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OT- I am starting to HATE the Eagles FO


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Tough thing, this.

When a team like the Eagles or Steelers - fairly or not with the reputation of being ... um ... fiscally prudent - are winning, they are held up as paragons of savvy business practices. Let them lose a bit, though ... and they're cheap and nearsighted.

On the other hand, when a team like Baltimore or Washington (or the Lakers or the Yankees or Man U, for that matter) spends liberally and doesn't win, they get pilloried as stupid and arrogant and shortsighted ... but when they DO, they get only grudging credit for doing what they SHOULD do under the circumstances, rather than being held up as paragons of organizational vision and desire to produce success at any cost.

Or maybe I've just had too much coffee this morning.

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Originally posted by Om

When a team like the Eagles or Steelers - fairly or not with the reputation of being ... um ... fiscally prudent - are winning, they are held up as paragons of savvy business practices. Let them lose a bit, though ... and they're cheap and nearsighted.

Very true, Om.

Unfortunately for Philly, Lurie, Reid et. al. have held themselves up as the "model" salary-cap friendly franchise and the mediots have believed them. It's produced three years of good football, no championships, and now appears to be blowing up in their faces.

Still, there's quite a bit of the season left. If McNabb chooses to show up for a few games, the Eagles will be right back in the mix of things.

Or maybe you've had too much coffee this morning. ;)

This time next week, it could be something much stronger for me. :40oz:

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If past dealings are indication, both Taylor and Vincent may be gone.

Remember a few years ago about how much was made of the Eagles having their tallent signed for multiple years? They said then that they didn't like contract deals when current contracts had run out. They liked bargaining from strength, so they tried to resign their players before the last year of their contracts.

Recent events seem to bear that trend out today.

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