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My first round mock draft!...


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#1)Giants=Eli Manning (trade w/Chargers)

The Giants and Coughlin will look to revamp their O-line through free agency...Tom realizing that Collins isn't getting any younger and Palmer just isn't going to cut the mustered will convince the organization to take a shot at Eli...

#2)Raiders=Larry Fitzgerald

Norv loves his WR's and will grab the most hyped WR in the draft...This won't bold well for Timmy and Jerry and this might force 1 of them to retire if not both...I think they liked what little they saw of Sopo and will rest with him for now...look for something to happen between Jerry rice and tim brown before the next season...With having porter and Fitzy on board, the 2 of them will begin to feel betrayed by the organization!(as did Marcus)

#3)Cardinals=Roy Williams

Denny loves his explosive Offensive style and will grab Williams without hesitation...With Boldin and Roy as their duo,that puts an ease on Denny as he tries to turn around an organization...Green also will probably stay with Blake as his man for whatever reasons?(read between the lines if you will)But Blake is a pretty decent QB and with a pair of good WR's may be able to prove he was not a bust!

#4)Lions=Sean Taylor (trade w/Chargers)

The chargers trade down again and the lions jump on Taylor...Millen believe's he must trade up for his man to get him!With Terrence holt probably moving to free safety next season,Taylor will add to a very up and coming secondary...And speed kills...Right?

#5)Steelers=Steven Jackson(trade w/Redskins)

Bill and his steelers preferring Steven Jackson over Kevin Jones, shoot up the board to grab him...They like his size at 6'3" 235 than Jackson who is much smaller...With Bettis being pretty much finished and Zeroiway??? not being what they had hoped for...They don't think that Jackson would have been on the board at #11!

#6)Chargers=Robert Gallery(trade down w/Lions)

The Chargers move down the boards to gather more picks for Shotty's defense...But at #6,they don't pass on a great young Tackle of gallery...Their O-line was spotty,to say the least and they believe that Bree's or whoever runs that offense next season will need better protection...And Gallery fills a void most pleasing to Tomlinson!

#7)Atlanta=DeAngelo Hall

The Falcons really wanted a WR with this pick to help Price,but really like what Hall brings to the table...As they benched their secondary last year,Hall will almost certainly upgrade that position...And they liked Hall much better than gamble and didn't want to gamble with this pick!

#8)Browns=Ben Roethlenberger

With all the QB contraversies the browns have had lately,who woulda thunk it?But the Browns are not sure if Couch or Holcomb are the real deal!So the Browns make a bold move on this young QB...Perhaps to put pressure on the 2 they already have...But some think Couch could be on his way out soon anyways?And why not have an insurance policy as Big Ben backing up Holcomb?Or could it be the other way around?

#9)Jaguars=Shawn Andrews

Jacksonville hasn't had a great Tackle since......Well since Boselli!

So the Jags take a shot at Shawn to help out Taylor and company...Shawn can also play the guard spot as well...Which is what will really actually convince them to take this OT!And it doesn't hurt that he's 6'5" 330+...

#10)Texans=Kevin Jones

The Texans are not completely enamored with Stacey Mack or the others...So they cannot pass up a Speedy Kevin Jones to help Carr and company feel a little breathing room!As they feel their defense was pretty solid this last year,they think an elite RB could push them into playoff contention...

#11)Redskins=Kellen Winslow JR.

With Defense on their mind with this pick,Gibbs and Snyder can't fathom the idea that Winslow is still on the board...With Udezi and Wilfork in mind,they suddenly change and go with the best TE prospect to come out in a very long time!With newly aquired DE Grant Wistrom on Board,The Redskins can look to the 2nd round to grab some Defensive line to help bolster that up...As they have gathered extra picks from the steelers to do so!

#12)Jets=D.J williams

With their LB core getting older by the minute,the jets grab a solid LB in Williams...Having added Robertson Last year,this should make Edwards feel better about his Defensive crew...They wanted roy williams,having lost Coles last year,and marcus robertson not panning out...But feel they can find a WR in the later rounds!

#13)Bills=Vince Wilfork

Having lost Sam Adams to via Free Agency,the bills plug their hole with the huge 6'2"350 pound DT...Were considering WR as they are not happy with josh reed,but are willing for a wait and see approach!

