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RG3 Knockdowns, sacks, etc...?

Redskins Ruckus

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Is this thread for real........ The one sack he took was when he laid down after tripping on Morris's feet. So that stat is basically none existent....... Our O-line did a phenomenal job of keeping our QB upright. I was very impressed with the men up front. What more are they supposed to do?? Yeah, RG3 is gonna get hit a few times, its football..... Especially when you have to wait for a play to develop like RG3's first TD........ but look at the result!!!

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Does anyone else think he looks much bigger than his height and weight would indicate? He's the same size as Rodgers, but he looks way bigger than him. It's awesome, the guy is built for this in my mind. Those who worried about his size were just looking too closely at the numbers and not his proportions and how he looks in the pads. His weight seems like it's spread in a balanced manner. He looks like a big, strong NFL QB to me.

I mean, who honestly looks that much bigger than him in pads? I'd say Roethlisberger, Locker and not many others. And even Big Ben lost some weight this year and looks normal. Manning has like 5 inches on Griffin in height and, yet, the way Griffin stands tall in the pocket it's virtually unnoticeable.

Been arguing that to anyone through his last college year that said he'd be an injury liability in the pro's. Dude's a whole lot tougher than his stats suggest.

I understand reading folk today who have said they want him to stop taking off; but honestly, those option runs don't concern me much at all. Yes, you don't want him getting leveled often. But the risk verse the reward with what those legs brings makes it a facet that needs to be fully utilized for me.


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Guys, this is football. There will be occasions that on a blitz some defender might get an unobstructed run at RGIII. Case in point, the first TD pass. HE IS GOING TO TAKE A SHOT OR TWO during the season. Big Ben gets hit, Brady gets hit, Rodgers gets hit. They ALL take shots every now and again. I've heard people praise QBs for having the onions to hang in the pocket and delivering the ball to their target. Let's just hope that those hits are kept to a bare minimum.

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I really don't think worrying about the offensive line due to the Saints game makes any sense. The guy was rarely touched in any way. As has been said, the one sack was because he tripped, and the guy came up and touched him while Griffin was lying down.

I'm not saying I still trust our OL right now, but this game shouldn't have caused anyone to fear for the future. By all accounts, the OL was pretty awesome this game. I thought their pass protection was better than their run blocking most of the time actually, yet no one is worrying about our running game now.

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