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WILDSTAR Online - Discussion

Dont Taze Me Bro

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Same for me.  My frame rate on average is 20 fps.  My system is old, so I wasn't expecting the best performance, but the fps issue to me feels like it has to do with the optimization of the game or there's something else going on like testing on their side.  The reason I think it's more on their end is because my fps stays around 20 no matter what settings I use.  If I try 1080p on high settings, it's 15-25 fps.  If I turn my res down to the lowest possible, while turning down all the settings low as possible, I still get 15-25 fps.  It's hard for me to make a judgement on the game because the gameplay is so choppy.  I like the style and I find their combat system to be interesting, but from what I've seen with the performance, I'm pretty surprised that the game is going live in three weeks.  It feels like it's no where near ready for release.  Then again, maybe something is going on that is causing horrible fps for a lot of people.  I read that nvidia cards are performing a bit better than the AMD cards, so maybe new video card drivers need to be released with Wildstar in mind.

Yeah I use AMD as well, maybe that's the issue. My system isn't top end by any means but I ran the ESO beta on Medium settings with no issues whatsoever, I can't imagine Wild Star is that much more advanced graphically.


For those wondering, my computer is about three years old, AMD II X6 core, 8 gigs of RAM and video card is AMD ATI Radeon HD 5570 1 gig.

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It's all good man, just some friendly jabbing. I prefer open world pvp/faction type pvp with player killing and consequences in the rule-set. It's unpredictable when you might run into an individual attacking you or even a zerg. The same ole recycled battlegrounds, arenas style is fun at first, I just get bored with it really fast.

There is nothing like open world. It's much more fun when surprise, planning, and environment are added to simply the standard fighting skill set. Its great fun to take out a much larger group simply by properly executing an ambush. Makes the gaming world feel that much more dangerous.

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There is nothing like open world. It's much more fun when surprise, planning, and environment are added to simply the standard fighting skill set. Its great fun to take out a much larger group simply by properly executing an ambush. Makes the gaming world feel that much more dangerous.

Exactly, couldn't have said it better if I tried.  I also like the "revenge" factor that's involved.  I'm out questing/gathering/farming gold etc. and out of the blue, some higher level or skilled player attacks me and drops me.  I write the players name down, then when I'm done leveling and maxed out, I go find them and get my revenge.


Thats what made Ultima Online so great, open world PvP everywhere except in towns.  And if your guild was warring other guilds, was in order/chaos, or factions (later on) those wars went on 24-7 everywhere, including towns.  The only safe place was in your house or friends house, and then you just marked a rune to it, and camped peoples houses.  


I would love to see that kind of rule set again in today's MMORPGs.  I'd prefer thief chars be implemented and looting players after they die, but would be willing to let that go if they would just make a game with all the other rules that made UO so great.  Vanilla WoW was great too with open world and battles for those cities (cant remember the names).  


Wildstar appears to have promise in open world PvP, and I'm jones'n for some action lol.

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Same for me.  My frame rate on average is 20 fps.  My system is old, so I wasn't expecting the best performance, but the fps issue to me feels like it has to do with the optimization of the game or there's something else going on like testing on their side.  The reason I think it's more on their end is because my fps stays around 20 no matter what settings I use.  If I try 1080p on high settings, it's 15-25 fps.  If I turn my res down to the lowest possible, while turning down all the settings low as possible, I still get 15-25 fps.  It's hard for me to make a judgement on the game because the gameplay is so choppy.  I like the style and I find their combat system to be interesting, but from what I've seen with the performance, I'm pretty surprised that the game is going live in three weeks.  It feels like it's no where near ready for release.  Then again, maybe something is going on that is causing horrible fps for a lot of people.  I read that nvidia cards are performing a bit better than the AMD cards, so maybe new video card drivers need to be released with Wildstar in mind.

Yup and its sad, everything else is ready but they left optimization for last. Makes no damn sense. People have been complaining about it for months and everyone kept saying it would get better Devs optimize last... Well it's 3 weeks to go and it's getting a little scary now. I'm gonna log in sometime this weekend and see how mine is. I have a 560ti and it was smooth the last time I played but could be a little better. A great MMO might fail out of the gate because of optimization.

