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arrington realizes days are changing


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i saw and read that arrington didnt seem happy about gibbs being head coach--he states a wait and see approach because of the constant change over his career--but maybe arrington realizes his day of free lanching,doing what ever /whenever he wants on the field are over--if he blitzes when he isnt suppose to like in the tb game i wouldnt want to go to the sidelines to see mr williams ,bugel or gibbs--he and trotter ran all over edwards and spurrier knowing they wouldnt be benched yelled out etc--those days are over mr arrington

so just maybe he isnt happy because his days of being the so called boss on the field are over

also do you really think mr synder will back up arrington crying about this and that over what gibbs wants him to do--highly doubtful

so yes mr arrington is upset--he will have to play within the system --something he hates to do--if not i wouldnt want to be in the film room come monday or on the sidelines on sundays--

the party is over trotter and arrington--the hof 3 time super bowl coach will make you do it his way only!!!!!!:notworthy

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Before this get's out of control, read my post, should be the last one and see what he ACTUALLY said instead of the misquote from the original poster. Btw, said there and I'll say it here, I'll rip the audio from the show of that section and see what I can do to get it posted here later on tonight.

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I think you read the thread about LA on the BDSS and think you came up with it. Give it a break with your "stories" with NO links. You are cluddering up the board, this is the first and last response from me and I hope everybody else does the same with your factless "stories".

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Originally posted by bsmsss

i saw and read that arrington didnt seem happy about gibbs being head coach--

So maybe you should have replied to that thread instead of starting a new one.

54 of your 61 posts are to start new threads.

USE THE REPLY FUNCTION, it's really nice.

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