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US Army's STEM Program


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Hey folks,


The US Army has an extensive STEM Program (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics).  A new initiative was recently launched called "Cryptaris."




I know there are a lot of teachers here, and I thought I would share this tool if you teach anything to do with STEM.  It is a great project for the students and gives them an idea of different careers available within the military and civilian sectors.


I am using this program and have had much success with it so far.  It really stretches the kid's minds in a fun way that uses creativity and imagination while honing critical thinking / problem solving skills.


So, there you have it.  Make it a great day and Go Skins!

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A good post to share. 

My son is involved with STEM, and frankly, it really looks like a golden ticket. It's an outstanding opportunity for young people to get a major head start on life by getting out on the cutting edges of technological advancements. The programs typically involve trmemndous incentives on education, and in my mind, aside from the education being provided in critical areas for the future, but they also can help them step into that world without a crushing student debt. The program my boy is in does require that you pay back by working in the industry.. assume the one in the OP will be attached to the army.. the one my son is in is attached to the Navy, and they set you up with a nice GS job.

Part of th idea is that students train as a team from high school on through college, and then are a working unit upon entering the GS phase. Familiarity and unit cohesion are emphasized as much as the education.

This is where the industrial revolution is happening.

If you have a child entering high school, the STEM programs are an excellent opportunity that should definitely be explored.





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^^  LoL already has it you are just not aware...  :)


Seriously though... I should mention the Dept of Navy has great STEM programs as well focusing on everything from robotics to drones to arduino.


Places like Dahlgren (NSWC) VA do a whole lot for you with just a phone call.  The money is there for the students if you know where to look.  MCCS at Quantico is another great resource.


I received 30 programmable robots from USN for free last year.

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Please tell me.... I would very much like to know your thoughts.

Basically I think that students need to learn things like philosophy, ethics, history, literature, religion, art, etc. (in addition to science, technology, engineering, and math), otherwise what we have is vo-tech training instead of education.

Don't get me wrong we need to improve in the STEM categories, I just don't think it should be at the expense of a well-rounded education.

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^^ Completely agree.  I view STEM as an augmentation to what the students learn upstairs.  They have options and get to actually DO what they are learning in rigorous scholarship.  I encourage students to apply everything they are learning to their hands and minds.


It is better than a lot of the "worksheets" I see the kids toting around that seem mindless.  I am all about application.


Thanks for your thoughts... and I agree... especially with the subjects you listed.  It is educating the "whole person" and not just one aspect of who someone is.

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