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Exactly, couldn't have said it better if I tried.  I also like the "revenge" factor that's involved.  I'm out questing/gathering/farming gold etc. and out of the blue, some higher level or skilled player attacks me and drops me.  I write the players name down, then when I'm done leveling and maxed out, I go find them and get my revenge.

This is one thing that WoW ruined with their cross realm zone BS.  With CRZ, the chances of you running into the player who ganked you at a later date is probably 0% since he's on a different realm.  WoW has made some idiotic changes in recent years.   That's why I hope Wildstar can finally be a game that will replace it for me. 

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Also people are getting good performance boost from doing this

Deleted everything in C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\NCSOFT\WildStar folder

Looks like outdated config files from early beta and conflicted addon settings that left from UI 1.0 were reason of my poor game perfomance. After "clean boot" I got visible FPS boost on the same video settings that I used before.

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Also people are getting good performance boost from doing this

Deleted everything in C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\NCSOFT\WildStar folder

Looks like outdated config files from early beta and conflicted addon settings that left from UI 1.0 were reason of my poor game perfomance. After "clean boot" I got visible FPS boost on the same video settings that I used before.

Isn't the entire game in the Wildstar folder?

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Isn't the entire game in the Wildstar folder?

No, just want to delete that one folder so upon startup it's puts the fresh config files in. Here is the discussion seems to have worked for quite a few people. I just pre purchased with the GMG code and got the deluxe for $56. Pretty happy about that.


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I don't even have that folder.


Man though I feel like this game would be so much fun if I could get steady FPS. I was messing around as a Warrior and really enjoy the combat. But it's tough when you're sitting at ~15 FPS, feels like playing with an anchor on your legs.

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Ah ****!  I just remembered how to move like I want/used to.  You have to hold down both the left and right mouse buttons, then your char turns/looks where you turn the mouse, without it just turning the camera panning surroundings.  


It's on like Donkey Kong now.

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I don't even have that folder.

Man though I feel like this game would be so much fun if I could get steady FPS. I was messing around as a Warrior and really enjoy the combat. But it's tough when you're sitting at ~15 FPS, feels like playing with an anchor on your legs.

Its a hidden folder, you have to enable being able to see hidden folders on your PC through control panel. And yeah I know that's what is a huge shame, they made an excellent MMO but if you have poor FPS because they haven't fully optimized the game it just kills it especially with the combat the way it is. I know optimization is an on going process, but with an MMO you just don't have that luxury. If the game trips out of the gate, most people just move on to the next one. It really sucks and it might already be too late, people will try the open beta, get poor FPS and not buy the game :(.
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Tried the beta this weekend, I like the gameplay, think it's def interesting but don't see it being worth what I assume will be 15 monthly sub.


Also why do all MMO's seem to being going to cartoony type graphics? Maybe I'm crazy but it really seems like so many of them have moved that way.

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Tried the beta this weekend, I like the gameplay, think it's def interesting but don't see it being worth what I assume will be 15 monthly sub.


Also why do all MMO's seem to being going to cartoony type graphics? Maybe I'm crazy but it really seems like so many of them have moved that way.

Tera Online was somewhat cartoony with the chars, but the actual graphics on ultra settings were amazing.  WoW was slightly cartoony and these guys were part of the original dev team on WoW.  Also, cartoony graphics allow for lesser gaming rigs to run the game smoothly (I say that loosely), so even with what might be considered an out of date rig, it can still run WoW. 


People that want to play new games aren't necessarily forced to buy a gaming machine and can run it on basic set-ups.  Which equals more subscriptions.  That would be my guess.

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Tried the beta this weekend, I like the gameplay, think it's def interesting but don't see it being worth what I assume will be 15 monthly sub.


Also why do all MMO's seem to being going to cartoony type graphics? Maybe I'm crazy but it really seems like so many of them have moved that way.

Did you get to the first dungeon?

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Also why do all MMO's seem to being going to cartoony type graphics? Maybe I'm crazy but it really seems like so many of them have moved that way.

Because it helps the game age a lot better.  Games that try the realistic look age much faster as technology advances.

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Because it helps the game age a lot better. Games that try the realistic look age much faster as technology advances.

Bingo, it's also supposed to help with graphics and FPS lol. I just logged in and on ultra high I'm 60 FPS :). I guess nvidia 560ti 8gigs ram is optimized.

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Tried clearing the folder and it didn't do anything.


