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MensHealth.Com: 4 Penis Myths—Busted!


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Size matters.

Wielding it well matters--being able to realize you're doing something physically uncomfortable and stopping. But in general I think the value of having good "techniques" is overblown by men. It's really the appearance of confidence, competence, and experience that people find attractive, not the actual physical stimulation.

The psychological dynamics of arousal matter most by far. People get most powerfully aroused by mental and emotional abstractions. Women particularly so. A woman isn't going to look at a naked man most times and become fully aroused. Men can get there kind of easily, but there is still some feeling you have to go through first--some contextualizing. This is going to sound creepy and I hope I don't come off like a serial killer, but the real trick and challenge is to intuit what a woman's emotional contexts of arousal (fantasies) are and then use them to manipulate her into a state of arousal. True empathy is the best tool in the shed.

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Yeah, Good God. Who started that rumor? Jabar Gaffney's wife?

I think I can confirm that first study anecdotally. I got my first cell phone at 18. Before then, I found I produced erections much more easily and frequently.

Though there may have been other independent variables in play...

No, 8 is definitely NOT average.

LOL @ the Sperminator. I wonder how the whole 8 inch myth got started anyway. It was probably started by some guy whose wang was like really in need of a few extra inches? I doubt it would have been started by a female.

Exactly. There's no way it's only 8. I mean, maybe if I folded mine in half, but come on.

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Oh **** LOL.

---------- Post added October-19th-2012 at 12:39 PM ----------

And the "studies" done on size.....who measures? Does somebody gather a group of guys of all different backgrounds and say, "Ok, pull out your wang" while he goes and grabs a ruler? Or do the guys in the study measure themselves? How does that work?

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Saying size doesn't matter is about as true as saying you don't car about gas mileage.

If you're getting 3 MPGs and you are constantly trying to get every mile you can squeeze out of it, it matters.

You could have all the technique in the world down, but if you're chasing the girls around with a sharpened pencil, it ain't gonna matter.

All I'm gonna say is one of the perks of living in a place that is 90% black, is the selection in the condom isle.

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Saying size doesn't matter is about as true as saying you don't car about gas mileage.

If you're getting 3 MPGs and you are constantly trying to get every mile you can squeeze out of it, it matters.

You could have all the technique in the world down, but if you're chasing the girls around with a sharpened pencil, it ain't gonna matter.

All I'm gonna say is one of the perks of living in a place that is 90% black, is the selection in the condom isle.

all the supersized are gone and you're left with the ample supply of tiny ones?

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Saying size doesn't matter is about as true as saying you don't car about gas mileage.

If you're getting 3 MPGs and you are constantly trying to get every mile you can squeeze out of it, it matters.

You could have all the technique in the world down, but if you're chasing the girls around with a sharpened pencil, it ain't gonna matter.

All I'm gonna say is one of the perks of living in a place that is 90% black, is the selection in the condom isle.

Cheesy sports innuendo time...

The tale of the tape certainly matters but only when one participant is has a sizable advantage that other just isn't able to overcome. On average however the performance a participant can deliver hinges on their intelligence in the ring, skill, and conditioning. Though even with all of that it's important to note, that styles do and always will make fights. A great show comes from two well matched opponents willing to push the pace until the other one can go no further.


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Size matters.

Wielding it well matters--being able to realize you're doing something physically uncomfortable and stopping. But in general I think the value of having good "techniques" is overblown by men. It's really the appearance of confidence, competence, and experience that people find attractive, not the actual physical stimulation.

The psychological dynamics of arousal matter most by far. People get most powerfully aroused by mental and emotional abstractions. Women particularly so. A woman isn't going to look at a naked man most times and become fully aroused. Men can get there kind of easily, but there is still some feeling you have to go through first--some contextualizing. This is going to sound creepy and I hope I don't come off like a serial killer, but the real trick and challenge is to intuit what a woman's emotional contexts of arousal (fantasies) are and then use them to manipulate her into a state of arousal. True empathy is the best tool in the shed.

You're wiser than your years suggest... you used "serial", "manipulate", and "empathy" correctly!:ols:

My mistake. I didn't realize we'd gone metric. If only I had a ha'penny for every time I got my systems mixed up.

Can only imagine the confusion if we'd really gone metric on this side of the pond.;)

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all the supersized are gone and you're left with the ample supply of tiny ones?

:ols: Heck yeah! :ols:

I use to be embarrassed to buy condoms for some reason, like it was a bad thing, but then I realized it at least looked like I was getting some and being responsible, especially if I'm getting the big black box. Now, I giggle like an idiot because of this new found pride.

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Size matters.

Wielding it well matters--being able to realize you're doing something physically uncomfortable and stopping. But in general I think the value of having good "techniques" is overblown by men. It's really the appearance of confidence, competence, and experience that people find attractive, not the actual physical stimulation.

The psychological dynamics of arousal matter most by far. People get most powerfully aroused by mental and emotional abstractions. Women particularly so. A woman isn't going to look at a naked man most times and become fully aroused. Men can get there kind of easily, but there is still some feeling you have to go through first--some contextualizing. This is going to sound creepy and I hope I don't come off like a serial killer, but the real trick and challenge is to intuit what a woman's emotional contexts of arousal (fantasies) are and then use them to manipulate her into a state of arousal. True empathy is the best tool in the shed.

My mistake. I didn't realize we'd gone metric. If only I had a ha'penny for every time I got my systems mixed up.
Thanks SkinsMary :ols:

Always happy to help! Btw, the pics are killin' me...but in a goood waaaay.

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:ols: Heck yeah! :ols:

I use to be embarrassed to buy condoms for some reason, like it was a bad thing, but then I realized it at least looked like I was getting some and being responsible, especially if I'm getting the big black box. Now, I giggle like an idiot because of this new found pride.

The best thing about buying condoms is what they can do to your entire purchase if they aren't the only thing you get. For example, buy condoms and one of the toys from the kiddie aisle and see how that feels. This is the cart at the drug store for one of the strangest purchases my GF and I ever made: condoms, a ton of alcohol, and Plan B :ols:

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You're wiser than your years suggest... you used "serial", "manipulate", and "empathy" correctly!:ols:

:ols: Thank you. I chose my words carefully in that post. I didn't want to mistakenly convey I wasn't a cereal killer.

Can only imagine the confusion if we'd really gone metric on this side of the pond.;)

I'd be for it. 10.16 centimeters sounds a lot more impressive than four inches.

Just selected that number at random of course... :paranoid:

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The best thing about buying condoms is what they can do to your entire purchase if they aren't the only thing you get. For example, buy condoms and one of the toys from the kiddie aisle and see how that feels. This is the cart at the drug store for one of the strangest purchases my GF and I ever made: condoms, a ton of alcohol, and Plan B :ols:

It was my birthday and I needed to go buy condoms on my way home, where I needed to cut my lawn before everybody came over and the sun was setting, so I had to rush. I was also hungry and needed a good snack, so I grabbed a box of some fruit on my way to the register.

When I started to receive strange glares, I realized the only two things I was buying was condoms and prunes.. In hindsight, I should have started going in every day to buy the same thing :ols:

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