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Which starters would you replace?

Even Madder

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Get rid of trung and flemister, both are terrible. Take Winslow at 5. Get a RB in 2nd or 3rd round. Those weak spots easily filled. Tell trung and zeron to hit the bricks, but like Even Madder said there are more we need to get rid of, so who knows?

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Originally posted by mbennett

Get rid of trung and flemister, both are terrible. Take Winslow at 5. Get a RB in 2nd or 3rd round. Those weak spots easily filled. Tell trung and zeron to hit the bricks, but like Even Madder said there are more we need to get rid of, so who knows?

Completely ignore the d-line?

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I know it isn't practical with the cap, but tell the truth wouldn't just a small part of you just love to see a coach come in here and really clean house? :D

in the old fashioned Lombardi or Shula 'don't let the door hit you on the way out' method? :)

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I'm sure Winslow will be a great TE, but TEs, even the great ones, don't have the opportunity to take over games the way a QB, RB, or DE can. It seems a waste the #5 pick on a TE when the very best TE in the league, Tony Gonzalez, only catches 4 or 5 balls a game. TE is such a hybrid position -- half offensive lineman and half wide receiver -- that it's extremely rare that you find one capable of doing both very well. There's a good reason it's one of the lower paid positions in the NFL.

With the #5 pick, you need a gamebreaker. You need to find a RB, QB, or DE. Maybe a CB. Maybe an OT. Maybe a LB. Maybe a DT. But a TE? Come on. This team has too many holes for that. I'd love to see Winslow as a Redskin -- I don't have any problem with his stupid "war" comments, he's just a kid with a lot of fire -- but I don't think he's worth using the #5 pick.

The trouble is that at the top of this draft, there just don't seem to be any sure-fire pass rushers available.

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I think we should keep Ohalete as a starter, he's shown some promise. Bowen however should be sent to special teams and only be a backup, the angles he takes are just horrible and he's a poor tackler. He should be replaced by Sean Taylor with our fifth pick.

We should replace Flemister with Ben Troupe, who we will draft in the second round.

Holsey can be replaced by the guy from the Titans, its in the other thread if you dont know who im talking about. Dalton can stay but we also need to get another DT somehow, one that can stuff the run. Wynn can do some time at DT as well, after he loses his starting job to Darren Howard the FA DE from the Saints. Then we should get Grant WInstrom to go into the rotation with Upshaw.

Then we need to find a way to get a running back somehow. Maybe if Greg Jones falls to the 3rd round or something like that.

I just want a D Line that can at least stop the run consistantly for next year, i realize we cant get a great D Line all in one year. But if we can get a group that can at least stop the run thatd be great. Because the players in our secondary are so good that even with just a mediocore pass rush we can have a good pass defense, especially if we add Sean Taylor back there. This past year our pass rush wasnt even mediocore, it was just horrible.

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bulldog and Even Madder, one and the same?

God knows the rant lately is the same. I used to look forward to bulldog's insightfulness. Now all he does is b!tch and moan about Snyder & Cerrato, ala Even Madder.

Why don't the two (?) of you put your heads together:laugh: and come up with a plan to restore the Skins to respectability?

All you do lately is flap your lips (pound your keyboard) about what is wrong with Snyder/Cerrato, but never offer a clear, concise strategy that you would employ, even as armchair FFL (Fantasy Football League) owners/Gms.

You remind me of the new Brett Farve armchair commercial

(“I would have parked closer”, “I would have double bagged it”, etc…….

Don't give us the "I'm a season ticket holder", "wanna see results" cop-out plea either.:rotflmao:

Just lay out a plan. I know it's not your job, just pretend:cool:

Let's see what ya got:doh:

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I'd like a new starter at TE. Perhaps RB and center but I could live with Freidman and Betts for next year. That's about it for offense. On defense, I don't think it's really possible to replace all the d-line spots in one season. I could live with Wynn at end if he has Kearse or Darren Howard on the other side. At tackle add a Griffin or Ted Washington and keep either Dalton or Holsey next to them. Keep the linebackers and corners the same, except maybe adding a corner for depth. I'd like to replace both safeties, but keep either Iffy or Bowen as the 3rd safety. And finally get rid of Barker at punter.

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Tight Ends can't make a defensive stop on 3rd down or stuff the run or sack the QB or help hang onto to the lead in the 4th quarter.

Our problem is that Danny must only read the post of people who think the cure is to draft flashy offensive players.

Ohalete is not bad and him being out of the last two games showed he is important and that we also need an upgrade

Flem gotta go

upshaw since he needs to show his manhood every game with dump penalties



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Isn't Royal the starter at TE? What's the verdict on him? Is he a waste? I must admit, I'm not a connisseur of TEs, just that I don't believe they make or break a team. I certainly wouldn't take one at #5.

I also don't understand being down on Bowen - I didn't think he did too poorly. I don't see how you make him a scapegoat for the defensive problems. What is it about him, specifically, that people dislike? I'm in the camp that a lot of the problems on D this year were schematic/coaching. It was just embarrassing what Gruden did to Edwards.

I've had enough of Gardner. He can go anytime, IMO.

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