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Happy In-Law Day


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Tomorrow means three things: turkey, football, and in-laws. Any of you have a fun in-law to deal with? I have a yappy know-it-all do deal with. Fortunately, watching football makes it easier, he doesn't talk as much when the game is on. I also spend time with my kids during the day. Still, it takes some patience to sit there and listen to his crap.

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Turkey day really does involve many in-law memories for me, past and present.

My first set of in-laws that were my fault :D (I married her :pfft:) were awful with two exceptions: one of wifey's sisters loved me (literally, I found out later) and was always in my corner. My father-in-law of the time was predicted as the one who would be my "big trouble." As it turned out, he and I got along famously, though we were quite differing in many religious and political views. We killed many a bottle of Cutty Sark together, and found a lot of common ground, enjoying each other's company and appreciating both shared and differing skills immensely. We each learned a lot from one another.

My other in-laws from that past marriage were basically dysfunctional nightmares that contributed heavily to that divorce and this holiday was full of their extended family/friends garbage-conflicts for the many years I lived in their home town.

The current in-law in my life isn't my fault :ols: (sister's hubby) but he is my favorite, though once again there are signiciant religious, poltical, and personality differences. We are tight. He immediately inducted me into the local mens group, known as the "Do Nothing" club, meeting once a week to BS, shoot pool, eat member-prepared lunches and snacks, and play multi-hand cribbage (chess, dominoes, go /go-moku, and scrabble optional mainly due to me).

Now my "grand-niece"'s live-in bf is much like an in-law here, and he is a devout cowboy fan, though he's ok other than that ;) :evilg:.

I'm helping the grand-nice later today with preparing the laundromat where we're going to have thanksgiving, but that's another story. :ols::)

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