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Who and where are our new assistant coaches going to come from?

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Well guys I am as disappointed as the rest of you the way this season turned out, especially after all the preseason hype. And I have also been one of the biggest critics of Spurrier when I realized IMHO that he is not going to cut it. I still don't think he is going to cut it for a lot of reasons, mainly because he is too disorganized, slow to change, laid-back, the fun n' gun won't work [which he's finally started to admit] and for whatever reason he can't relate to professional athletes like say a Bill Parcells.

But we are only a couple weeks away from burying this season, so some optimism is starting to creep back in for the 2004 season, in spite of Spurrier.

From what I'm reading this week, it does appear that there will be some changes in our assistant coaches. So who goes and where do we get the new NFL coaches -- I assume we don't want any more college coaches.

The most important assistant coaches are the OC, DC, OL and Special teams coaches. Being that Spurrier is the OC, I will assume that we will only replace Helton, and hopefully Stock and Edwards. But they may only give Edwards some help. :( The only coach I am in favor of keeping is Hue Jackson. :)

So at the moment which teams figure to fire their HC with their staffs, which is more then likely where our new assistant coaches would come from?

Done deal: Atlanta

More than likely: New York Giants, San Diego, Chicago, Arizona

Maybe: Buffalo, Oakland, Miami

So unless you want to bring back some old NFL coaches like Joe Bugel or Richie Petitbon or guys working at McDonald's -- I don't --our new coaches will probably have to come from current NFL staffs that get fired along with their HC's. Assistant coaches are not allowed to make lateral moves but can only be hired if they are given promotions.

So checking the slim pickings here is my wish list:

Offensive line:

1st choice: Jim McNally - NY - real good coach, who does more with less :)

2nd choice: Hudson Houck - San Diego - he put together the big offensive lines I believe when Aikman was the QB in Dallas

3rd choice: Russ Grimm - I'm not crazy about Grimm as an OL coach, he had problems before as our OL coach, but he's better then Helton. :(

Defensive coordinator:

Ray Rhodes - I think we have to make him our Assistant HC and DC to pry him away from Seattle. He puts aggressive defenses on the field and at least LaVar and company could go back to what they learned 3 years ago. :)

Lovie Smith - Rams - the same thing goes for Lovie Smith

Special teams - none excite me too much

Greg Manusky - San Diego - at least he was a fiery special teams player himself when he played for the Skins.


Emmitt Thomas - Atlanta

Any other suggestions people?

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Spurrier needs dicipline. He needs an "assistant head coach" who will scare the hell out of the players. I get the feeling that Spurrier is a "players' buddy" kind of dude, and over time that doesn't fly in the NFL. NFL players have such inflated egos that they need someone who intimitades them. Neither Little Danny, nor Spurrier intimidates anyone.

The Cowboy players are scared of Parcells and openly admit it.

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Originally posted by Yusuf06

Rhodes probably will not be fired in Seattle.

He doesn't have to be fired. If the Skins offer him more money and the Ast. HC and DC job, that is a promotion and Seattle cant do anything about it. Assuming he wants to come back to the Skins. And he might if he figures that Spurrier will be gone after 2004. :)

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Originally posted by Tarhog

I was under the impression that Ray Rhodes absolutely despises Dan Snyder? Am I wrong? I see zero chance he comes back here for an encore, no matter what Snyder offers.

I dont think Rhodes dislikes Snyder. Snyder was the one who hired him initially. Rhodes just did not want to return under Marty, in that both are head-strong coaches and Marty wanted his brother to be the new DC. :)

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McNally and Rhodes would be my first choices...Rhodes has always done a great job, and I think that the only way he would come back would be as an assistant head coach adn the DC, as Inmate said...he would be able to give Steve-O some help organizing things, as well as helping out the D...sorry Georgie!!

McNally would, IMO, love to come to an NFC East team and get revenge on the Giants!!!!

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