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I believe that snyder has his guy!!


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We just don't know who it is.....

Nor do the critics....Public relations....or anyone for that matter....

If there's one thing I've learned about Snyder,it's he's very tricky and very good about sneaking up on the radar when you least expect it....

Look at the latest aquisitions...The jets raid.....?

Who would have thought that we would have ripped the jets apart?I know I didn't!

Hell,for all we know...He's been talking to Jimmy Johnson(ex-cowboys) to come here....

Maybe he's been talking to joe gibbs?

Snyder may not be the best mind for football in general...

But this Lawyer/Buisness man knows how to get Fans licking their chops!!

It may not ever turn out to be good....But it sure starts off with a bang!

I think these 3 canidates are just a ploy to turn the attention away from who he really is planning on bringing in here.....

I have no idea who this person could be and I may even be wrong.....But just call a hunch!

Who's the usc coach?...Could he be a canidate....?

since snyder is supposed to be on the west coast,it really could be anyone....

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I'd have to disagree with this one. For Snyder to go beyond the minimum league requirement of interviewing one minority candidate, I firmly believe that Ray Rhodes is gonna be the guy. Yeah, it can be argued that Snyder is just doing this to leave a good impression on everybody, but the the fact of the matter is that there is a huge difference between interviewing minority candidates and actually hiring one. It's gonna come down to ego folks. Danny is gonna think that hiring a black coach will do wonders for him PR wise, and at the same time by giving Rhodes the job he will keep player personnel decision making power out of the hands of the head coach. A win-win situation for Danny as sad as it is for me to accept.

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I say it is JIMMY JOHNSON. Something is just pokini at me thinking that this is the way things are going to play out. What better to raise some hairs on people's necks and make people start paying attention again. All Hail the feared NFC East again!!!!

(the JJ with the Super Bowl rings)

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Originally posted by Awgustlab

I say it is JIMMY JOHNSON. Something is just pokini at me thinking that this is the way things are going to play out. What better to raise some hairs on people's necks and make people start paying attention again. All Hail the feared NFC East again!!!!

(the JJ with the Super Bowl rings)

I think it was a done deal over a month ago. In some ways I hope I am wrong, in others, my gut has been telling me I am right.

We will find out after the Superbowl.

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Originally posted by Awgustlab

I say it is JIMMY JOHNSON. Something is just pokini at me thinking that this is the way things are going to play out. What better to raise some hairs on people's necks and make people start paying attention again. All Hail the feared NFC East again!!!!

(the JJ with the Super Bowl rings)

If you all thought Rhodes would phone in a couple seasons, wait to see how lackluster a job JJ would do.

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Originally posted by SlinginSammy

Not USC's Pete Carroll. He's been in the NFL already and didn't exactly tear it up.

Pete Carrol loves it over here at USC. He's in the college ranks for the rest of his coaching days.

Whoever Dannyboy has lined up for our next HC is between Danny, the coach and Danny's arse kisser (Cerrato).

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Originally posted by NoDak Cowboy

I have a question...... If by some crazy chance it WAS Jimmy Johnson that Snyder hires, how much would it cost him? Considering he paid Spurrier 5mil per.

Would Johnson accept less? Or demand more?

It would depend if Jimmy is happy at Fox or not. The happier that he is, the more money it would take.

I think it would be Spurrier type money if anything.

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Did Oliver Stone start this thread?:D Lets put all the conspiracy theories to rest. We all know how much Snyder loves Ray Rhodes. We also know that he will throw all kinds of cash in his direction until he says yes. So lets just face the facts here... Ray Rhodes = next 'Skins Head Coach.

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