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Forbes.com (Stan Collender): Now 60% Chance Of A Government Shutdown


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That's true. I'm just going on the most recent news about them not having the votes to pass it and using that as an assumption since they aren't really super close, either (I think it was 53 votes last time I read).


Only takes 60 votes, if the bill is filibustered. 


Now, you do have a point.  I suppose the Dems could, in theory, filibuster a bill to fund the government, and try to blame the R's for it. 


I suppose it would be karma for all the times the R's did it. 


But I'm not at all certain that that would work, with the voters, either. 

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It would definitely be interesting to see the pissing match if the R's decided to try and sell it as the D's filibustering a bill to fund the government (despite the fact that they've done it themselves and that filibusters are pretty much assumed nowadays). If they don't get the 60 votes I wouldn't be that surprised to see them do just that, actually. Interesting point.

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