 3 twice, I believe the last time they did it was in 1976. I truly believe Monk gets in this time. The presence of Joe Gibbs back as HC will have an impact. It would be embarrassing for him for Monk to get snubbed two times running, and that'll be in the back of their minds.

He gets in this year I believe.

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Have to confess I had no idea who the 'other' Joe Gibbs was...just saw it on Google and thought it was timely.

I like Reggae though. I'll pretty much listen to anything. Hell, my barber has a gospel band that just put out a CD. To my astonishment, it rocks.

And thanks for focusing on my sig line instead of the obvious lack of 'Miss Cleo' skills I demonstrated in that last post! :laugh:

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Originally posted by Ghost Who Talks

Just looked up Greg Townsend, Long's teammate for many years.

Townsend had 7 double digit sack years, has more TDs, more INTs(i know, but for a D-lineman vs D-lineman) and had 3 years in addition of 7 sacks or more.

And HOWIE LONG GOT IN?!?!? Who the hell does he have pictures of?

Actually Ghost, I've said for a while now that Long is overrated. It's all just a media concern. See, there's a big desire on the part of the media to have white athletes do well and get into Canton. Now, where did I put my Oxycontin??

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Originally posted by Yusuf06

Actually Ghost, I've said for a while now that Long is overrated. It's all just a media concern. See, there's a big desire on the part of the media to have white athletes do well and get into Canton. Now, where did I put my Oxycontin??


But seriously, that could be part of it. I happen to think that, like Lynn Swann, a lot of this has to do with the fact that Howie Long decided to enter the sports media punditry class by doing his gig on Fox Sports on Sunday mornings. The HOF voters seem to love that sh*t.

It's kinda like when screenwriter William Goldman (of Butch Cassidy & the Sundance Kid and All the President's Men fame) said that the Academy Awards voters just love it when well-known actors decide to try their hands at directing (e.g. Robert Redford with Ordinary People, Warren Beatty with Reds, or Kevin Costner with Dances With Wolves) or writing (e.g. Matt Damon & Ben Affleck with Good Will Hunting) and simply can't help but to throw Oscars at these folks for their "fish-out-of-water" efforts.

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