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Champ and the (non) strategy in negotiating with him


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An eerie silence has cast a pall over the negotiations with Champ and his already icy relationship with the 'Skins' FO. Is this , however, a well-calculated strategem by Vinny and Danny that might make things turn out well in the end?


Think about the win-win situation this provides.

By franchising Champ and allowing him to hit the free agent market, we allow other teams to do the negotiations for us. If the terms they negotiate with Champ are reasonable, we match them and he's ours. In doing this, we accomplish a couple of interrelated goals. The first is that we don't engage in any more negotiations that would further polarize the parties by prolonging contentious exchanges between them. In turn, any acrimony generated from contract talks with other teams will deflect attention to them, such that if he does sign a deal that we like, Champ has no one to blame but himself and/or the other team if he's a little miffed at the ultimate result.

Do we worry that Champ may be shown too much money by another team? Not really. If Champ strikes a deal too rich for our blood, we let him go and pick up two first rounders. And the prospects of that happening are not great. Remember, there is, in relative terms, a glut of quality CBs in this offseason's free agent market. This buyer's market resultantly stunts the leverage that Champ or any other CB has in demanding a lottery like contract. This is especially true in Champ's case, given the fact that teams offering him a contract will not only have to factor in the contract he wants but the forfeiture of two first rounders.

One other scenario, of course, may arise: we trade Champ. That's also good since any hurt feelings over the prior give-and-take between Champ and the 'Skins will end as soon as he's given his ticket to wherever he'll be going to. In exchange, we probably get a first and another choice pick, and we can add to our already strong stable of young talent.

The final possibility (outside of yanking the tag, something that ain't happening) is that Champ can't get the deal he wants and calls our bluff to play out the season on the tag. This may occur if someone like Charles Woodson inks a deal before Champ and sets the market too high for other teams. Not only would the price of poker be out of Champ's potential suitors asking price, the prospect of giving up picks would seal the deal for them. If this does happen, however, this at least buys us time. Hopefully with that time, we can negotiate a new contract with him before he hit the FA market next year when his services may be more in demand.

The upshot of all this is that Vinny and Danny's self-vindicating "less is more" approach to contract negotiations with Champ may very well optimize our chances to sign him at a "reasonable" contract, without hurting feelings on either side. Whether by accident or design, and a little stroke of luck with the run of quality CB FAs on the market this year, everything might just work out for the best.

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Originally posted by jbooma

According to reports Williams came aboard because Gibbs or Snyder said Champ will be a skin. I don't think they will tell him that if they know something we don't.

What reports were those? If true, and I have no reason to doubt you given your impeccable integrity, all I can say is "Hell the fvck yeah!"

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Originally posted by goldenster95

What reports were those? If true, and I have no reason to doubt you given your impeccable integrity, all I can say is "Hell the fvck yeah!"

It was in the post this weekend :) I think this is also the reason they are bringing Green in some role on the team. Champ learned a lot from him and respects Green very much.

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Originally posted by jbooma

It was in the post this weekend :) I think this is also the reason they are bringing Green in some role on the team. Champ learned a lot from him and respects Green very much.

The Post article that stated that Champ was almost certain to return?

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Originally posted by jbooma

I will say if we do bring back Champ, then I don't see us using the 5th pick on a safety now. That is a lot of money for the secondary not including that Smoot is a free agent after next year :( ( Buddha check that one for me :cheers: )

Smoot is a FA next year. One of his best buds is Champ, though. If Champ stays, he might just want to stay too. But he'll get paid as a #2 CB or he's gone. In that case, Smoot'll introduce us to his "bestest" friend, Ben. Franklin, that is.

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The biggest question mark is cornerback Champ Bailey, who is an unrestricted free agent. Although the Redskins could trade Bailey to free cap space, a source said Williams received assurances that the cornerback will almost certainly return. The team is also expected to try to keep fullback Bryan Johnson and wideout Darnerien McCants.

