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disturbing, very disturbing


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If your sick and tired of reading about Redskins stories from "un-named sources", close this thread immediately. Or proceed with caution.

Got your interest now, didn't I? :D

Seriously, I have a source that has relayed to me the state of the Redskins locker room . And it aint pretty. The source is the brother-in-law of one of the Redskins starters on offense. I'm not going to reveal the name of the player because there's no way I can confirm what was said. I'm getting this second hand and you're getting it third hand. So, take it for what its's worth. Hell, I could be making all of this up, but I'm not.

Basically, this player said that Spurrier has already lost 3/4 of the team. Most of these players believe that Spurrier will be fired at the end of the season. He said that almost everyone likes the ball coach on a personal level, but they have been dumbfounded by his coaching. Apparently, there is a running joke amongst the offensive players about the simplicity of Spurrier's system. And there has been frustration at Spurrier's inability or unwillingness to be flexible. The one thing I found most interesting that this guy said was the absolute resentment felt for Spurrier and Snyder concerning the release of Stephen Davis. Apparently, there are still many players that are angry over Davis' release, especially the offensive line.

I don't post much here, although I am a daily visitor and read many of threads. I have no agenda. I do not wish Spurrier to be fired, especially during the season. I started a thread not too long ago asking everyone to try and be patient and support this coach and give him an opportunity to succeed. A successful Spurrier means a successful Redskins team and that's all that really matters to me. But, what I have heard recently (including Lavar's comments on the radio today) have been very disturbing.

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The comment reminds me of what opposing defenses said about Fassel's Giants several years ago regarding a predictable offense. If the offense is so simple, why so many dumb penalties. I'm beginning to wonder if anyone can win with this group of core players. I've seen very little toughness from day 1 from this offense.

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If the running joke is the simplicity of the offense, you would think the O-line could figure out the snap count every now and then. They must be too busy joking and ****ing about Stephen Davis to be able to block and not get penalized. If this is true, it says a lot about the character of the players, which is lacking.

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Originally posted by sashae

Not surprising at all... somewhat in line with the OL not picking up PR after sacks -- he IS Spurrier's boy...


That bugged the he11 out of me too....this is no way shape or form a TEAM right now.

The guys that have heart (Arrington, Coles, Ramsey, Smoot, Armstead) are the minority.

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Basically, this player said that Spurrier has already lost 3/4 of the team. Most of these players believe that Spurrier will be fired at the end of the season. He said that almost everyone likes the ball coach on a personal level, but they have been dumbfounded by his coaching. Apparently, there is a running joke among the offensive players about the simplicity of Spurrier's system. And there has been frustration at Spurrier's inability or unwillingness to be flexible. The one thing I found most interesting that this guy said was the absolute resentment felt for Spurrier and Snyder concerning the release of Stephen Davis. Apparently, there are still many players that are angry over Davis' release, especially the offensive line.

That has more holes than swiss cheese. If his offense is so easy, why have many players blamed the penalties on grasping all audibles. Gee for a guy who is not flexible, he has sure done many different things already this year, run more, Max Protect blocking schemes this Sunday, Simplified the game plan (for that simple offense). Most of the offense didn't play here last year( or has played only two years), so I doubt they had any great affection built up for Davis. Besides Davis wanted to go, and has belittled the Skins at times in the press.

Nothing legit in it

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Its not true that Davis wanted to go. I read many times in the media where Davis was willing to renegoiate his contract. But the FO never even talked to him about a new contract.

Its not surprising the Skins have given up on Spurrier. The Fun n' Gun is unworkable just as the Run n' Shoot was unworkable.

I would like to see Dennis Green bring in a bunch of NFL assistants and get rid of Spurrier and his college coaches.

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Lets just say that Spurrier has indeed lost 3/4 of the team. Does that mean they stop playing and is that why they suck?

Even if they have given up on him, they still have to feed their families and play football. I see noone on this team besides Ramsey and Coles that I would cry over if they were released. We only have a few players who could command big payday from someone else and they wont get what our owner will give.

I guess what kills me is that these players are playing for an owner who is willing to give them big $$ if they play good. Nobody but the guys I mentioned above deserve the big payday from Danny Boy. I love Lavar's attitude and heart but I would give up his and Bailey's contract for 4 or 5 players who would upgrade this team.