#14)Bears=Kenechi Udezi

With Defensive in mind,the Bears take a stab at Udezi...They love his pass rushing abilities and could make the bears defense something to contend with with Urlacher as their team captain!At first the bears were struggling and Kordell was the blame,but a late season surge might have saved his job!Therefore,no QB as of now!

#15)Buccanears=Tommie Harris

With Sapp leaving,it left Gruden no other choice but to fill it immediately....!And immediately it did...With Tommie who can play both the DT or DE position if need be...Although a little undersized at 6'3" 290,his motor is what the Bucs like and will live with...!

#16)Niners=Reggie Williams

As TO didn't write a thank you letter to the Niners with a sharpie,but the niners might write him one for leaving...Williams has great size at 6'4" and 220 and should replace TO without much hesitation...

#17)Bengals=Derrick Strait

Unable to lure any free agents to the bengals this year,Marvin decides he needs one pronto!So CB Strait comes to Cinci...(even though Gamble is higher on the board)With Strait and weathersby,this should help out the edges for Marvin...Marvin liked Strait's playmaking abilities too much to pass up!

#18)Saints=Will Smith

With offense clicking the way they want it,the saints focus on defense...And a mean Will Smith seems to fit the bill...He should help give that D-line some more pressure on QB's this next season...

#19)Vikings=Chris Gamble

Their corners being weaker than most teams,Tice knows he needs to solidify the CB position...And Gamble gives him good size at 6'2" 180 to do just that...They are still interested in some free agents as well!But don't want to gamble with not having a good secondary...

#20)Dolphins=J.P Losman

As Losman shot up the charts like a good red hot chilly peppers CD,Miami does not want to wait for the second round to find a possible replacement in Fiedler and with Marino in office,does this really surprise anyone?

#21)Patriots=Chris Perry

After losing the superbowl in a crushing defeat...The patriots realized why...Their lack of a true RB...Perry gives them what they needed throughout their playoff run...Which finally became noticeable against a good run defense in the Panthers...

#22)Dallas=Antwan Odem

With the Cowboys having glover as their true playmaker,they decide to add another...And odem will add some pass rushing abilities to an already good defense...At 6'5" 275,he will give them another presence to be wreckoned with...At DE...

#23)Seattle=Rashaun Woods

With Darrell Jackson heading out do to dropped balls,Woods will make sure they don't need to worry about that anymore..Woods has decent size at 6'2 195 and has knack for making big plays...This should help them forget all about Jackson...!

#24)Broncos=Randy Starks

With Gardner becoming a huge disappointment and dalton leaving as well,they will look to solidify their defensive line...At 6'4" 315 he could help do just that...a very underated DT....Should have gone much higher with a great combine and everything....

#25)Packers=Jacob Rogers

The packers don't have much longer before Brett calls it quits,so they probably will want to protect him for as long as they can...Rogers brings good talent to the board...at 6'5" 305,the packers might even consider throwing him in their immediately....Maybe even as a guard!

#26)Rams=Stewart Shweigert

With the way Shehorn got burned last year,this comes to no surprise!By having Shweigert and Archuleta as their safties they can move Aneas back to Corner,their corners are not getting it done either...look for them to address the CB position in FA...!

#27)Titans=Karlos Dansby

The Titans really want to beef up their defense even more than it was...And Dansby gives them a LB presence to be wreckoned with...

#28)Eagles=Lee Evans

The eagles have been criticized for having a lack of quality recievers for some time now...And since the eagles were unable to pick up saught after Terrell Owens,they had to go that route through the draft...Evans provides great speed with a 4.3 40 time and the abilty to take it to the house at any time...McNabb should very much appreciate this decision...

#29)Colts=Jonathan Vilma

With the colts having one of the most potent offenses in the NFL,look for Dungy and the colts to go defense this year...And Vilma will definately help out that defensive unit...

#30)Chiefs=Will Pool

The Chiefs defense was probably one of the most inconsistent bunch out there....By drafting Pool,this should help tremendously...He and dexter McCleon should pair up together very well...!look for them to address this same need in FA for depth....

#31)Patriots=Ben troupe

With one of the top defenses in the league,look for Bilicheck to help out Brady in the TE department...Ben Troupe brings good size at 6'5" 250 and has simular qualities as Winslow JR....This should give Brady another target for next year...