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Originally posted by IAMBG

If the Franchise tag is used, Champ signs another offer, we don't have the right to counter-offer correct?

Now if it were the transition tag, we could negotiate.

No, I believe it's either we match or we don't. Same goes for the transition tag, with one difference: if we don't match, he goes to the other team without any compensation.

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Originally posted by jbooma

The article also said that we might cut Armstead and Trotter to get Kearse, don't know if I agree with that, but we will see.

Man, I hope not. Kearse is the type of player that has gotten by over the years on his name. He isn't nearly as dominant as people claim he is, and has never been as productive as he was his rookie season. Add in the fact that he's missed a ton of games in his short career, as well as played injured in quite a few of the games he was active for, and we have a player that definitely isn't worth cutting two starters to attain.

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Transition tag is for players in for 4 yrs i thought and the franchise tag is for 5 yrs plus tenure.

Still even if we get champ to resign you do not ignore the possibility of seriously upgrading the secondary at safety.

And a rookies contract is still cheaper than going out to sign a safety who doesnt amount to anything except for one hit in camp like we did the previous offseason.

Imagine being able to use S Taylor to cover a tight end or running back while lavar can rush in tandem with a kearse.

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Originally posted by NavyDave

And a rookies contract is still cheaper than going out to sign a safety who doesnt amount to anything except for one hit in camp like we did the previous offseason.

Imagine being able to use S Taylor to cover a tight end or running back while lavar can rush in tandem with a kearse.

Champ will have at least a 14 to 15 million SB. The #5 pick will have at least a 10 to 12 mill SB, i just don't see having over 25+ million in SB's for 2 secondary players.

Don't get me wrong I would love to have him I just see us going after Winslow or Jones or Jackon.

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With CHamp and Smoot, I can't see us drafting S.Taylor, we will probably go after another safety in FA, someone who G.Williams is familiar with that fits his system.

Who's out there?

#5 needs to go to the d-line, or someother impact player, maybe even only on the offensive side of the ball if no Dline is available.

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Champ will be back in burgundy and gold next year. You can book that one right now.

As for Smoot, Id like to see us get his extension done asap too because he is an integral part of this team also.

Drafting Winslow would be a huge mistake. He is a cancer and he is not that much better than other options (Troupe)

With the 5th pick, the best option is to take the best dlineman or trade down. Personally Id like to see Steven Jackson as our pick

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Hopefully if Champ isn't resigned by us, he'll go to a team like Atlanta that has a high pick. Take those 2-1st rounders and draft DT/DEs. I very good DL makes an average CB look great. Use the savings from Champs contract and go after A Winfield from Buffalo. Use the other cap savings on a DT or RB. That would give us 2 number ones this year to draft a DT and DE.

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The article also said that we might cut Armstead and Trotter to get Kearse, don't know if I agree with that, but we will see.

As was mentioned by a cap guru (PC in OZ over on cpnd), cutting Trotter before June INCREASES his cap hit by a couple million. So cutting trotter takes money away. Unless kearse is unsigned by anyone all the way until after June.

The reporters know about as much as the common fan. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by jbooma

The article also said that we might cut Armstead and Trotter to get Kearse, don't know if I agree with that, but we will see.

I would agree with getting rid of Trotter...he hasn't done sh!t since he's been here. I think Armstead still has some value, and wouldn't want to get rid of him.

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Originally posted by Skins_Freak

With CHamp and Smoot, I can't see us drafting S.Taylor, we will probably go after another safety in FA, someone who G.Williams is familiar with that fits his system.

Who's out there?

#5 needs to go to the d-line, or someother impact player, maybe even only on the offensive side of the ball if no Dline is available.

There is no one on the D-Line that is worth the #1 pick. If we keep it, it has to be Taylor. The only DL that I could even imagine worth taking in the Top 5 is Harris from Oklahoma, and that is a stretch.

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