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This team is going somewhere

Ignatius J.

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This thread is for everyone who compares this team to a norv turner team.

The difference was on the field today.

Gardner caught a first down. Nothing.

Several sacks. Nothing (except that one sack, by that one guy, what's his name?)

Maybe a little celebrating.

I got the feeling that everyone on the field knew that they were playing to salvage a bit of pride. There was nothing to celebrate. This team is out of the playoffs, and no individual accomplishment (except that one) meant a darn. They were happy to be winning, but you could tell that the weight of failure rested heavy on the shoulders of all but one.

That didn't happen before.


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When you think about it we really havent played that poorly ever since the Dallas game. We looked real bad in that stretch from Tampa to Dallas, but from Seattle on I think we've looked pretty good, just unfortunate.

We're much better than last year, we're not turning it over 3 times a game, we hitting field goals, we've got good solid QB play from both Ramsey and Hasselbeck. etc.........

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I don't think it means we're back on track... meaning we're not a winner yet, and the track is for winners.

BUT, the team has yet to pack it in, despite all the problems and scrutiny. They went out today and played fro more than pride, they played as hard as they have played for the last month.

They've had plenty of reason to get down, to give up, to lay down, and they have yet to do it.

They've got heart, no matter how bad it may seem. Another reason why I feel they are on the right course to eventual success.


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Originally posted by skinsanity56

this season will be just like lasts..throw the season early,then play good enough late to give us all hope for next season..httr

We think so much alike, that is probably why we get along so well.

Bring on Chicago! :asta:

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I think one of the better points in analyzing the Redskins desire to fight and try to win games even if they aren’t going to the playoffs only proves that this team is still together. Usually once every week we see an article on how Spurrier has lost the team, he’s going back to college or this that and the other (like he likes to say). But the teams effort in trying to win these games (most notably the past 4) is something to appreciate, even if they all haven’t resulted in wins. I’m disappointed as anyone that this team is only 5-8. But there are very few circumstances this year that I can think of, when I would say it looked like the Skins quit…and that is important in the long run….it means they care, it means they believe, and it means they want to win. Hey its clear the cards haven’t fallen our way this year…but unfortunately that is sometimes what separates teams that are 5-8 vs. 8-5.

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Finishing strong will only be a buiding block for next season if we keep a majority of the team intact next season and dont overhaul the roster again. As for the coaches you have to give them credit and it is weird that some of the back-ups come in and play better than the starters.

Helton has done a good job with Dockery and Winey. Spurrier has done a great job to get Hasselbeck up to speed in only what 6 weeks.

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Originally posted by fuji869

We think so much alike, that is probably why we get along so well.

Bring on Chicago! :asta:


a couple of weeks ago i was eagerly awaiting this matchup,so we could lay it on tom(bears fan) all afternoon.now i'm wondering if we're gonna take the razzing..and not just from tom,70 some thousand other maniacs also..they've been playin' good ball lately.

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