#32)Panthers=Nat Dorsey

With one of the best defenses in football look for fox to try to beef up his offesive line....And the NAT brings just that!At 6'6" 335 he will probably jump in and start with a crew many believed overachieved....This should please both Davis and Foster as they both will find time to run behind this line....

I hope you guys enjoy this Mock Draft....As it was hard to put together....With all the needs and wants going on out there....I did a whole lot of speculating as if you didn't notice...!But I thought I would at least give my reasoning behind my choices...

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The Texans have Domanick Davis, they don't need another running back. Also, I question the choice to put WRs like Lee Evans and Rashaun Woods ahead of Michael Clayton and Michael Jenkins, both of whom are projected 1st rounders.

Nice effort though, but I would have liked you to say what teams were picking up in those early trades.

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Because usually every year Draftnik,some players just fall for whatever reason....

I do agree with you that Clayton and Jenkins could easily go before Woods and evans...But generally after the combine,some things don't usually stay the same...

I thought that Putting Losman at #20 was a little to high as well,but then again;there's almost always someone reaching for a player every year...So again....alot of this was just guessing...

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Originally posted by michael_33

I'll be up all night tonight....Wife has to work late and I get concerned about her with this icestorm and everything...!

Would you guys like me to do a 2nd rounder that includes all the trades for picks and everything....?

I would. I like reading other people's insights. Thats why I only have 500 posts since joining. :laugh: Plus I have no school tomorrow. So ill be playing madden and surfing EXTREMESKINS.COM all night.

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Originally posted by Ghost Who Talks

If Udeze is still on the board at #11 and we pick Winslow, I will blow my brains out.

Me Too.:laugh:

Good effort though and nice post. I could see the first 5 or 6 rounds going something like you said. BTW, what did we get for our trade down?

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Originally posted by jbooma

The skins will only give up the #5 for two other first rounders, if not then I haven't thought of the fallout just yet :paranoid:

How many more times do we have to go thru this? :gus: :gus: :gus: If M33's draft is correct, and we pick up Pittsburgh's 2nd round pick and their 4th round pick what fallout are you talking about?


I need to save the above statement because I have heard jbooma's argument in countless other threads. We can trade the pick and should for salary cap and depth reasons.

BTW, first time I have used that smilie, great name for it!


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Sorry Frank but if you are going to trade a player that has the potential to be the best at his position in the NFL you do not just get a third or fourth round pick!!!! If you haven't noticed we have not done that well in those rounds in the past.

I would think our FO would be smart enough to realize giving up a pick that high you better get at least a pick in the top 10 and one maybe in the low 20's. It is hard to miss on a #5 it is much easier to when you are picking 130 players later :doh:

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Originally posted by jbooma

Sorry Frank but if you are going to trade a player that has the potential to be the best at his position in the NFL you do not just get a third or fourth round pick!!!! If you haven't noticed we have not done that well in those rounds in the past.

I would think our FO would be smart enough to realize giving up a pick that high you better get at least a pick in the top 10 and one maybe in the low 20's. It is hard to miss on a #5 it is much easier to when you are picking 130 players later :doh:

Go back, read my post a little more carefully and than reply. TIA. :)

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Originally posted by frankbones

If M33's draft is correct, and we pick up Pittsburgh's 2nd round pick and their 4th round pick what fallout are you talking about?

Here I did it for you. Let me summarize:

We trade down 6 spots in the 1st round, pick up an extra 2nd and 4th rounder. You're telling me that this is a bad deal????

Please explain.

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I got this order from "the huddle report.com" just in case you were wondering...(I've included all trades in the first round as well,with the additional draft picks or loss of too)

#33)Cardinals=Michael Bowlware (LB)

Michael should help out there LB core "bigtime"...Plus he will add speed with his 4.4 40 time and ability to cover like a safety...Although they don't need a safety,Michael will add a much need of speed for their defense....to play LB at 6'3" 225...

#34)Giants=Vernon Carey (OG)(the giants traded their 3rd round pick to move up for Eli Manning for 3 spots)

Although they address the OL in free agency,Tom finds it hard to believe that Carey is on the board...At 6'5" 360 pounds Carey will add size to an already young line...

