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Giants Starting LT tears pec, out 5-6 months


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The Giants offensive line suffered an enormous blow on Wednesday when starting left tackle Will Beatty tore his pectoral muscle while lifting weights, possibly putting him on the shelf for up to 5 months, a team spokesman confirmed.



After leading the league in starter injuries the last two years, the giants are off to a good start :(

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I've seen people say the Giants training staff is terrible because of the vast amount of injuries.  I don't deny it outright, but I also wonder how much of that is due to the staff and how much to the random nature of injuries.  I really have no idea.  I'm an inquiring mind that that wants to know.  Any workout folk have an answer for me?

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I know that there've been studies done on the effect different exercises can have on injury frequency, but not the pec major in particular. One I know of specifically has to do with decreasing the number of ACL tears in girls soccer (they have more torn ACLs than anyone) and it's by using proprioception exercises (which increase the body's ability to balance). This is generally effective for sprained ankles also, from what I remember.


I'm not sure that you can decrease the injury frequency for every injury, but there should be some things you can do to help with some of them. So, I guess, really it depends on the type of injuries all these guys are having. With the pec, if Beal's injury was anything like Orakpo's injuries, part of the problem was the sudden contraction against a force moving in the opposite direction that caused the tear initially, and after tearing it once, the scar tissue that forms becomes less flexible and can cause follow up injuries because of the loss of flexibility in the muscle after an injury like that.


With Orakpo, what caused the injury was the equivalent of you laying on a bench face up, then someone drops a 40 pound dumbbell to one side of you and you try to catch it, you're going to tear something no matter what kind of workouts you've been doing. Kennan Robinson did the exact same thing (tried to arm tackle someone running the opposite direction at full speed. It never turns out good.


Really, I don't know if there's anyway to stop an injury like that, but you would think some injuries should be preventable. Two years in a row would suggest they're missing something, OR they have the worst luck in the league, OR they've picked up lots of players with a history of injury on their roster.

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