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Earthquake just hit eastern and central Va


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My wife called me from our home in Woodbridge (VA) just as the thing ended. Being a native Virginian, she don’t really know from earthquakes ... other than the stories I tell, of course, that at this point have both her and kids rolling their eyes.

“Yes, Dad, you have told us that one.”

But hey ... now they’ve had a taste. And I could talk about it again last night. :)

Dug up this ditty from an old post the last time we had a quake in the northeast. Archives are too cool.

Lived in Chile for 3 ½ years back in the 70's. Pretty much right on top of the San Andreas fault. Earthquakes were very much a part of our lives there. At least after the first few, and you realized the Earth was, in fact, NOT about to swallow you up.

Nothing quite like them.

The first time it happened was about a week after we got there. We were in an 40's style ground-floor apartment, and I woke up in the middle of the night with my bed rattling across the linoleum tile floor, stuff falling and breaking in the kitchen down the hall, and plaster dust falling from the ceiling onto my head.

It's not the sound of rattling human stuff in the apartment that struck me then, though, or now. It was sound of a 100 freight trains passing directly under the floor. Or a couple thousand subwoofers exalting Delerium. And the sense of crushing power around you. And almost subliminal vibrations deep in your chest. And the sense of the ground underneath the floor having turned to liquid. Everything was sliding.

It was unreal.

After a while, having these things every month or two, we as young teenagers of course decided there was nothing, NOTHING cooler that earthquakes. For the most part, the buildings were built to roll with the punches, so they mostly stood up and people mostly didn't die ... so the events became a cause to celebrate.

My best bud lived in a four-story house, with his bedroom on the top floor, AND he had a bunk bed. Guess where we'd run as soon as we heard the freight trains coming. The top bunk would sway back and forth, and walk a couple of feet across the floor ... and we'd whoop and holler and carry on and be kings of the world for the 30 or so seconds it would last.

Then, when it was over, his Dad would storm into the room and kick our a$$es for being such incredibly stupid, insensitive, clueless kids. Which no doubt we were.

But it was so cool. :cool:

Just don't let me catch MY kids celebrating no earthquakes. Don't they know those damn things kill?

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Originally posted by inmate running the asylum

I hope no one was injured back there, but out here in Los Angeles if it aint at least 6.0 on the Richter scale, no one hardly even notices. :rolleyes:

Inmate the difference here is the rock is much older and harder (if that makes sense). In Cali the rock is softer in a way and when the earthquake hits you won't feel it as far as you would here. Yesterday the 4.5 quake was fealt from NC to PA. The rock doesn't give much like in cali so all feel it. If there was ever a 6.0 quake on the east coast the damage would be amazing.

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I never realized Viriginia was seismically active. I guess it makes sense though because it is next to the Appalachians. I once went through an 8.2 earthquake when I lived in the Pacific and ever since then have avoided living in regions of the world that suffer major earthquakes. Call me a puss, but I believe in higher powers, and mother nature don't care who you are when it decides to shake, rattle and roll. :D The major earthquake itself wasn't as scary because I was simply trying to think survival at the moment in case the roof fell so I was busy finding strong structures to duck under. LOL The scary part were the strong aftershocks because I lived in a 20 story condo and was on the 10th floor. Nothing like feeling your home sway left and right.

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