#35)Chargers=Teddy Leman(LB)...(The Chargers aquired a 3rd rounder from the giants and a 3rd rounder from the lions)

A move of 3 spots and then 2 more...

Teddy fills the hole that Seau held for many years...At 6'1" 230 and a 4.5 40 he hopes to not be behind the shadow of the future Hall of famer....

#36)Lions=Michael Clayton (lions traded 3rd round pick to chargers)

Although they drafted Charlie Rogers last year and have Az Akim,they truly do not have a #2...Schroeder has been a big disappointment and Clayton will help them explode even more...With Clayton dropping to the 2nd,the Lions just can't pass on a WR at 6'4" 200...this will give Joey even more targets....

#37)Browns=Justin Smiley (OG)

The Browns will want to strengthen their OL...Specially with addition of BIG BEN...Look for the browns to take Justin who stands at 6'5" 305 and is very agile for his size...

#38)Falcons=Michael Jenkins (WR)

Look for the falcons to pair up Jenkins and Price for years to come...If Vick can establish Mutiple targets to throw to other than Price and crumpler,the Falcons will immediately become dangerous...!And Jenkins who stands at 6'5" and 215 will provide a possession reciever while price can be the downfield threat...

#39)Jaguars=Nathan Vasher (CB)

While targeting Andrews in the 1st,look for the Jags to immediately switch to defense...Vasher maybe a little small a 5'10 175,but the guy would find the football if it were stuck to Asama Bin Laden....

#40)Texans=Donnell Wolfork (DT)

The texans will look for some D-line help this round...And 6'6" 315 pound Wolfork fill give them what they need...

#41)Redskins=Darnell Dockett (DT/DE)

With Defensive Lineman dropping fast,the Redskins waste no time in selecting Florida State's Darnell Dockett...At 6'4" 285 and a fast 4.8 40 time for a D-linman...Dockett should make his presence known immediately...As Dockett will be able to play the DE/DT role in Gregg williams system....

#42)Jets=Bob Sanchez (S)

The will look to find a good safety at this time...And with Sweigert and Taylor gone,they take a real fast Bob who runs a 4.3 40 time...They were wanting a WR,but none worth the value were available...

#43)Bills=Phillip Rivers (QB)

With Bledsoe taking criticism everyday,look for the bills to prove to those rumors...Those rumors are Bledsoe not getting it done...And rivers Being a big 6'5" 226 pound QB like Bledsoe....look for him to make Drew sweat a little during training camp....!!

#44)Redskins= Jake Grove(oc)(pick aquired from the steelers moving up and taking the redskins 5th...from 11th)The redskins also aquired a 4thand 5th round pick from the steelers...Filling every draft slot for the Redskins except the 6th round...

NO...Jake grove is not the only center in the draft,but he is the best by far....At 6'3" 290,the redskins really wanted to solitify the whole O-line....With Wistrom and Dockett aboard they can begin to concentrate on other positions...And Grove is a need for a team that allowed alot of sacks this last year...(sorry...had to throw that in there...Didn't want to sound like a homer...)but grove is not only a great blocker,but his intellegence is what made Gibbs really want this Kid!!He and Smart Patrick ramsey might become best friends....The Redskins could become a dangerous team if the line becomes the old hogs...And their on track with the likes of Samuels,Jansen,Thomas,Fiore/Dockery and newly aquired Grove...

#45)Raiders=Marcus Tubbs (DT)

With the loss of Tony Bryant (due to neck injury) Tubbs can join the black hole...At 6'4 315 pounds he should fit right in...Although Tony was a DE and Tubbs a DT they will go after a raider like Tubbs to suit up...

#46)Niners=Chris Snell (OG)

The niners took a beating last year as well and will address that with the addition of Snell...He's a huge 6'3 330 and will fit perfectly for Ericksons offense....Garcia should be pleased....If he starts?

#47)Bears=Dunta Robinson (CB)

Look for the bears to grab a CB this round...As Brett was able to expose a soft defense in the bears last season...Robinson with respectable speed as 4.4 40 guy should help their secondary in that brutal north division...

#48)Saints=Keiwan Ratliff (CB)

As the saints grabbed will smith in the 1st look for them to stay on course with defense...The saints will try to aquire someone in free agency,but there are no guarentees....Ratliff should help a secondary that has been exposed for years....

