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Please, someone remind me (long-time members)...

Die Hard

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I recall many moons ago we ran an ExtremeSkins Mock Draft each March.

However, I can`t remember if we automated that. I believe I actually had it done and we released it for 1 season == and it worked wonderfully and allows GM`s to even vote == but it was lost in the archives with all the rest of the great ES.com features.

I`m not imagining that am I? I seem to remember an odd still image in my memory here and there... but not enough to know if I`m just making these mental images up consciously :-)

Anyone remember?

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Haha!! Thanks Jay.

Reading that thread and remembering the project was brilliant -- I am such a demanding jackass. Jeebus, you guys don`t know how good you had it back then.

The databases, the automation and innovation. We were SO ahead of our time... that even to this date, if all they did we reimplement those features... ES.com would still be light-years ahead of every NFL website.

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And search worked. :)

(I still think they should get a decent chat, though. And get rid of the gameday threads. (Too much overhead).)

Even that flash-based chat, limitations and all, worked better than what is running now. Granted, gameday threads are probably still necessary as a dumping ground for people's generally none-too-important spur of the moment thoughts. Definitely don't want that spilling over to the rest of the board.

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