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Evidently, Rob Halford Wasn't alone


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NOTE: The last album he played on was "Ram It Down".......:doh:

Former Judas Priest Drummer Guilty In Rape Case

(LAUNCH, 01/26/2004 5:00 PM)

By LAUNCH Radio Networks

Former Judas Priest drummer Dave Holland was found guilty on Friday (January 23) of attempting to rape a learning-disabled teenager, according to BBC News. Holland was also convicted of five counts of indecent assault against the teen, whose name could not be divulged for legal reasons. A jury returned the verdicts after two days of deliberations in Northampton Crown Court, in Northampton, England.

Judge Charles Wide recommended that the 55-year-old Holland be held in custody until sentencing while he assessed "the risk Mr. Holland poses to adolescent young men."

Holland has denied all the charges. The attacks allegedly took place at Holland's home, between June and December of 2002, while the musician was giving the boy drum lessons.

A co-defendant in the case, 22-year-old Spiros Laouitaris, was cleared of three counts of indecent assault. A fourth count was dropped due to insufficient evidence.

The boy's parents reportedly encouraged the drum lessons to boost their son's self-esteem, and had allowed him to stay overnight at Holland's house several times. The boy revealed that he was being abused in a December 2002 letter to his parents.

Holland played drums with Judas Priest between 1979 and 1988. His last album before retiring from the band was '88's Ram It Down. A Priest spokesperson posted at the band's website that they were "shocked and stunned" by the news of Holland's conviction.

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There I was completely wasting, out of work and down

all inside it's so frustrating as I drift from town to town

feel as though nobody cares if I live or die

so I might as well begin to put some action in my life

Breaking the law, breaking the law

Breaking the law, breaking the law

Breaking the law, breaking the law

Breaking the law, breaking the law

So much for the golden future, I can't even start

I've had every promise broken, there's anger in my heart

you don't know what it's like, you don't have a clue

if you did you'd find yourselves doing the same thing too

Breaking the law, breaking the law

Breaking the law, breaking the law

Breaking the law, breaking the law

Breaking the law, breaking the law

You don't know what it's like

Breaking the law, breaking the law

Breaking the law, breaking the law

Breaking the law, breaking the law

Breaking the law, breaking the law

Breaking the law

Hey, if you didn't see that response, then...

You've got another thing comin'

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I hope none of you all actually ever liked that f*cking crap.

I have loved metal for a long time but bands that were on my ****list that played "metal" were

1.Judas Priest

2.Iron Maiden

3. Megadeath

4. Wasp

5. Ratt

6. Too many more to name

I feel bad for the guys in Pantera, JP was their icons.........

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Actually, I liked Judas Priest, up until the "Turbo" album, where instead of black leather jackets, the band had "rainbow" colors. That's when Rob Halford started to really come out of the closet. :moon: :hump:

Interestingly enough, a couple of weeks ago I came across this video of the parking lot at the Capital Centre during a Judas Priest concert in 1986 (I was there, but I'm not on the video). It is hilarious, and brings back alot of memories- I think I saw over 60 concerts at the Cap Centre, good times! :2drunks:

Cap Centre 1986

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Boy I remember that show, I got thrown out of it because of my girlfriend at the time! :doh:

I had nosebleed seats and some jacka$$ in one of the sky suites offered her a beer. She said yes and went to the escalators, I followed her and pleaded with her not to go up. She said she just wanted a free beer and went into the elevator. After the doors slid shut, I was so pissed that i grabbed one of the big trash cans up and heaved it down the hallway. Instantly two security guys (yellow shirts) were on me, yelling at me to pick it up. I screamed "NO!, and they jacked me up against the wall. Again they told me to pick it up, and again I told them "NO!". So they said "alright, you're out of here" and drug me to the doors. I said "wait, wait. If I pick up the trash can, can I stay?", and they both said in unison, "NO!", so I replied, "well then F*CK YOU!", and they threw me out of the doors and onto my ass.

