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Spurrier Press Conference


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If I demonstrated this demeanor at my job I'd either be fired or put on suicide watch...or both.

It was also helpful that SOS took pains to point out that the Eagles, in fact, were the better team. We were having a pretty heated debate in my living room.

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Definately looked like a deer in oncoming headlights...

But I hate to get all the Spurrier haters all shook up... And I'd hate the Spurrier supporters to actually think I was on their side, but...

Maybe he has learned something, and if he comes back will be ready to coach a real NFL game... It seems as if he realizes finally now that his system doesn't work...

The way he talked after the game was because his ego deflated a little bit more, if it finally popped, he could have finally woken up...

I wouldn't mind seeing him get one more chance...

But I also wouldn't mind saying asta la vista to him either...

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Originally posted by DieselPwr44

Zaban goes out for blood doesn't he?? Zaban= ChiefHogSkin?? Sounds like they both beat the same war drum.

Hey, the truth hurts sometimes. I just can't stand watching an amatuer destroy a moderately talented team, and make them look like the doorstops of our division. IT IS SPURRIER'S FAULT. The Front Office and players are also culpable, of course, but Spurrier is the leader of this sh!tshow and he has no answers, only befuddled, pathetic expressions like "They just kicked our tails". Yeah Steve, we all watched the game, but what are you gonna do about it? He hasn't done anything so far, it seems.

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Originally posted by chiefhogskin48

I just can't stand watching an amatuer destroy a moderately talented team, and make them look like the doorstops of our division.

Is being a doorstop worse than being a doormat? Well, which ever the worse one is, we're that.

Hey, chiefhogskin...I agree Spurrier is a nightmare as a NFL coach, but do me a favor and save some credit for the Danny.

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i hope he goes to florida and finds himself. return as ss and not this wounded, i'm scared, whatever you are thing that you've shown thus far. where is the ss that didn't give a @hit what folks thought of you. where is the ss that went for it on 4th and 1 while up 35 to 0...please...who are you and what did you do with ss

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Originally posted by GGB81

Hey, chiefhogskin...I agree Spurrier is a nightmare as a NFL coach, but do me a favor and save some credit for the Danny.

Of course Snyder deserves a lot of 'credit'. He hired this guy, to a record contract no less. A college coach. I can't blame him for hiring Shottenheimer, just as I wouldn't blame him for hiring Cowher, because they are proven winners IN THE NFL, and have earned their keep in this league. Spurrier hadn't, and we shouldn't be too surprised that he's a failure. I just had no idea that he'd be a spectacular failure.

Of course, Snyder didn't help him much. He got Coles, Hall, and Thomas, but then got rid of Wilkinson and Gardener. He also failed to add any credible passrusher.

But I don't even think that the talent is a huge issue. Plenty of good teams lack talent at key positions, but are able to overcome them. Badly coached teams can't. And since Snyder hired Spurrier, he certainly shares the blame. In the same way as a CEO would if they delegated authority badly.

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Originally posted by chiefhogskin48

Of course Snyder deserves a lot of 'credit'. He hired this guy, to a record contract no less. A college coach. I can't blame him for hiring Shottenheimer, just as I wouldn't blame him for hiring Cowher, because they are proven winners IN THE NFL, and have earned their keep in this league. Spurrier hadn't, and we shouldn't be too surprised that he's a failure. I just had no idea that he'd be a spectacular failure.

Of course, Snyder didn't help him much. He got Coles, Hall, and Thomas, but then got rid of Wilkinson and Gardener. He also failed to add any credible passrusher.

But I don't even think that the talent is a huge issue. Plenty of good teams lack talent at key positions, but are able to overcome them. Badly coached teams can't. And since Snyder hired Spurrier, he certainly shares the blame. In the same way as a CEO would if they delegated authority badly.

Yep, I agree. What's nice about being 5-11 is that there is so much blame to spread around, no one feels left out.

That being said, this team's problems are two fold--idiot owner/incompetent coach. Thank God the team is still profitable--otherwise Snyder might be compelled to change his ways.

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To me it just seems SOS is just not smart. I can't even figure how he ever won in college (maybe he was just smart enough to win there and this is way over his head). He seems dazed and confused all the time, before the game, during the game and after the game. Heck he seems dazed and confused about vacation.

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