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Which QBs will remain

Guest fuji869

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Guest fuji869

With the signing of Danny Wuerffel and the possible signing of Shane Mathews or Jeff Blake along with the possibility of drafting a rookie to be the future QB of the Redskins. I have heard the Redskins will have 4 QBs on their roster next season, who of our current 3 will stay?<br /><br />I think Tony Banks is gone, what about Kent Graham and Sage Rosenfelds?<br /> <br /> <small>[ March 03, 2002, 12:00 PM: Message edited by: fuji869 ]</small>

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Why does everyone keep saying draft for the future, didn` we do that last year and the year before that? Elway didn`t do so well his first year, but they stuck with him and look what he did. I like Graham better than Banks, but will he get a chance to try again,who can say for sure. Sage must have something for why else is he still here?

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The Skins 4 QB's going into camp will be Mathews, Wuerful, Rosenfels, and a rookie they select in the April draft. <br /><br />SS will let them battle it out through mini-camp and the preseason. Any one of them, INCLUDING the former Gators could either be named the starter or cut.<br /><br />It will be an exciting off season<br /> <br /> <small>[ March 03, 2002, 12:18 PM: Message edited by: BallCoachSpurrier ]</small>

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I think Rosenfels is gone as well. None of the QB's on the roster last year will be here Opening Day.<br /><br />Spurrier reminds me of a card player. Sometimes he lays it all out on the table and sometimes he doesn't. I don't believe the Bledsoe thing is totally dead yet but it's hard to tell. Chandler can still be very good if he gets time to throw and Blake has the arm and mobility.<br /><br />I would be very nervous having Waffle and Matthews leading the way for a rookie QB, should we draft one (and I don't think we will).

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I'm going to have to strongly disagree here. I've grown tired of everyone dismissing Sage as some sort of leapor that should be taken out behind the woodshed and stoned. The kid did nothing but excel on a really untalented Cyclone team. <br /><br />Although he was chosen a round or two ahead of what many projected, mainly due to Marty's ego and total control of the team, he proved in preseason that he has certain intangibles that make him attractive and a possible grooming project. He exhibits a stonger than average arm, mobility, and the intangibles needed to run an offense. Also, he was considered one of the brighter and mature QB's in last year's draft. Why give up on a guy with one year under his belt? Do we not all agree that he couldn't have received worst coaching last year from B. Schott and Jimmy Raye? Since when did Marty inherit the tag as being a franchise Qb builder? <br /><br />Did you not see evidence in his ability to compete last year in preseason when he threw several beautiful passes downfield to open receivers? Was that not Skaggs, who we're all high on for some reason, on the other end of that post pattern at Fed Ex Field. Was it not Thompson who dropped a post pattern in the endzone for a sure touchdown? <br /><br />I'm in favor of bringing Matthews in for the right price, but I'm in no way willing to dismiss Sage because of his draft position or production in last year's horrid offense. Additionally, if Spurrier sees something in this year's Qb class.... mainly Ramsey or McCown... than draft them in the appropriate round position and bring them to camp. Allow all four, Matthews....Wueffrel....Sage...and Rookie to compete in camp. Top three for the depth chart, one for the practice squad. I think many might be surprised to see Rosenfels excel under the grooming of Spurrier and become a viable option to run this offense in the future.<br /><br />Quit doubting the guy because of his name, draft position, former offensive scheme, and former coaches. Evaluate him on his ability to play at this level given the scheme, tools, and proper coaching condusive to succeeding. Give him that, then decide whether to pick up the rock.

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Nice take CSkin we're on the same page here.<br /><br />I think Sage has just as good a shot to make our team next year, maybe even as the starting QB, as anyone else on the roster, including former Gators.<br /><br />I believe Spurrier when he says that he'll go into training camp with no preconception of who his #1 guy will be at QB. <br /><br />This is exactly what he did when he first came to Florida. Mathews was a 5th string forgotten QB with so called "limited abilities". The newspapers were touting the more heralded howitzer throwing signal callers on the roster. <br /><br />Spurrier said he's gonna have an open competition and the past doesn't mean squat. Well every coach says that but most don't have the b@lls to folow through.<br /><br />Steve's got plenty 'O sack. Mathews outplayed everyone to win the job outright in training camp. He was the starter from day one.<br /><br />Rememeber SS was always an underdog himself in the pros. Deep down he wishes someone had given him an opportunity early in his career. I just bet our HeadBallCoach would love to find a reason to play the QB that NOBODY else in the nation thought he would like. That guy just might be one Sage Rosenfels.<br /><br />BUT SAGE WILL HAVE TO EARN IT.<br /> <br /> <small>[ March 03, 2002, 01:31 PM: Message edited by: BallCoachSpurrier ]</small>

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The confidence I saw from Sage on the REdzone report lastnight tells me that he isnt going to give up without a fight and as he said been cramming and anxious to show S Double what he has to offer.<br /><br />So if we luck into Blake it will be blake,weurful,Sage and rookie

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I'm torn. I don't think we'll carry four QBs on the roster to start the year. Perhaps, but I just don't think a team has that luxury. For that reason, I think all of the guys we had a year ago are gone.<br /><br />I'd like to see some young buck under Matthews and Wuerffel to learn the system but who has better physical skills than either of the guys ahead of him. Still, to see that, you have to swallow hard and pray for at least a year or two with Matthews and Wuerffel leading you. Blake is interesting and I really like Chandler. But, I only really like Chandler if we pick a QB for certain to groom and if we do both of these moves, it would mean keeping four guys.<br /><br />I have no real idea what to expect. But, if I had to guess, I'd say we are going with three guys. A rookie at some point in this draft, plus the Florida boys and we'll all weep and pray and hope and fret for the next six months <img border="0" title="" alt="[smile]" src="smile.gif" /> .

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Navy what's the Redzone report? Is it a TV show, website, radio program? Is it available on the net? Can you tell us anything more about what Rosenfelds said on/in it?<br /><br />You got me excited about Sage. I liked him in the preseason and hoped he would react well to the challenge.<br /><br />Competition brings out the best in true competitors.

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Contrary to popular belief, I didn't see much promise in Sage. That's just my humble opinion. All I recall from last preseason was Sage throwing a pick for a TD vs. the Falcons, and Sage getting sacked and throwing the ball away in various others games. I also remember Tony Banks coming in vs. the Browns and looking like Joe Montana. Talk about deceiving.

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