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UT: Cam Newton hasn't worked a day in his life and ALREADY needs a VACATION.


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I don't think Cam Newton has said one thing about the Panthers or working hard or looking forward to the challenge or thanking the organization or anything.

all i hear from him is me, my, I, we, me, me, me...

this guy is going to be a bust... lock it.

These Roll Tides fans are everywhere and are really reaching in their need to hate on a player.

The owner are doing a lot of me me I, I, moi while on their "much needed" vacation in their quest to squeeze an extra billion from the players, while restriction their freedom of movement in the market place known as the NFL.

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I don't think Cam Newton has said one thing about the Panthers or working hard or looking forward to the challenge or thanking the organization or anything.

all i hear from him is me, my, I, we, me, me, me...

this guy is going to be a bust... lock it.

very untrue...heard a radio interview last week with Cam and Mushin Muhammed. Cam knows how to talk, thats for sure. He even stopped the interview to ask Mushin Muhammed advice on what it takes to get to the SB and what kinds of little things separate the contenders from the pretenders. What do you need from the QB position, how to motivate his teammates, what kind of attitude and how to approach things (he was even literally writing down notes. they would ask him a question and he didn't respond right away and then he was like "sorry guys i'm just jotting down some of this stuff").....if i was a Panther fan I would have to be very excited for him. This town is just begging for him to take it over, and so far he's saying all the right things. It'll be interesting to see if he backs up this talk if/when business gets going again.

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