#49)Bengals=Max Starks (OT)

The last time the bengals had a Max as an O-lineman,he became a stud...Max Montoya...This Max could very well become the same(or was it the niners?)Either way this Mad Max beyond thunderdome will help them out....As he is a huge 6'6 355 pound OT...Almost sounds probowlish doesn't it?

#50)Vikings=Chad Laviases (DT)

With Chris Hovan already disrupting the middle,look for the viking to add another...Chad is a mean 6'3 290 pounder who was on the national champions of LSU...He could be "one of" the steals of the draft....

#51)Ravens=James N. (WR)

After being woken up for their pick,they realize that a WR is what they need...It really doesn't matter who...?Just someone besides Jamal lewis scoring TD's...

#52)Cowboys=Greg jones (RB)

After realizing that all the good RB's are gone the cowboys take the next best one...And his name is Greg jones...Parcells knowing Hambrick will not be Emmitt,Decides to grab the former FLorida ST.RB...And a Big 6'1 240 pounder named Jones is just what he is looking for...!

#53)Seahawks=Dwan Edwards (DT)

at 6'3 300 pounds+ the seahawk want a plugger and they find one in Edwards out of Oregon ST.

#54)Broncos=Dontarius Jackson (LB)

The broncos will look for a quick LB in Jackson...who runs a modest 4.5 40 and is 6'3 230...Notice a theme with the Broncos this season...It's called defense?

#55)Packers=Brandon Everage (s)

Look for the Pack to knabb a safety this round...Everage could be considered a reach at this spot,but not for the packers...Who will have to defend and improving Lions and vikings team offense...

#56)Patriots=Kelly Butler (OT)

after aquiring a RB and a TE,look for the Pats to grab them one of the good off.Lineman in the draft...And Kelly Butler is one of them...At 6'8 320 pounds,Butler towers over everyone else....He should help their Running game immediately....

#57)Titans=John Navare(QB)

Look for the titans to address the QB situation which almost always finds McNair hurt in some way or another...They like Navare size at 6'5 249 and even though he won't resemble McNair,don't underestimate this kids mobilty...

#58)Eagles=Michael Turner (RB)

With Duce gone and them running by committee,don't think they don't want Turner...He catches very well and will fit in to andy reids offense...

#59)Colts=Sean Jones (S)

As dungy hypervintilates about Jones still on the board he jumps at this safety...At 6'2" 215 ,Dungy will have no problem putting him next to doss...

#60)Saints=Julius jones (RB)

Yes...I know....They have the Duece...But Julius will find his way in staying in Gold colors for a while....Maybe that's the attraction...Consider this an Insurance policy in case something happens to the Duece...?

#61)Chiefs=Derrick Howard (WR)

The Chiefs need a good WR pretty bad...And this also could be "one of" the steals of the draft...He stands at 6'4 200 and will provide Trent with a viable target besides Gonzo because the others just aren't getting it done...

Man...My hands are killing me...

Can you say Carpel Tunnell....Tunnell vision....Vision quest....

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March 3rd can't get here fast enough. April can't get here fast enough. August can't get here fast enough. Do you see a trend?

All other sports pale in comparison to the almighty football. I need news, I need signings, I need TDs, INTs, sacks, and sudden death overtime. I don't need fake NBA, slow MLB, and under-appreciated NHL.

Well, at least college basketball can hold my interest until the madness of March and the beginning of the madness that is free agency. FOOTBALL IS GOD AND WE SHOULD ALL BE THANKFUL TO BASK IN ITS GLORY!!!

(Sorry, can't sleep and can't wait till March.)

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I will state the obvious, free agency will shape the draft. All the mock drafts and predictions in the world mean jack sh!t because if the Skins get a RB and rebuild the DL through FA, the draft takes on a whole different life. Also, you have the combine which shapes the draft too.

Its the end of January and its fun to speculate who will pick who, but as I have said before, the whole point is moot until after the major free agents have moved. Anything is possible.

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Forgive me on some names...?I got really restless and took a printout sheat that had some last names faded out on the paper....So I just fill the name without even looking....Hands and eyes get tired after Full mock drafts....Hope you have the idea though of who I meant?

OK...I think I'm done with mock drafts for a while now....!

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