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cowgirls lead east/ skins in the post season?


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3-3 with 10 games left (against some pretty tough teams) and the Cowgirls leading the East :puke: (Just typing that makes me sick!) What will it take to make the playoffs? Wildcard, or can we win the east ? What will are record have to be? And praise the Lord we make it to the post season, how far can we go? I just want to now if my hopes are to high or am I living in La La land full of sh*tty pipe dreams!whadaya think? :dallasuck

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Originally posted by bishtw

3-3 with 10 games left (against some pretty tough teams) and the Cowgirls leading the East :puke: (Just typing that makes me sick!) What will it take to make the playoffs? Wildcard, or can we win the east ? What will are record have to be? And praise the Lord we make it to the post season, how far can we go? I just want to now if my hopes are to high or am I living in La La land full of sh*tty pipe dreams!whadaya think? :dallasuck

if we win this week and then beat dallas twice we are in the drivers seat :) as long as we beat the iggles and gmen as well we should win the division.

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That's the big thing. We all agree that the division or wild-card spot is in our hands right now. We're in decent position since we've come out of the first few games with an even record. But the truth is each team is still in control of it's own destiny. Even a 2-4 team is not out the playoff chase by any stretch. The year (and hopefully it's this one) that we can take advantage of opportunities and win IN THE DIVISION is the year we will make the playoffs.

Quite honestly, with the way the Giants and Eagles have played this year, we have no excuse to not go 2-2 vs. them at this point (and it really should be better based on how they've looked vs. other opponents).

The Cowboys are a different animal. That will be a tough matchup head to head. Not saying we can't beat them because I'm pretty sure that Spurrier will learn to win division games sooner or later. However, the Cowboy mental block that probably still exists coupled with the Tuna factor make those some tough games.

Wow, I write a lot. Sorry!

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I don't think the Skins have a chance to make the playoffs this year.

The East is looking more and more like the old days when they all beat each other up and cancelled each other out. To make matter worse, the skins still haven't proven that they can beat anybody in the East.

It will be a dogfight and there is a lot of football left, to be sure, but it is going to depend on what kind of health/adjustments teams in the East make- I just can't see the Skins going on that kind of run until they committ to protecting Ramsey a little bit.

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I don't know how long we have to wait. All I'm saying is that Spurrier has shown no sign of being able to win them yet. We have played three close games with the Giants (all losses), one close game with the Eagles and two blowout losses, and a couple of close ones with the Cowboys....he seems poised to start turning in some W's but until he does, we really don't know.

The other thing to keep in mind too:

As much as I'd love to see it, even if Spurrier can whip Parcells in Big D after the bye, there are still big question marks on whether he can beat the G-men and Eagles...he's already beat the Cowboys once.

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this is the tough part of the schedule for cowboys not only the opponents they face, but 4 of the 5 will be coming off bye weeks (who the heck set up the schedule I want to know). that gives each of those teams an extra week off to prepare and rest and that makes it much much tougher. if the cowboys go 3-3 in the 6 game stretchy (including this past PHilly game). then they have a good chance.

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So, do you agree we need to run the table? I mean it is still early, D is 2-0, P is 1-1, NY 1-1, and we're 0-2 and something like 1-7 under the ole' ballcoach in the East. I still think the 5 division games left are must wins or we're done. Barring total non-divisional melt downs my the rest of the East and the splint the divisional matches then maybe we can loses 1 more but thats it.

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Originally posted by bishtw

3-3 with 10 games left (against some pretty tough teams) and the Cowgirls leading the East :puke: (Just typing that makes me sick!) What will it take to make the playoffs? Wildcard, or can we win the east ? What will are record have to be? And praise the Lord we make it to the post season, how far can we go? I just want to now if my hopes are to high or am I living in La La land full of sh*tty pipe dreams!whadaya think? :dallasuck

Hard for me to chime in on this because I'm a Dallas fan but I think it's not a far stretch at all to say the Cowboys could win their next game against the Lions and lose the game against the Buccs which would give them a 5-2 record. Hate Dallas all you want but there's no way in hell with Parcells in charge that they have monumental collapse like San Diego had last year. But if the Cowboys were to say only pull off a 4-5 record after the Tampa Bay game which would be the type of collapse you'd see with a team under Parcells, they'd still be 9-7 and I'm sure they can at least beat the Skins once, or maybe New York or Philly again which would give them a minimum 3 division wins. This is a worse case scenario of course, and the Cowboys still have a great chance to win the division with that record.

Plus, you have the Eagles that are suffering from a lot of injuries and will possibly have a healthy roster to make a comeback. The Eagles were a tough win for Dallas even with some of their starters missing, they still scare me more than New York or Washington at this point. The Giants are one of those teams that you never can predict because they've shown before that they can make miracle late season finishes. I'd say the Redskins better play a heck of a lot better than they have lately or they ain't winning the division. But 8-8 may be enough for a wild card these days.

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Just peeking at your schedule, your 'Skins probably need to go at least 10-6 to assure a division title or at least a play-off spot. That means you've got to go 7-3 the rest of the way. In the division, you've got to play the Cowboys 2x, the Giants in NJ and the Eagles at FedEx. I'd say you've got to win at least 3 of those. Outside the division, you've got the Bills coming up, the Seahawks at home, then you're at Carolina and Miami, NO at home, and at Chicago. I'd say you'll have to beat Buffalo, Seattle, New Orleans and Chicago.

Its a tough schedule, but I think you all know that it isn't the opponents that are beating the Skins, it's the Skins. The players have to concentrate on their business, eliminate the dumb mistakes and give Ramsey/Hall a chance at the end of the game.

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