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Spurrier Will Return and Our Future


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I believe there is a 95% chance Spurrier returns. Both Snyder and Spurrier have something to give. Even though Spurrier has final say over his coaches, he can tell Snyder he'll make some changes to the coaching staff (even though he doesn't have to) if Snyder gives up some player control to Spurrier or a GM. The problem is that everyone knows that unless Spurrier changes some coaches - he's going to fail again next year. Synder's got the leverage, but if he was smart he'd be willing to try knowing that his current way of doing things hasn't worked since he's been here. If Snyder really wants Spurrier to stay and succeed, you'd think he would give him whatever he wants if the coach thinks it's necessary to win.

What gives us hope for 10-6 next year and a playoff birth?

A defensive line that can stop the run and generate some pass rush.

A healthy more experienced returning QB with a line that will protect him better than they did the first half of the season.

A more discipled attitude that translates to better play (perhasp with a more experienced DC).

An intelligent head coach with an offseason to look at two years worth of tapes and experience to realize what works and what doesn't.

A consistent running game.

An easier schedule.

A few breaks and official's calls that go OUR way.

If you're a fan - you have to keep looking for that ray of hope. It's what keeps us going during the Spring and Summer.

I'm willing to give him one more year.

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Originally posted by blakman211

Do you see how similar this is to when Marty left town 2 years ago? Remember, then Marty had the power, and Snyder wanted some of it. Didnt happen and Marty left. Now Snyder has the power and SS wants some of it. Dan Says he's somewhat wiser. We'll see how this is resolved.

It may simply turn into a $15 million dollar game of chicken.

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A defensive line that can stop the run and generate some pass rush.

Uhhh... before this gives us hope, shouldn't we wait until they actually build it? They've been promising that for years.

I wouldn't be surprised to see them make some tragically dumb moves here -- like signing Sapp. It'll sell tickets, but it sure as hell won't help.

Unfortunately, the Skins best hope is to draft some young talent on the DL. They won't likely be good in 2004, but maybe in 2005 or 2006. Just adding retreads... well, we've been down that path.

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Amen to what GatorEye said. I'm for another season, merely because of that glimmer of hope in Gainesville, Florida, a little team called the Florida Gators, and knowing what Spurrier did there, you gotta figure that he isn't dumb. People are saying that 5-11 is worse than 7-9. I'm sure as hell not going to argue that. But to say there's no progress... who knows? Spurrier is adapting. He saw what didn't work last year. He got new personnel, and tested whether or not it was the personnel or system that screwed us last year. Clearly the system and the coaching. Now, he'll revamp the offense. Not personnel-wise, that was last year. But now he'll actually fix the system. And defense, well, let's tar and feather Edwards and get someone who doesn't suck. Our D is fine with some good coaching. Lewis was there 1 year and made something happen. We need someone like that so that Spurrier can worry about what he does best, offense. We're in the fine tuning stage at this point. I'm not guaranteeing that we'll win the whole thing, but Spurrier isn't that incompetant, hell, I'm not even that incompetant. Either Spurrier adapts, which is where I'm hedging my bets, or he f*cks up. But judging from the nature of game and the nature of the man, it's only a matter of before it comes together.

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Originally posted by Even Madder

Uhhh... before this gives us hope, shouldn't we wait until they actually build it? They've been promising that for years.

The hope comes in thinking those things will come true next season. I know it's a lot to ask, but it all could happen somehow.

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Originally posted by blakman211

Yeah, I think that in this 2 week period, Spurrier is gonna start working on how he's gonna be more like Parcells. Watch, he's gonna start playing mind games with them and make us into one of the most disciplined teams in the league.

Yep, he's gonna put on a 110lbs., dye his hair blonde and start wearing really tight Bike shorts.

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Originally posted by dcogan1820

Amen to what GatorEye said. I'm for another season, merely because of that glimmer of hope in Gainesville, Florida, a little team called the Florida Gators, and knowing what Spurrier did there, you gotta figure that he isn't dumb. People are saying that 5-11 is worse than 7-9.

Your optimism is refreshing, but I'm too bitter and callous now to consider it seriously anymore. I could care less what he did at Florida. Plenty of great college coaches couldn't make the transition, and Spurrier is probably one of them. I'm sure he'll be great when he goes back to the college ranks, but there's no reason to believe he'll do anything here.

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There is no hope. Synder and Spurrier have done one thing, make the Skins the laughing stock of the league for the last two years and the foreseeable future.

F*CK Spurrier, fire is his A$$, he is the dumbest coach in the league... "ahhh, I guess we let that one slip away, yup, probably should'a run some more".

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Originally posted by blakman211

Yeah, I think that in this 2 week period, Spurrier is gonna start working on how he's gonna be more like Parcells. Watch, he's gonna start playing mind games with them and make us into one of the most disciplined teams in the league.

You started to see him set the tone for next year by suspending the 3 guys for tonight's game for being late to practice. You can bet that will be rule #1 - be late to a meeting or practice and enjoy the view from the stands or on tv.

You don't necessarily need to be as scrict as Parcells to be a success, but when you can see that a lack of disclipline off the field translates to lack of discipline on the field, you either need to change your approach or change the players. Since I think he realizes he isn't going to get wholesale changes in personnel, he's going to change his approach and see how that works.

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Let's say you run a car dealership and you are hirnig salesmen. You tell your new salesman that all sales representatives are expected to sell 100 cars per year. In year one, he only sells 70 cars. So, you figue he is learning and you give him another year--you spend some money giving him the training and materials needed to sell the cars, and in year two, he goes out and sells 50 cars. Would you stick with him for year three?

I'll be on IR next week with a strained analogy.

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What Qb's did Marty have???? Rookie?? How about a guy off the street??? How about only two QB's to choose from during the season start??Ohh yeah, & one has 5 NFL games on his belt the other had training camp time, and he looked well like crap....Weurfull beat him out!

Point is how can we look at this as failure?? We cant just read the score card we have to find out the reason why we had these players to start the year!!!


Skin 4 Life

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Originally posted by Skinster


What Qb's did Marty have???? Rookie?? How about a guy off the street??? How about only two QB's to choose from during the season start??Ohh yeah, & one has 5 NFL games on his belt the other had training camp time, and he looked well like crap....Weurfull beat him out!

Point is how can we look at this as failure?? We cant just read the score card we have to find out the reason why we had these players to start the year!!!


Skin 4 Life

Marty? He had Kent Graham and Tony Banks...still won more than Spurrier...in either year.

Quincy Carter led a team to the playoffs. Jon Kitna and Anthony Wright are about to lead teams to the playoffs.

How can we look at this as a failure? Well, we lost 11 games...sure sounds like a lot.

This team IS a failure...and in my book (which will be on bookshelves Jan. 15), so is the Spurier era.

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Originally posted by DieselPwr44

The Carolina Panthers are running MartyBall and guess what? They're playing next weekend.......

I was just f*cking around. Please, I'd take a well-run, boring-ass ball control offense over a malfunctioning Pass-Happy offense anyday. But if the FnG were working.....

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Look back at games if you can and look at the WR play and tell me if you dont see them getting open... we have a hude glaring problem and its plain as the sky... WE NEED A QB!!! Ramsey could be the one but still has question marks all over it!!!


Skin 4 Life

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Originally posted by Phat 'Suicide Watch' Hog

I can think of 15 million reasons why SS will return... few are that stupid !

...or that righteous, but how many people do you think that if given a 5 year contract of guaranteed employment for $5 mil per year, would say before their first day of work, that if they weren't performing after 3 years, they would just quit and give up $10 mil?

Not too many I'd say.

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