I get 20 FPS playing on lowest, and I can improve it if I turn off certain add ons, although that makes the game really tough to play(like turning off target frame so you can't see your HP, etc.).


I give up until they improve the optimization.

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Did you get to the first dungeon?

 I did not, the amount of gaming I do goes way down in the summer months. So to get me to play and pay I needed to be really wow'd right out of the gate. Also I think after playing MMO's for like 15 years maybe I'm just over them. I'll probably try EverQuest Next and when that can't recapture the magic of the original I think my MMO days will be done.

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I did not, the amount of gaming I do goes way down in the summer months. So to get me to play and pay I needed to be really wow'd right out of the gate. Also I think after playing MMO's for like 15 years maybe I'm just over them. I'll probably try EverQuest Next and when that can't recapture the magic of the original I think my MMO days will be done.

Im waiting for Everquest Next as well. Yeah i hear you the game doesnt really get going until lvl 20. Its a complaint a lot of people had, that it starts too slow before getting to the good content but their aim in the hardcore gamer so they dont want to change it. Luckily for me i have sporadically played them because all of them are pretty much the same with different tweaks here and there. I mean, wildstar is basically vanilla WoW with tweaks and additions so its nothing groundbreaking.

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New beta drivers came out for nividia cards that optimizes wildstar. Call me extremely skeptical though as their release patch is supposed to fix tons of things. I hate when MMOs do this, i know they have internal testing teams but everytime a game does this its rocky as hell at the start. Looks lIke us headstart people will smooth it out for the rest.

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  • 2 weeks later...

NSFW Drops an F-Bomb.


The Launch Trailer. Personally i like this style better than a cinematic because it's all in game footage. For example, ESO's cinematic showed a huge battle then when it came time for that exact scenerio in game, it was like a solidier fighting one demon here, another one there 40 yards away.


The game is optiimized for me now as Nvidia added Wildstar drivers so I'm up at 100fps. Im ready to head to Nexus.


Some More fun videos showing off Wildstar, i def rec watching these. They show off how amazing and different from other MMOs Wildstar is going to be. This game is going to do it for me, WOW 2.0.


Warplots, this one is pretty funny i love the devs humor




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UGH!  I don't know if I want the Standard or Deluxe Edition.  I know you get the housing and early access for both.  How important is the Elden themed hoverboard?  Do you get a hoverboard with the Standard Edition?  


I need to purchase it quick so I can get early access.  Ready to start grinding it out with you Saturday Zazzaro.  We are playing The Dominion faction right?  What class are you going with so I can make a complementary class.  I'd prefer to play a spell slinger.

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UGH!  I don't know if I want the Standard or Deluxe Edition.  I know you get the housing and early access for both.  How important is the Elden themed hoverboard?  Do you get a hoverboard with the Standard Edition?  


I need to purchase it quick so I can get early access.  Ready to start grinding it out with you Saturday Zazzaro.  We are playing The Dominion faction right?  What class are you going with so I can make a complementary class.  I'd prefer to play a spell slinger.

Actually i think I'm going Exile and Human Warrior on the Pergo Server. I'm PST so ill be playing at 1201 tomorrow night. I'm pretty sure we can use my buddies teamspeak server and ill make a channel on it if you have a headset and mic.

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Also if you look on the wildstar reddit you can find green man gaming codes for 20-25 percent off. I got the deluxe for $60. Greenman gaming is legit ive gotten a few games there and you get your code right away. I feel since its in space i gotta be exiles... You know the whole rebels vs empire feeling lol.

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Actually i think I'm going Exile and Human Warrior on the Pergo Server. I'm PST so ill be playing at 1201 tomorrow night. I'm pretty sure we can use my buddies teamspeak server and ill make a channel on it if you have a headset and mic.

Sounds good to me man.  Like WoW, if I pick a different race, will I be in a different starter zone?  Or does that not matter.  I'm fine with Exile, Human Spellslinger, just curious if I picked say Granok or Mordesh if we would be in the same starting zone.


So it is going live at 12am Sat. morning.  I'll be on Saturday morning/late morning lol.  I got a headset and mic and TS installed, just PM me the server/login info and I'll add it.


Oh yeah, do you get a hoverboard with the standard edition?  Are the perks for the deluxe worth the extra 15 bucks?

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