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It's easier to fire the coach and his assistant than to fire 3/4 of your roster. The players know this and could give a rats ass less if they got cut(which is doubtful) because they'll end up on a winning team. That does explain why they didn't help Ramsey up.

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Originally posted by bubba9497

That has more holes than swiss cheese. If his offense is so easy, why have many players blamed the penalties on grasping all audibles. Gee for a guy who is not flexible, he has sure done many different things already this year, run more, Max Protect blocking schemes this Sunday, Simplified the game plan (for that simple offense). Most of the offense didn't play here last year( or has played only two years), so I doubt they had any great affection built up for Davis. Besides Davis wanted to go, and has belittled the Skins at times in the press.

Nothing legit in it

Actually, I thought the same thing when I heard this. The offense too simple? I thought that, if anything, it was too complex and should be dumbed down.

Like I said, this is second hand info that I'm passing down and certainly things get interpreted differently as it passes from one person to another. We used to play a little game in grade school where a statement was whispered to the the first kid and it was in turn whispered to the next kid and the next kid, and so on until it got to the last kid. In every instance, the last kid said something totally different thatn what was told to the first kid. Same principle working here.

I don't think the offense is simple at all. But, it can be characterized as not condusive to the NFL. I mean, if your going to try and stretch the field, you better have the necessary check downs to get your QB out of trouble. I have seen very little of that in Spurrier's offense.

Your statement about Davis is completely wrong. I'm sure Davis had more friends on the team than the starting offense. I guess averaging 125 yards a game just didn't fit into Spurriers's offense.

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Sounds to me like the line doesn't like to pass block.

WTF?? They need to get with the program. So the line resents the new guys who they brought in with Davis' money? If so, that is petty.

My advice to the "unnamed offensive starter." Quit your sniveling.

Pl$$ off ballcoach and we'll throw 80 times next week!

Start Friedman SOMEWHERE. Either Dockery or Moore could gladly take a seat.

I seriously hope you're not talking about Jon Jansen - (my guess.)

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What ever happened to being professional?

I don't buy it. Every team has some controversial cuts leading to disgruntledness in those remaining. Why are the Redskins the only ones who end playing worse than a HS team?

Something is not adding up.:mad:

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Originally posted by SkinsFan56

Even if they have given up on him, they still have to feed their families and play football.

I live on the Gulf Coast near enough to New Orleans that I have seen teams quit on coaches many times over the years and this is something that has always puzzled me.

There is often a huge turnover in players when there is coaching change. Quiting on a staff or Spurier or Ditka or Philips or anyone is really a bad career move. One might think that the vast majority of the players would rally to a staff that kept them on the roster especially since their future may depend on then.

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there are many truisms at work here :)

1. Spurrier has indeed been slow to adapt to the NFL game.

2. Snyder has meddled enough to diminish the standing of the coach in the eyes of the players. Nobody thinks Spurrier is really in charge in any meaningful way.

3. The players are at times using the circumstances regarding Spurrier and Snyder to cover for the fact many are just not doing their jobs. Even mediocre coaching should not have some of the players on the OL, veterans all, playing this poorly.

What is the excuse for Regan Upshaw's continued penalties? He is a perfect 100% this year. For each game he has been active, he has a defensive penalty.

4. The organization needs to be overhauled to break the 'spell' and run of bad luck. Unfortunately, I think Snyder is still a 2-14 season or two away from reigning in his ego enough to turn this thing around by booting Cerrato and Pepper Rogers and bringing in a respected NFL mind.

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I am not at all defending the players. They're paid, and paid well, to perform.

Having said that, I believe Snyder has created an atmosphere that is difficult to perform in. If you're constantly under the cloud of a potential coaching change, it has to affect you at some level. How demoralizing is it to know (or think that you know) that your head coach is on his way out. It would do well for Mr. Snyder to publicly register a vote of confidence for his head coach. And the ballcoach shouldn't get a free pass either. I think it is ridiculous that he can stand up there and say that he's here for at least 3 years. WTF? He signed an 5 year contract. Publicly state that you plan on being here for the duration. This whole "well it depends on our progress" statement is stupid. Snyder should have call him out on that one.

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