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SOW| Fight On! (includes a new rd421/left wallpaper featuring Tim Hightower)


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It’s not a lot of fun watching a team you love get kicked around over and over again. One of the hardest things for me to watch every Redskins – Ravens game is that we typically get physically dominated.

The Ravens play a very physical brand of football. They hit hard, they hit often, and they tell you about it over and over again.

Year after year the Ravens have literally bullied the Skins. Honestly it has really sucked.

Thankfully it’s getting to the point that I do not even recognize the Redskins anymore. Sure the uniforms are the same but outside of that everything is different. So far the 2011 Washington Redskins are playing an entirely different brand of football from anything that we have seen in the last 20 years.

Gone are the old superstar “faces of the franchise” like Clinton Portis, and Donovan McNabb. They have been replaced by a young core of hungry football players, that could care less if their “Pockets Straight”, or if they are in the newest TV ads getting sacked by Michael Strahan.

This team cares deeply about winning football games, and has developed a nasty streak that is one of the most refreshing things I have ever seen. We have heard about the little fights during camp, and now twice seen them scuffle with the apposing team during the preseason.

For the last ten years or so, every time the Redskins have been matched up against teams like the Colts, Steelers or Ravens you could tell they didn’t belong on the same field. They looked scared, played scared, and got pushed around.

The game consistently looked bigger than they were able to handle, and usually the Result was a bloodied beaten and embarrassed team marching toward another losing season.

As of last night, it looks like those days are ending… soon. Finally the Redskins are a franchise that seems to have a clear direction, and that direction is up.

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