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Spurrier Speaks


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The established talent in that QB trio? Good question, ask your boy who signed Wuerffel and Matthews. As for Ramsey, if the man wanted to trade him for an Offensive Lineman, he never really wanted him to begin with.

Hasselbeck, if it wasn't for Spurrier's "let's get the QB killed" offense more than likely would have never seen the field.

Since you seem to be avoiding my questions, I'll just assume you have no answers for them. Thanks.

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Didn't most of the salary money go to D these two years? How can you blame Spurrier for the personnel decisions? He had minimal power and unfortunately trusted Danny and Vinny too much with the overall package.

They got these guys you speak of dirt cheap. Their only O purchases of any significance for the last two years were Coles and Thomas, even though the team was ranked 28th in offense when Spurrier arrived. At least the Giants and Vikings made a serious commitment to offense with the arrival of Fassel and Green. Unless they get a good DC, I doubt Fassel or Green will do much better the first year without a serious upgrade at RB or a very healthy Ramsey.

I was a Vikings fan for years when Green was there. He had tons of talent at the offensive skill positions from day one to his departure. Fassel didn't, but the front office worked with him to build it up over time, mostly thru the draft.

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JerseyGator, the reason the Skins DID spend money on the D in 2002 was that Spurrier told the front office he didn't need impact free agents on the NFL market for his offense, merely players familiar with his system that could implement it here, hence the Gatorfest.

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That's how you judge a coach, because he couldn't find a replay flag.:rotflmao:

I refuse to answer most hype questions because they are based largely on opinions of the media with little support (e.g., Spurrier didn't want Ramsey/Davis, Spurrier spends too much time at the golf course, Spurrier has lost most of the players, Spurrier's offense is figured out by all defenses, Spurrier has the weapons on offense to win.)

I've asked basic questions on several threads over and over about the general lack of talent at the skill positions on offense. Hardly anyone has answered them for a good week now.:rolleyes:

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Originally posted by JerseyGator

Again, where is the established talent in that trio of QB. By trio, I guess you mean Matthews, Wuerrfel and Ramsey. I hear others blaming Spurrier for not wanting Ramsey (wanted to trade him for an OL). Which is it? You can't blame him for wanting Ramsey and not wanting Ramsey? Oh, the hype.

You're completely missing the point. Spurrier was the sole reason why Matthews and Wuerffel were even in Washington, because he thought he could win with them and said so. Ramsey, who clearly is the most talented of the three, was not even Spurrier's choice.

Second, don't you find it odd defending Spurrier's mediocrity with Stephen Davis, a good defense, and average offensive talent when Carolina just won a playoff game with the very same ingredients?

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I just did my friend in the post above yours :)

Obviously you don't want to allow Spurrier to take responsibility for the awful players he brought with him to Washington in 2002 and how that caused the team to have to go out and refurbish the offense yet again in 2003 :(

I know he is your hero and for you there is no tomorrow with him gone.

We felt the same way about Gibbs.

But at some point the bottom line becomes the bottom line, Steve wasn't fired, he quit from a golf course in Florida using his agent as a middleman.

How can you defend that action?

Sounds like a coward to me.

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When did he earn ten mill?

as soon as Snyder offered it to him....plain and simple, he did not hold up the Redskins, nor did you pay that Salary... He didn't plot to get any more money out of the Skins as Marty did. You can gripe about Spurrier's record all you want, but the amount of his Salary SNYDER OFFERED & PAID HIM, is pointless.

Spurrier lied to everyone here in Washington and went back to Florida knowing damn well what he was going to do.

Since he didn't see fit to address the media and fans where he worked for the past 2 years to announce his decision, who gives a rat's ass what he has to say now?

this guy lost all credibility.

he ran away with his tail between his legs because he couldn't take the pressure.

first pro coach I have seen do something like this.


More pointless rhetoric. Name me coaches in any sport that holds press conferences to announce they are resigning after a terrible season?... NONE... the team does that. There have been guys who quit in the middle of the year, like Jim Mora in N.O. ....He didn't hold a conference the team did... he wasn't available for comment.

So you are upset he quit,,, I guess that means you wanted him to be the coach next season? :laugh:

If he didn't resign he would still be the coach....follow the logic. :laugh:

What was he supposed to say "if" he knew during the season, that he was resigning... "Yeah I'm quitting". He still had to coach the rest of the season, and try to get the players to play. Would it have been better that he quit in the season? Oh Pleeeeaaaasssseee, some people would have plotted his murder.

(of course that is "if" he knew for sure he was resigning before the end of the season)

Not mention the fact he was the only coach being asked repeatedly every week, "are you leaving?", since the end of last season. Was anyone asking Dick Jauron, or McGinnis, or Callahan if they were quitting?

Stephen Davis missed 6 games last year with injuries, He turned down re-working his contract early last year, he openly complained about Spurrier and the Redskins to the Press, he would have made 11.4 million if the Skins kept him... :laugh: yeah Spurrier ran him out of DC (that argument was long since old)

How the Redskins would finished if they had kept Big Daddy, and Noble stayed healthy, is debatable. 5 out the 6 close games were lost late because of the defensive line couldn't stop the run, or apply pressure and sack any QB when needed. Some of it was bad coaching by Edwards.. but a big part of was lack of a DL.

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NFL game not much different, well when you decide to throw the ball 40 times and run 12 in this league you get your a$$ handed to you. In Gainesville you are a GOD, thats the difference and welcome to the big league, now Stevie take your ball and run on home to Florida.

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My question is why did the front office listen, especially knowing Marvin Lewis would be gone soon? As much as I admire Spurrier, I would have either laughed in his face or ignored him.

The only surprising negative about Spurrier to me was his refusal to discipline players early on. He recently stated that while discipline was a problem, it didn't have a major effect on the team. We can go back and forth about that, but he spent ten years in the league, more than Trotter and most of the rest of the team aside from Bruce Smith. I might tend to give him the benefit of the doubt.

All of his other traits were very visible to the average Gator football fan. He's never been good at answering media questions, win or lose.

As stated by someone else, I don't think he took a close look at the Skins attitude issues before he came in. That was a big mistake on his part. Danny or Vinny should have seriously inquired how he would address that from day one, especially after the Marty experience where players thought he was too hard.

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WHO HELL CARES. HE'S GONE. I think it's a mistake that he's staying in the area. His son will be teased to death about pappy.

The Spurrier era is over. A wasted gamble by Danny Boy.

If we had kept Martyboy; we'd probably be in the NFC Championship and have a letdown. Then Snyder would've fired him and start over. At least we would've had 2 playoff years.

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My point wasn't that he took the money... Because obviously he got it when he signed the contract, let's not try to insult my intelligence. My point was when did he EARN the money? You know, when did he put in long hours at work, when did he learn the names of his players, etc.

He flat out didn't.

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A foe earns some measure of respect even in defeat if he fights valiantly. If SOS would have given it his all he would have had my respect.

The fact of the matter is he was burned out before he got here and never even really tried to make a serious go of it. Remember that lip thing? Perhaps it was a stress response, a telltale sign that he could no longer bare up under the pressure.

He did however hang in there long enough to grab ten million bucks and give the fans a high hard one with Dallas embarrassing Washington 27-0 at home.

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