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Hogs Haven: Problems with the Redskins Community


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I wish things were like the solidarity of team like days of old.

I wish we had continuity in the way the organization is run.

I wish we presented a united front against people trying to dish dirt on our team.

But ultimately I agree with the author that a lot of this goes square on the shoulders of Daniel Snyder in the manner in which he has handled the team.

Some level of solidarity will come if we continue to bring in high character players like we did this last draft. It will never get to the level of the 80's due to FA but if we stop bringing in the 'me' player just looking for that pay day you will start to see some continuity within the players.

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The media's job is to stir up controversy. The problem with the Redskins community (The fans) imo is that they eat it up and actually put value behind these rumors and bs reports. They take it and make them forums and continue the ineptitude of the franchise in a indirect manner. While the organization is going through a great culture change, the fans have the ability to retard progress by eating this controversy up and acting as reports/analyzers themself. The problem is they are reporting/analyzing on made up stories. This is not positive for the team at all and all of the fans should stop. How about starting a forum on Dejon Gomes and analyzing his on-field ball-hawking skills and how he can help the team instead of starting forums about Dan Snyder's legal troubles and Albert not liking Black women.

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Agree 100%! Also to add on this, fans have become addicted to the chaotic nature of the team.

They love the quick FA signings and have become addicted to it.

They love to hate and discuss the drama around here. All threads involving some sort of drama gets a ridiculous amount of replies.

The addiction to chaos and drama, the adrenaline factor of FA signings, and more is what is hurting this team. The media, the fans, and the owner are all addicted to it. In my eyes, thats the real issue here.

Free Agency is a hell of a drug...

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I know its a journalist job to ask tough question, but the irresponsibility is getting out of hand. It's not fair that someone can sit behind a keyboard, convey a rumor, and say their sources are "players" and "team sources". Things need to be kept behind closed doors and this whole McNabb wristband thing is one of them. If a player did "leak" this then that player needs to learn how to shut up and realize how they hurting their teammates and their organization.

Really who cares one bit about McNabb or wrist bands at this time? Does anyone really think that McNabb's coming back next year? Why make a big deal about McNabb not wearing a wristband? Why not make a bigger deal about that stupid contract we signed him to instead? That's the bigger story here, imo.

McNabb's "wonderful" contract keeps him from staying here next season. We all know we can't keep him at 40 million with this team and his age and wear. We know this and so does the rest of the league. Like so much put forth about this team be it from this forum, or the radio, or teams website or newspapers and there insider sources...this is as transparent as it gets. With everyone knowing that he's outta here we once again screwed up a player situation we could have dealt already. Put McNabb in the same category as this management screwing up and getting a pass on it with not predicting our future better with players. Everyone's counting on us being able to trade McNabb but really who's going to trade for someone they know won't be on the opening roster next year?

Fans are giving too much of a pass to the current management in place instead of calling the good and the bad

Hopefully this will start to change with the quality of men, teammates, and leaders he brings into the organization. Does anyone remember watching the Broncos on MNF when Shanny was there? Like when the Broncos were a staple in the playoffs every year? When the players would introduce themselves the offensive line would refuse to do so, they wouldn't even let MNF take their pictures. In fact, I believe, that any members of the line would not even talk to the media. Let's hope that translates here.

And what exactly did Shannahan win with that mentality exactly? And where are the offensive linemen that you want to do that with on this team? Once again we skipped taking linemen in the draft, yet lets all rejoice - Drew Roenwhatever said we got the steal in the draft...weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Certainly a lot of this goes square on the shoulders of Daniel Snyder in the manner in which he has handled the team. But current players and past players should have a sense of pride in this team and organization. There is a credible, hard nosed coach in the District now, who hopefully is going to take this bull. And there is also a capable general manager who generally believes in the great history of this franchise and doing things the right way. I can see older players, like John Riggins, being frustrated because they saw how great the franchise was when it was ran the right way. But a guy like Lavar Arrington? He has always been here when the team was more or less a joke, especially in the way it was run. So if he "loves" the franchise and the fans the way he says he does then he should be a supportive alumni and stop saying detrimental things that hurt the team. I think he's just here to be a local celebrity more then anything.

And rightfully so. You want to know the reason we get dissed by all the local media? Just look at how Snyder treated the media since becoming owner. Stop crying about how "unfair" and "unjust" and direct that anger towards that man. He caused this, it didn't just happen by an accident.

And I respect Lavar's opinion much more then I ever would a fans. He knows what its been like as a player on this team for years. He knows Snyder and how he does business. And from my seat it's pretty terrible. So he's got every right to complain and not like this forum or form any other opinion he wishes. That's all it is. An opinion. Just because someone didn't win us a championship doesn't give him any less of a right to voice his opinion.

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Winning would definitely helped with the post careers of BMitchel and Lavar Arrington. When anyone looks back over a life and sees disappointment there its natural to want to blame someone. And anyone playing for us for the last 10 years has the right to complain about the ownership here because Snyder's sucked since day one. The problem I have with just leaving it simply as that is Snyder still isn't done being a torn in the media's side and hasn't learned from his past. He's had the reigns of the team in his hands for over a decade and is still suing newspapers and overall being a complete douche. Even if the team this year wins I can't believe that he would suddenly change and not do some of the stupid crap he does. I'd like to have some faith in Snyder but I just don't yet and can't see how anyone really does. Has he gotten better over the years? Sure but he's still grading out as an F, so not enough and not by a long shot

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