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Hello JP3. Well, your Giants certainly kicked some SF butt last weekend, and I for one did not see that in the cards. From what I had seen of your team so far prior to that game, was not impressed with your running game nor your secondary. Your D front is stout and can get QB pressure without overuse of blitzes.....and your WR's are pretty darn good to go along with your stud QB Manning, who I respect. Don't think that we can really compare our exciting rookie QB to your two time SB winning QB in his prime....but I can tell you that, from a Redskin fan perspective, we love our new found offensive weapon, and the feeling that we have that RGIII can make a spectacular play at any given time....much as he did against the Vikings last weekend. Was listening to NFL radio tonight, and they interviewed Barry Cofield.....when asked what he took away from film study of your offense....he was impressed by how your Oline has shown good progress at both run blocking and keeping Manning's uniform clean....and how your running game has developed over the past two games.

We have our issues....and have had some serious injuries.....the one that really hurts us right now is to Pierre Garcon as it is a lingering toe injury. We miss Rak and Carriker, but they are done for the season whereas each week it is a coin flip as to the status of Garcon.

That 36mil cap fiasco.....also when combined with what we gave up to get RGIII.....may slow our return to NFCE relevance....but the pieces of the puzzle are slowly starting to drop into place in DC.

Hope for a good game with no injuries to either side....except maybe if Mara gets run over on the sidelines....or Rocca punts a ball that hits him in his box seat. I would tend to say this will be a high scoring affair as our D has been known to give up yards and points to lesser QB's than Manning.....and this will offer another chance to evaluate RGIII and his progress as a rookie vs a very stout defense.

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Hello JP3. Well, your Giants certainly kicked some SF butt last weekend, and I for one did not see that in the cards. From what I had seen of your team so far prior to that game, was not impressed with your running game nor your secondary. Your D front is stout and can get QB pressure without overuse of blitzes.....and your WR's are pretty darn good to go along with your stud QB Manning, who I respect. Don't think that we can really compare our exciting rookie QB to your two time SB winning QB in his prime....but I can tell you that, from a Redskin fan perspective, we love our new found offensive weapon, and the feeling that we have that RGIII can make a spectacular play at any given time....much as he did against the Vikings last weekend. Was listening to NFL radio tonight, and they interviewed Barry Cofield.....when asked what he took away from film study of your offense....he was impressed by how your Oline has shown good progress at both run blocking and keeping Manning's uniform clean....and how your running game has developed over the past two games.

We have our issues....and have had some serious injuries.....the one that really hurts us right now is to Pierre Garcon as it is a lingering toe injury. We miss Rak and Carriker, but they are done for the season whereas each week it is a coin flip as to the status of Garcon.

That 36mil cap fiasco.....also when combined with what we gave up to get RGIII.....may slow our return to NFCE relevance....but the pieces of the puzzle are slowly starting to drop into place in DC.

Hope for a good game with no injuries to either side....except maybe if Mara gets run over on the sidelines....or Rocca punts a ball that hits him in his box seat. I would tend to say this will be a high scoring affair as our D has been known to give up yards and points to lesser QB's than Manning.....and this will offer another chance to evaluate RGIII and his progress as a rookie vs a very stout defense.

Its really such a bummer about the cap issue. It takes away from the enjoyment of the buildup of the game.

As for the game, I still firmly believe its the Redskin running game that will dictate this games direction. If you guys come out and control the ball on the ground, its going to open a myriad of problems for the Giants. If not, just get ready for a long afternoon of RGIII being chased and hit. I expect the Skins will in fact establish this running game successfully. Expect a high scoring game.

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Dude, your owner took $36 million of our cap, and distributed it to the rest of the league the DAY before free agency.

I say again, the day before.

You wouldn't just be pissed. Pissed is too weak a word. You would be LIVID. Consuming FIRE would spew from your mouth at the very THOUGHT of Mara. You would be Ghanghis Khan lay waste to Asia mad. Your hate would lead you to the dark side, where you would commit genocide against entire worlds. Whole PLANETS would be blasted into oblivion. You would crush GALAXIES under foot in your blinding rage.

"Pissed." Hmh. "Pissed" is sunshine and roses compared to the way we feel about your owner.

Nice way to put it Ransom. I laughed while reading this but I was also grinding my teeth. 'Pissed' just doesn't do justice to how I feel. I will say this though; Karma is a M F'er, and though I don't wish ill on him or his family, I hope he never finds another moments peace with his team as long as he remains in football.

Just to be clear, I'm not pulling out the chicken foot on him. But this man has done considerable harm to an institution that I love and I hope it comes back to poision him in all his NFL endeavors 10-fold.

Wellington Mara was a true giant. His son is nothing but a punkass-*****.


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