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Verizon Customers- Redskins Game Time OD


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I recently got Verizon and realized that if you use on demand you can watch a few Redskins programs for free. One of the free programs is called "Game Time" and it's basically half interviews and half Hard Knocks type footage. I am surprised I've never heard of this, it's really cool to watch if you're a fan. They have 2 episodes so far, the first is the week leading up to the Saints game, and the 2nd is from this week leading up to the Rams. Check it out if you have Verizon, it's free.

Right now Shanahan is breaking down game footage of Alfred Morris. He made a point to point out that Hawthorn is the Saints best tackler and Morris bulldozed him on the goal lined. I like Shanahan's personality more after watching this show, he's actually a pretty affable guy.

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