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season tix holders

Chief skin

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First I would like to say I have season tix,

next I would like to RIP all my fellow tix holders for selling their tix on ebay to eagle fans. You CARPETBAGGING MAGGOTS

are just as bad as they are, it is disgraceful that these scumbags come down for the game and act like they do in that cesspool that is vet stadium. WAKE UP be a fan either use the tix or give them to another Skin fan who is not as fortunate as you are...



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I agree fully. These people make me sick. If you dont want to go, give up your dam rights to the tickets. There are plenty of REAL fans out there on the waiting list. This also goes for people that use them for business as well. Go To Hell! If for some legit reason you cannot go, give or sell them to a Redskins fan. Look around, they arenot that hard to find.

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Are you telling me that you do not have any friends that you know are Redskins fans? Dont you think that you could also find someone on here that would buy them, that way you are pretty darn sure they are Skins fans? Come on, it really isnt that hard.

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It is not always as clear cut as one might think.

Sometimes I have friends who happen to root for other teams. I don't always penalize them for their misguided allegience because they are my friends and one of the nice things about having tickets is that you can let your friends use them. One is a huge Steelers fan and she has always used my Steelers/Skins preseason tickets (they have played two of the last three years) and has requested my tickets for the preseason steeler's game next year.

That said, I don't believe that I have ever given a friend who is an Eagles fan a ticket to an Eagles game. ditto the Cowboys. But I have let a friend who is a skins fan take a sibling, who is a Giants fan, to the game. These things happen.

Besides, I think it is fun to have fans of opposing teams in the stadium. I had a great time tailgating accross from some Cowboy fans at the last game, one of the lady's at our party said she would kiss anyone with a valid Cowboy's Ryan Leaf jersey. You should have seen them scrambling to find one! I say amongst a hoard of Giants fans at that game, my daughter and I made sure we said goodbye to each and every one of them as they left the stadium in disgust.

Eagle fans are, of course, the most obnoxious to visit the stadium. But I don't really blame them, they have, after all, been subjected to something akin to child abuse throughout their developmental years.

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Treat it like they treat the Masters tickets. If you give up your tickets to another teams fan, you lose your tickets for good. At Augusta, if you give your passes (dont call them tickets) to another patron (dont call them fans) and he/she acts like a bafoon, the tournament committee will take the tickets away from you forever, even if your family has had them for decades.

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I agree, if you can't go to the game give them away or sell them to a SKINS fan. I am a season ticket holder but I can't go to the Philly game because I was injured on the job and I have 13 stitchs in my head and a neckbrace on. But I gave them to two friends of mine that are SKINS fans and they said that they will yell REAL loud at the game for me.

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I think there must've been a mass unloading of seats when the Skins started out the year the way they did. Even though you always see a fair amount of Cowboy fans at the games down here, this year it was definitely noticeable that there were more than normal. Lets hope that there are not too many more Philly fans than normal at FedEx on Sunday.

As for the place getting loud, Skins need to get off to a quick start. When the Boys pushed the ball down the field in the opening drive two weeks ago it took the crowd out of the game. It would also help if people would make more of an effort to get to their friggin seats on time as well before the game, and also at the start of the second half. The seating bowl looks like a damn ghost town at the start of the second half.

Less than 48 hours to go........LETS GET PSYCHED!!!!!!!!!

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What really irks me is keeping season tickets and selling them every week when loyal fans have been on the list for a decade or longer.

I've been waiting for season tickets for 12 years running now, and a lot of the *******s that have them sell them off to opposing fans every week.


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