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WE: U.K.'s left wing takes hard anti-U.S. turn


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What is bad about this isn't really Corbyn's positions (Well those are pretty awful) but the likelihood that there will be no real opposition to the Conservative Party for the foreseeable future. Don't get wrong I prefer the Tories but as is pointed out in the article when a party doesn't have to worry about the opposition,  corruption and arrogance creep in.  This won't serve the UK well.




"For the first time in a lifetime of political analysis, I find myself lost for words. Nothing I write can do justice to the calamity that Britain's Labour Party has just inflicted on itself. The best I can do, to give you a sense of the man newly elected as Leader of Her Majesty's Opposition, is to summarize some of his opinions.


Jeremy Corbyn is happy to talk to Irish Republican Army men, avowed anti-Semites and Hezbollah militants; but he refuses "out of principle" to talk to the Sun newspaper, a right-wing tabloid.

He campaigns for the national rights of Venezuelans and Palestinians; but he opposes self-determination in Northern Ireland and the Falkland Islands.

He'd like to admit as many Syrian refugees as possible, but is curiously ambivalent about why they became refugees in the first place, telling RT that Assad's chemical attacks may have been a Western hoax.


He is relaxed about Iran acquiring a nuclear weapon, but he can't stand the idea of Britain having one.

He says taxpayers should be able to opt out of funding the military, but not out of funding trade unions.

He wants to re-open coal mines that have been uneconomical since the 1960s; yet, oddly, he wants to wean us off fossil fuels.

He can't even unequivocally condemn the Islamic State without adding a "but…" to the effect that America shouldn't have been in Iraq.

He is, in short, happy to ally with any cause, however vile, provided it is sufficiently anti-British and anti-American.........


His supporters lapped it up, but Labour moderates are in despair. Many of the party's senior figures have already declared that they won't serve under Corbyn, and there is a real chance that they will break away, forming a rival Center-Left party and thus, under Britain's first-past-the-post system, giving the Conservative Party a decade of easy election wins........"

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Splits emerge as Jeremy Corbyn finalises Labour's shadow cabinet


Jeremy Corbyn holds private meetings to select his shadow cabinet while deputy leader Tom Watson says he cannot agree with Labour leader on leaving Nato or scrapping Trident



Labour leader JeremyCorbyn has sacked Shadow Northern Ireland Secretary Ivan Lewis

1:22 PM


Labour MP Chuka Umunna has left the Shadow Cabinet by mutual agreement citing a "number of key points of difference on policy"
3:21 PM


Labour's Shadow Secretary for International Development Mary Creagh has confirmed she will not be in Jeremy Corbyn's Shadow Cabinet
4:49 PM


Labour press team: Andy Burnham - Shadow Home Secretary, Hilary Benn - Shadow Foreign Secretary & Heidi Alexander - Shadow Health Secretary
5:05 PM


Update - Labour confirms Lord Falconer as Shadow Justice Secretary and Vernon Coaker as Shadow Secretary for Northern Ireland
5:21 PM

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The Stalinist voice of Labour


Jeremy Corbyn has done it again — he’s confounded everyone’s expectations. This time, he’s done it not by winning the Labour leadership but in his latest bid to win the general election itself. He has hired the Guardian columnist Seumas Milne to be his director of communications.


This is a man who many in the British media — the very people Corbyn’s team will need to reach out to, after all — regard as being as close to an unreconstructed Stalinist as you can get in 21st century Britain. Holding the sorts of positions Milne does takes serious commitment these days, considering the Soviet archives have long been opened and Communism has gone the way of feudalism as a viable, or indeed ethical, political system.


Milne has made a point of arguing that the number of Stalin’s victims has been greatly exaggerated. His views on global geopolitics represent the worst of unthinking, historically illiterate, and reactionary leftism. The South Ossetia conflict? Not the result of Russian aggression but U.S. interference. Russia’s invasion and annexation of Crimea? Not Moscow’s fault — it’s all down to Western expansionism. The Islamist extremists who killed British soldier Lee Rigby on the streets of London? Merely the “predicted consequence of an avalanche of violence unleashed by the U.S., Britain and others in eight direct military intervention in Arab and Muslim countries.” From Hugo Chavez to Bashar al-Assad and Vladimir Putin, every dictator and demagogue standing up to so-called U.S. imperialism is a de facto good guy.


Even by the standards of the hard left, Milne is almost pathologically unwilling to let the tiresome facts of reality intrude upon the certainty of ideology.


Milne’s appointment has caused predictable outrage online and in print. But his political beliefs are not the point here; they are, after all, in line with Corbyn’s. The @JeremyCorbyn4PM account — which is not Corbyn’s official spokesperson account but was responsible for the #JezWeCan social media campaign — recently tweeted “Seumas shares Jeremy’s world view almost to the letter.”


The real issue is not that Jeremy Corbyn has appointed Milne as his director of communications, it’s that he’s done it knowing full well the furore it would cause. As far as the Tories are concerned a crank has now employed an even bigger crank to be his public mouthpiece. It’s Christmas come early. Again.


So why did he do it? There are two conceivable possibilities. The first: Corbyn is so far removed from reality that he genuinely believes Milne will help his cause, and finally awaken the public from its supposed“false consciousness.”

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