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Anyone See Dennis Miller last night?


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Interesting show. Still needs to work out the kinks, though. Here was the basic format.

1) Monologue - I'm not sure if he will have this every night or he just did it for the first show. Probably every night. Decently funny while bringing up issues at the same time. Seemed a little subdued.

2) Guest Interview - Arnold Schwartzenegger. Basically talked about whatever Arnold wanted to talk about. Miller clearly was extremely thankful that Arnold agreed to do this. He basically kissed Arnold's a$$ the whole time.

3) Commentary on the News -- Sort of like his HBO show where he shows a picture and makes comments on it. No audience makes this segment uncomfortable at best, especially if the joke isn't that funny. [Aside from the crew, nobody laughs even if the joke is funny]

4) Varsity Roundtable Discussion -- 3 different people brought in to discuss and debate issues. Interesting segment, but seemed a bit hurried.

All in all, this could be a decent show once they tweak a few things.

On a side note, Arnold and Miller kept bashing Gray Davis for running up a huge deficit in California. All I wanted Miller to ask was what Arnold thought of Bush running up a huge deficit for America, but he didn't because he just lobbed softballs at Arnold.

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I watched it and was disappointed. The whole thing just felt flat -- like a poor imitation of Real Time with Bill Maher. As for the host, well his move to the right feels depressingly calculated to me.

I did enjoy his interview with Ah-nuld. The Governor is doing his best -- I live in California and I know it sounds crazy, but the Terminator is actually doing a solid job of bringing the dems and repubs together. I voted against the recall (I hated Davis, but thought the recall set a bad precedent) but I'm pleasantly surprised with the job Ah-nuld is doing -- or at least trying to do.

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9 PM.

Thank God for Tivo.

Arnold has really put a scare into the far left of the Dem party in CA. He has kept his promise to work with both sides of the aisle to solve the states problems and has both Dems and GOPs campaigning for his bond and balanced budget props.

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Originally posted by Kilmer17

9 PM.

Thank God for Tivo.

Arnold has really put a scare into the far left of the Dem party in CA. He has kept his promise to work with both sides of the aisle to solve the states problems and has both Dems and GOPs campaigning for his bond and balanced budget props.

Funny, thats not the impression I get. The GOP party in California is so far right that it borders on nutjob. Arnie has made big promises, and yet has only delivered on one - the "car tax" elimination. His views on many issues (social programs especially) have kept him alienated from the CA GOP.

And its not like he has befriended the Dem Party either. Just the other night, Arnie borught in the Senior Dems and asked why they weren't supporting him. His 15 Billion Bond idea (to make up the shortfall int he budget) is expected to get voted down in March and his proposal to cut $'s from Transportation is expected to delay or even eliminate key tarnsportation projects in the state.

Hopefully, Arnie will get saved by a Tech rebound - but if it doesn't happen - people are going to revolt in 2006.

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Originally posted by luckydevil

define far right

I think you know exactly what I am talking about.

The far right GOP (much like the far left Dem Party) will hardly ever get elected to a major position. They may fill their roles in their niche group regions, but as a whole, they are usually unelectable to major positions (Gov, Pres.).

The ones who get elected to high positions, are usually the ones who are neither truly GOP or truly DEM - they are generally badly named as "conservative" Dems or "liberal" GOPers. They have positions on both sides of the party system.

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