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Real World: 9 Historical Characters and a 10th Currently Alive (90 Days in One House)


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Was having this discussion with the fam and seemed to me like something ES might enjoy (or might be on the second page by the end of the day).

So basically think MTV's Real World. 90 days in the house living together. 10 folks: 9 historical figures and then the 10 from today (my stepfather picked Nicks Minaj for example).

I'm still given mine a lot of thought. I will say,one funny thing, me, my Mother and my Stepdad all have Hitler on our lists. I also have Jesus on mine, to see him and Hitler talk things out.

So, any interest in this? Or on to Page 2 by the end of the day?

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I'd love to see a house full of contrasting ideas. So I've tried to make a list of pairs that I think would have some really interesting if conflicting ideas hashed out.


1. Adam Smith: "Father of Capitalism" (at least in the modern sense)

2. Karl Marx: "Father of Communism" (more or less, at least the Marxist branch, anyway)


-It would be interesting to see these 2 guys, whose writings supported very different styles of economics (though each made sense for their time), discuss their ideas based on our current economic systems in the world.


3. Plato

4.  Machiavelli


-"The Republic" vs. "The Prince." Plato advocates for a city-state run by philosopher-kings (and not the people), while Machiavelli's best know work is a Swiftian prose by a man who preferred self-determined city-states to a strong-willed ruler.


5. Empress Theodora

6. Hatsheput


-So this house can't be a total sausage-fest. We need some historical women to help diversify this house. Theodora was the wife of Justinian, one of the earliest rulers of the Byzantine Empire. Went from a prostitute to most powerful person in the Empire. Convinced her husband to stay during the Nika revolt instead of fleeing, crushing the rebellion and establishing their rule. Also commissioned the Haiga Sophia and increased the right of women in the empire. Hatsheput was one of the first recorded female rulers and brought Egypt to the height of it's rule, kicking out the Hyksos invaders in the process. Not really opposites, but 2 powerful female rulers discussing their various methods of rule would be interesting.


7. Sun Tzu (I know he might not have actually existed, but for this exercise he did because it's my choice, dammit)

8. Leonardo da Vinci


-Ok fine, they're not opposites. But I'd love to see the discussions one of the greatest military minds and one of the most brilliant men of all time would end up having. I want to see Sun Tzu figure out the best uses of da Vinci's inventions, and da Vinci coming up with machines based on Sun Tzu's ideas.


9. Herodotus


- I want the "Father of History" at this house, writing down everything for posterity. Cameras be damned, I want written records as well.


10. "Weird Al" Yankovich

Simply because I'm a Weird Al fan, and I would love to hear some of the songs he would write based on these 90 days.

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Thank you for playing Ghost. I'm actually still working on my list (other things on my mind). I'll try to have my list on here by that weekend.

I figured this would be be a one day/second page thread. Be cool though if people bump it as they finish their lists. I can dream.

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