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2012 Breakdown: Obama's First Two Years vs The Tea Party's first year; Obama Agenda Dominates Proud Not-racist America, Tea Party Rolls Over Dissilusioned Americana. Voter's Jedi Mind Tricks Confuse Everyone


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So Obama and the Tea Party have essentially had some time to show how well they are going to govern. However; they were governing over completely different America's; not just a radically different psyche, but also radially different eco-political landscape.

I tip my hat to my fellow tailgaters, fellow Americans, and fellow voters; your jedi mind tricks make Yoda himself blush a forest green. The (dis)approval ratings of the President is a revelation, so too is the (dis)approval rating of Congress. How do we explain the 2009 Obama? Pure Gold! He surged into office, with the support of folks dissilusioned with the economy. I even recall newspaper articles touting Obama as the "magic negro". While the right-wingers in the country laughed at the comparison; it seems they are the ones touting his failures as a magician. Hey Obama, where's your rabbit in a hat that's going to cause us to have 4% GDP growth! But the real masterwork of the American people is the Jedi Mind Trick known as the Tea Party... which should be known now as Admirality "We-Don't-Want-to-Pay-for-What-We've-Already-Received" (WDWtPfWWAr, or Who-dee-Poof-er) and their performance in 2010.

We previously had the Who-Dee-Poof-er's during the Bush administration; they didn't want to reform social security; they didn't want to bring in "immigration reform", even though 99% of the immigrants here illegally came through open-door-policies under Bush and Clinton. But the title of "Captains" which that previous electorate may claim, doesn't do justice to the Tea Party. I've seen old folks with signs one one side that say "Taxed Enough Already" and on another one say "Don't Touch my Entitlements!"* Did you already know that your votes have moved forward the "Who-Dee-Poof" agenda for 3 decades? Not one budget surplus; but 30 years of debt buildup? Now that's admiral material American voter! Pick your favorite bipolar celebrity... and think of them as having 120 million votes to case in the over the years... Democrat-Republican-Democrat-Republcian... they don't seem to like either party. And polls now show the Tea Party losing popularity.

For someone who'll actually govern American, we'll need to turn to Obama as the President in 2012. The Tea Party is more like a science demonstration; however there is an object lesson for Obama. "Listen here, Magic Nego, if you don't do what the voters want and at least try to cut some spending, we may roll out Mr. Tea Party himself (or in this case, Ms. Tea Party herself) against you in 2012". That's the Tea Party value proposition.

* - Not really but it makes some awesome rhetoric

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Just out of curiosity, does anyone know the percentage of Americans who identify themselves as "Tea Party" members? (Please source, don't just guess random numbers so you can argue)

I feel like they get SO much press/attention for being a relative minority within the country. Whoever shouts the loudest I guess....

Edit: Found it myself: http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/subjects/t/tea_party_movement/index.html

"The 18 percent of Americans who identify themselves as Tea Party supporters...."

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I think this is what many just don't get.

The people in the Tea Party were against Bush's spending when it happened. They were for immigration reform. They sat out in 2006 and 2008, which led to huge Democrat victories. They came out in huge numbers in 2010 to put people in Congress who actually stand for what they want.

Now, it's up to those representatives to put their money where their mouth is. So far, they largely have.

BTW...Deacon, if 1/2 of the Tea Party wants black Americans hanging from trees, than 90% of Democrats are Pinko Commies. Why even go there?

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*Slow clap*

"Who-Dee-Poof-er" -- I am going to use that more often. It should sow confusion.

---------- Post added August-31st-2011 at 03:19 PM ----------

I think this is what many just don't get.

I have some disagreements with your post, WD. This shouldn't come as a surprise! :-)

The people in the Tea Party were against Bush's spending when it happened.

Hmm, I don't think this is true. Maybe for the Ron Paul folks, but most Tea Partiers are disaffected Republicans who didn't have nary a negative word to say about Bush's spending. Heck, in fact, they STILL want to continue this sort of spending via supply-side tax cuts and even increasing the military budget (which are so-called "national defense tea partiers").

They were for immigration reform.

Stricter immigration enforcement is not "reform."

They sat out in 2006 and 2008, which led to huge Democrat victories.

I am not sure if they sat out in those elections; they were just outvoted, with independents making a huge difference. I really saw little reason for these "tea partiers," again, Republicans, to sit out in these elections. The ORIGINAL libertarian tea partiers probably voted for the Libertarian party: they wouldn't have drastic influence on elections.

I believe motivation for supporting Obama was higher, due to the economy, a desire for, yes, change, and the historical nature of his presidency, but plenty of Republicans voted for their party's candidates.

Again: tea party = mostly Republicans.

They came out in huge numbers in 2010 to put people in Congress who actually stand for what they want.

Again, independents made a difference, and so did the economy. Plus, yes, Democrats did have a reason to be disillusioned, so fewer of them voted in Nov., 2010, while the right wing tea partiers were indeed more motivated.

Now, it's up to those representatives to put their money where their mouth is. So far, they largely have.

Who and what?

The Republicans were supposedly elected to focus on the economy, and they haven't done a darn thing.

BTW...Deacon, if 1/2 of the Tea Party wants black Americans hanging from trees, than 90% of Democrats are Pinko Commies. Why even go there?

Yeah, that is a bit much. But the tea party and its language has been bizarre and extreme. And yes, many tea partiers do believe Democrats are "pinko commies." That is a VERY common sentiment among the right wing.

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I guess you guy's don't read the Stadium or notice the "similar threads" down below.

I only brought up race as a way to characterize what I remember of the early reactions to President Obama... "America is in a post-racial period, we elected a black President!".

I have no idea where Deacon is coming from.

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