I tried to run around to the other doors to get back in (at the time, you could actually leave the Cap Centre and come back if you had your ticket stub), but the yellow shirts had used their walkie talkie to alert the other entrances to my presence. I had no choice but to sit outside and wait for my "girlfriend" and her friend who had driven to the show. Priest sounded great, even from outside, but I was so mad that I wouldn't even look at my girlfriend when she returned to the car. She said that the guy in the skysuite who offered her the beer had tried to kiss her, and she had come back down shortly after going up to the suite. She was very remorseful and apologetic. I just gave her the cold shoulder until we got home, then I had the best grudge F*ck ever! hehehe :hump:

The next day as we woke up and looked at each other with sleep in our eyes, I lazily smiled and told her to get the hell out of my house and never talk to me again! Good riddance! :D

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"Boy I remember that show, I got thrown out of it because of my girlfriend at the time!

I was so pissed that i grabbed one of the big trash cans up and heaved it down the hallway. Instantly two security guys (yellow shirts) were on me, yelling at me to pick it up. I screamed "NO!, and they jacked me up against the wall. Again they told me to pick it up, and again I told them "NO!". So they said "alright, you're out of here" and drug me to the doors. I said "wait, wait. If I pick up the trash can, can I stay?", and they both said in unison, "NO!", so I replied, "well then F*CK YOU!", and they threw me out of the doors and onto my ass."

Uh, yeah, you got thrown out because of your girlfriend! Hilarious.

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The video 'Heavy Metal Parking Lot' depicts the '86 Judas Priest show at Cap Centre. Amazing stuff. Two guys with a home video camera travelling the parking lot, interviewing the folks in the parking lot...

Here is a little blurb from the video:

"What's your name?"

"Graham! Like gram 'o dope and ****!"


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And for those of you who grew up on DOKKEN, the other bands mentioned above, and other hair metal stuff like I did, here is a good one for you.


1. If your girlfriend breaks up with you, but you want her to think about her decision, just call her on the phone and say "Don't close your eyes... and I'll be there", then hang up. She may get a restraining order against you, but you will definitely have her attention.

2. If you meet a "felony in tight blue jeans" be very careful or you might hear a judge say "Sorry, first degree". Then this "felony" would be "killin' your heart" which has no cure.

3. If your girlfriend tells you that "You just got lucky", you now know the following four things are true...

a. You were taken by surprise

b. You have been hypnotized

c. You believed her deadly lies

d. She's a devil in disguise

4. If your girlfriend wanted "this" but you gave her "that" and she still says "she will", congratulations... you took good aim, and she felt no pain when you started moving in for the kill. You've got bullets, bullets to spare. You may need these extra bullets for your next "felony".

5. If your girlfriend is "so hot" but at the same time "stone cold" it means that she has a "heartless heart". Don't worry... cause it's just going to bring her down.

6. If your girlfriend weaves her spell and her eyes beckon you, be very careful... her lips, they speak lies and misery. If you still feel like you are being tempted "into the fire", just click your heels together three times and repeat the following... "Take me back where I came from, don't wanna see your face no more". If this doesn't work, you will be fallin' into the fire once more.

7. If an ex-girlfriend calls you on the phone and wants you to come over to her place, relax... but be firm and tell her "What do you want? You can't have me. Well... maybe just tonight. No, no I can't. NO WAY... I TOLD YA... IT'S NOT LOVE !!!" Take solace in the fact that she's only a mistake and there's nothing left to take.

8. If you are in love with a girl, and you tried so hard to make her see but you couldn't find the words, then the tears will fall like rain and you will be alone again. Even if you say "Stay", she will turn away and try to say that it was you. *****...

9. If you're "lookin' over your shoulder" and "runnin' reckless through the night", it's a safe bet that you are forever young but getting older, and satisfaction is guaranteed tonight. Don't forget to turn up the heat and turn down the lights or you might miss out on the action.

10. Always remember these three things...

a. In your dreams it's still the same, her love is strong, it still remains.

b. You are a hunter, looking for love on these lonely streets... again.

c. Never, under any circumstances, unchain the night.

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Hey I won't deny alot of metal bands that I listen to were influenced by those bands that I dislike. Shame for them.

Along with the obscene amount of music I like form other genres, I like Slayer, Metallica, Pantera, BLS, Tool, Deftones, Sepultura, Fear Factory's first album ehh...that's prety much it. Some other sh*t I could mention is probably not metal to y'all.

Megadeath, while awesome guitar work not denying, is in that same class of trash metal IMHO. Mustaine can't sing, he sounds lame iMO, and it's not hard enough. Just like that other crap isn't.

Sorry if that p*sses you off.

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