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I have been looking at a lot of different mock drafts to see what teams will be selecting.

It seems that most people believe that Washington will select 1 of 3 guys

Smith out of OSU

Harris out of OU

Wilfork out of UM

Which would you guys like to see here. I think my selection would be Will Smith

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Ahman Green

Edgerrin James

Ricky Williams

Marshall Faulk

Shaun Alexander

Clinton Portis

Stephen Davis

Priest Holmes

Jamal Lewis

The teams that easily stumble upon these RBs also seem to easily win games. While the teams that settle for Trung Canidate and LaDell Betts seem to suck.

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Originally posted by BallCoachSpurrier-IsGone

If you have a chance to get a blue chip runner then I say roll the dice and make it so.

Yeah, and its not even much of a gamble with Steven Jackson, he's pretty much a lock. Its just a matter of whether he's a blue chip runner for us or someone else. I pray that its for us.

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Sean Taylor or Steven Jackson with the #1 pick.

Tubbs (Texas), Starks (Md) or the LSU lineman with the #2 pick.

Turner, Jones or Benson with the #3 pick to fill a RB postion if we take Taylor.

The Minnesota TE with the next pick if he falls this far.

This assumes no trade of Champ Bailey.

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You can not sleep on a safety or the defense

WE waste our first rounder on an effing running back I'm gonna be p1ssed.

Give the O line a smashmouth identity mentality and the holes will open.

The majority of those great running backs were snagged after the first round.

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I'm not a big fan of looking for a RB in the first round either although Jackson is a great prospect. I also don't see any of the availble D-line guys as being the type of "can't miss" prospects that have been available in the past couple of years early in the draft. Even though I like Tommie Harris the best of the bunch there are questions about his size and position in the NFL.

With a pick in the first round that high we need to try to get a player that can make the maximum impact asap. With that in mind I only see two players that fit that mold for when you look at our current roster. Kellen Winslow Jr. or Sean Taylor.

Right now I'd lean towards Winslow Jr. No, I don't like the way he has run his mouth at times but you can't deny the type of impact he could make for this team. Yes, I know that past Skins teams didn't need a pass catching TE.....blah...blah....blah. If we had a weapon like him we'd FIND a way to use him. Any good coach would love to have that type of guy as an option.

Taylor would be my number two pick because I think his impact on the team, no matter how talented he is, would be less IMO.

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" Now this is the story all about how My life got flipped, turned upside down And I'd like to take a minute just sit right there I'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel-Air In West Philadelfia born and raised On the playground where I spent most of my days Chilling out, maxing, relaxing all cool And all shooting some b-ball outside of the school When a couple of guys said "we're up in no good" Started making trouble in my neighbourhood I got in one little fight and my mom got scared And said "you're moving with your aunt and uncle in Bel-Air" I begged and pleaded with her the other day But she packed my suitcase and sent me on my way She gave me a kissin' and she gave me my ticket I put my walkman on and said I might as well kick it First class, yo this is bad, Drinking orange juice out of a champagne glass Is this what the people of Bel-Air livin' like, Hmm this might be alright! I whistled for a cab and when it came near the Licensplate said "Fresh" and had a dice in the mirror If anything I could say that this cab was rare But I thought now forget it, yo home to Bel-Air I pulled up to a house about seven or eight And I yelled to the cabby "Yo, home smell you later" Looked at my kingdom I was finally there To settle my throne as the prince of Bel-Air"

Guess who I want?


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I agree completly with HogFever.Winslow2 and Taylor are the best 2 college players in the draft by far. Both has a good chance of being pro bowlers has a rookie but I'm honestly leaning toward Winslow2 because he will make a Shockey type impact. Just watch the kids effort in tonights game in the run game he's not a mauler but he gives bigtime effort.

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Originally posted by NavyDave

You can not sleep on a safety or the defense

WE waste our first rounder on an effing running back I'm gonna be p1ssed.

Give the O line a smashmouth identity mentality and the holes will open.

The majority of those great running backs were snagged after the first round.

The majority of great safeties were snagged after the first round as well.

Steven Jackson would be far from a wasted pick. He's a lock, I'll definately come out and say that. Barring injury, theres no way he's not going to be a top running back.

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Originally posted by Skeletor The Invincible

Actually most recent mocks have us drafting either Taylor the S, Jones the RB, or Smith the DE.

I'd take Shawn Taylor the S.

I would like to know which mock drafts those are. I got these names from drafts that I looked up today. They were all done no later than the 29th of Dec.

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Originally posted by frankbones

" Now this is the story all about how My life got flipped, turned upside down And I'd like to take a minute just sit right there I'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel-Air In West Philadelfia born and raised On the playground where I spent most of my days Chilling out, maxing, relaxing all cool And all shooting some b-ball outside of the school When a couple of guys said "we're up in no good" Started making trouble in my neighbourhood I got in one little fight and my mom got scared And said "you're moving with your aunt and uncle in Bel-Air" I begged and pleaded with her the other day But she packed my suitcase and sent me on my way She gave me a kissin' and she gave me my ticket I put my walkman on and said I might as well kick it First class, yo this is bad, Drinking orange juice out of a champagne glass Is this what the people of Bel-Air livin' like, Hmm this might be alright! I whistled for a cab and when it came near the Licensplate said "Fresh" and had a dice in the mirror If anything I could say that this cab was rare But I thought now forget it, yo home to Bel-Air I pulled up to a house about seven or eight And I yelled to the cabby "Yo, home smell you later" Looked at my kingdom I was finally there To settle my throne as the prince of Bel-Air"

Guess who I want?


The Fresh Prince?!?! Only kidding. I dont know about Smith though. He may be a solid DE but unspectacular. I think Taylor or Jackson would be great.

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Originally posted by proudestmonkey09

If you want to see some good mock drafts, go to this website...


It has links to a bunch of them, though not all are updated...

UM, yeah

Thats where i got the names in my first post. none of these that are updated have us taking Taylor. Thats why I asked the question about the 3

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Originally posted by Skin-N-NY

Thats where i got the names in my first post. none of these that are updated have us taking Taylor. Thats why I asked the question about the 3 [/b]

Guess I never answered you did I? Sorry bout that. Well, honestly I don't think we go after any of those three.

I love mock drafts. That's how I found this site years ago. That said it's real hard to understand the internal thinking of 32 NFL teams. Most of us know the Skins fairly well (or at least we think we do) but we only have a passing knowledge of other teams.

We might know enough to say that this team needs a QB, or this team needs defensive help but might not know the team well enough to know what they are more likely to do. That's why I take all of the mocks with a grain of salt. The folks doing them know we need defensive line help so they have us selecting the top rated D-line guys. That's simple but not that accurate.

We will know more how things are going to shake out after the combines. There is always a player or two who seem to come out of nowhere to go high in the draft and a couple of poor souls who don't do so hot in the workouts and fall off a lot of boards. It will happen again this year too.

This team will go after a glamour pick in the top 5. None of those guys fit the bill.......yet. If one of them turns out to have a freakishly good performance at the combine they might move up but as it stands I would say we went after Taylor, Winslow Jr., or Jackson, maybe even Jones from Tech. A lot will depend on our new coach as well.

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