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WTOP: Kid who offered prayer gets suprise gift from Redskins player


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For some positivity around here :)

WASHINGTON — In the midst of what was pretty much a bummer for Redskins fans, a heartwarming exchange took place between a young fan and veteran cornerback DeAngelo Hall, who injured his toe during Thursday night’s game against the New York Giants.

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Awww bless. In the photie the jersey is like a tent up against Brian. :lol:.

Nice gesture from DeAngelo. That's something that young guy will never ever forget.


Lucy Pearl! I've missed you. I'm on a cheap old android phone and can't PM people :(

Hope you're doing well! Playing FF this year?

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Lucy Pearl! I've missed you. I'm on a cheap old android phone and can't PM people :(

Hope you're doing well! Playing FF this year?


Dave, you SUCK! None of this 'I'm a girl so I suck purty' **** either! Suckings SUCKING!


Full of cold. Which I believe is turning into a killer flu so this may be the last time anyone hear's from me. But then I'm male so I would and I reserve my right to be dying darn it!   :P.


Kicking ass in fantasy. 2-0. But a shocking start to this week with Garcon and Jones down to piss poor playcalling, piss poor QB play, and a darn fumbled away TD that I SORELY needed. 13.2 pts. combined. Need a mega Sunday to stay unbeaten. 


Oh yeah. You still SUCK!  :angry:



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Dave, you SUCK! None of this 'I'm a girl so I suck purty' **** either! Suckings SUCKING!

Full of cold. Which I believe is turning into a killer flu so this may be the last time anyone hear's from me. But then I'm male so I would and I reserve my right to be dying darn it! :P.

Kicking ass in fantasy. 2-0. But a shocking start to this week with Garcon and Jones down to piss poor playcalling, piss poor QB play, and a darn fumbled away TD that I SORELY needed. 13.2 pts. combined. Need a mega Sunday to stay unbeaten.

Oh yeah. You still SUCK! :angry:.


You poor thing! I hope you feel better soon! :)

Glad to hear you're kicking butt in FF! It seems like every time I drafted redskins players, especially RB's under Shanny, I sucked really bad lol.

Do you still have my email address?

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